**written by ME!!!**


Here to help
salam alikom w.r.b

i wrote these poems :D
inshallah u like dem:)

i used personification.by using he/she /her ..etc...

4 seasons
winter spreads his wings and the wind wistles
through the windows,he watches people shiverring
winking the world with his eye ,waking us wherever we are
sadness has stopped ,showers have stopped
spring has settled ,the sun sends shimmers ,and silently the sea sparkles
summer is sprinting, shadows have arrived ,
the sea got heated by the sun so the special people are on the shiny shore ,shouting ,screaming,and smiling
Autumn has arrived ,across the astonishing country
all the adults are angry,and always cold.
say good bye ..or you will go BOLD .. lol :D

today's the crafty night and no calm will come
she crushes the ground with all her power until it reaches the core
heer sound is higher than the lions fighting each other
she also cooks the trees into hard ashes
the sky starts to glow like its on fire ,and the wind is walking around
like a big huge man breathing in and out ,so his freezing cold breath hides us aways
the bitter sky freezes the roads on the way ,she acts LIKE we are her enemies!!
her grey hair cover's teh sun light and dries it aways​

winter is a sad old man,with grey hair, weeping all day
slowly,silently the cold turns his tears into snow
then he does his magic trick and freezes the high-way
he turns of the lights very early
and orders the sun to settle down for the day
and falls asleep astray
then the snow starts to get bigger
like a cake rissing in the oven slowly
it starts to melt the flowers on the trees
glow like small lights ,shimmering as do distance stars
the universe generating the birth of spring​

and last but not least **the best :D**

Seasons of cold and biting wind
The sun now week and hidden by his clouds
Close bosom friend of Jack Frost
Conspiring with him to bring the stormy nights
He stocks the shops with food and supplies
And undresses the trees from their green leaves
Blocking the roads with his white arms
Blowing mist all around
Hiding animals asleep under the snow
Until they think the warm day will never return

...Has anyone ever seen him icy and bright
In the middle of rivers and lakes shimmering with light
He makes people huddle together in their cozy homes
Listening to the wind whistle and moan
He loads and bends the pine trees with snow
The light of the moon on holly does glow

... Where have all the rhythms gone??
Searching in vain the sun wan
As thunder is called, to tear the silence
Covering the land dark and dense
But the swallows of summer are not around
Winter has strengthened his icy hold
On town and country gripped with cold
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *​

by:Osman El-Mais ©

lol you can copy them if you want!!!:D

please let me kno of what you think ..
thats the final i finished them all ALhamulelah

and if u think they are crap pease tell me :D


Junior Member
Nice poem

so nice,poem osman
but,u seems love winter.....:biggrin::p
but,i like it..if u have more poems ,osman..i'd love to read them..

i wrote lot of poems,
but,some of them sad
somethem about love...i use "HE"
it's not okey,to post them in TTI...
may i post some sad poems


under twenty

i like da last one also