

New Member
How to approach non-muslims

Hey, my name is Rayan (girl). I have lived in the U.S. since I was 7 months, am 15. I go to public school, act like a normal teenager. The only time I really ever speak of Islam to non-muslims is when they ask me questions, which sometimes I get annoyed about because I don't want to seem different, I am trying to get it in my head that people asking questions is probably a good thing. Anyways, I was wondering how exactly should a person spread the word of Islam. Would it be considered rude to challenge the words of a christian, would informing someone about the religion seem like your imposing on them? Please give me answers, because I would really like to contribute to Islam's rapid growing all over the world.



Junior Member
Hey, my name is Rayan (girl). I have lived in the U.S. since I was 7 months, am 15. I go to public school, act like a normal teenager. The only time I really ever speak of Islam to non-muslims is when they ask me questions, which sometimes I get annoyed about because I don't want to seem different, I am trying to get it in my head that people asking questions is probably a good thing. Anyways, I was wondering how exactly should a person spread the word of Islam. Would it be considered rude to challenge the words of a christian, would informing someone about the religion seem like your imposing on them? Please give me answers, because I would really like to contribute to Islam's rapid growing all over the world.


ve alaikum salam little sister:) You Need to teach people and your friends islam's Beliefs and conditions(salah,fasting,hajj..) if they know them excatly i am sure they will turn to islam
Hey, my name is Rayan (girl). I have lived in the U.S. since I was 7 months, am 15. I go to public school, act like a normal teenager. The only time I really ever speak of Islam to non-muslims is when they ask me questions, which sometimes I get annoyed about because I don't want to seem different, I am trying to get it in my head that people asking questions is probably a good thing. Anyways, I was wondering how exactly should a person spread the word of Islam. Would it be considered rude to challenge the words of a christian, would informing someone about the religion seem like your imposing on them? Please give me answers, because I would really like to contribute to Islam's rapid growing all over the world.


Asalaamalikum sister,

I'm glad you joined the big family. Inshallah you will find this site very friendly and helpful.

Regarding about how a person should spread the word of Islam - the best way to do this is leading by example. Sure you can inform them by speaking the basics that we believe in 1 God, and all the Prophets (Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, Adam, etc- peace be upon them all) and Prophet Mohammad (saw) was the seal of the Prophets, but your actions can speak just as loud as your words.


“Verily, Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves.” (Quran, 13:11)


Salaam Little Sister,

Each person said the same thing. Muslims are like roses. The fragrance is so sweet and the manners so good...let them come and check us out. Let Islam shine from the inside. Something like the song: This little light of mine..I'm gonna make it shine... When the light shines it spreads.
I am so glad you are here.


No God but Allah
Dear sister Rayan, Assalamo alikom

You are very welcomed here, sister :)
I do appreciate your spirit and I wanna tell you that it's of great enjoyment when you succeed to convey the Truth to those who are thirsty for it.
I'm from Egypt and I'm eager to talk about Islam to the Christians we have here, but it's always too difficult because Egyptian Christians are fanatic enough. I think the situation is different in US, so you have a good chance to provide lots of people the Truth that, I'm sure, they are in a bad need of it.
First, you need to read and learn as much as you can to be able to convince them. Also you can give them the Holy Qur'an as a present. Many people converted after reading just some verses of the Qur'an.
Make it your goal and Allah will help you.
Your sister, Amany


Im Proud 2 B Me!

Welcome to TTI

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

Take Care,


Junior Member
Welcome sister to TTI ......

have a pleasant stay in this forum and also looking forward to learn more about islam from you ..

jazzak allah


Here to help
welcome sis...........
.. to the family:D
. inshallah you find your stay here at TTI beneficial, as well as enjoyable, and inshaAllah we benefit from each other.
PS. your part of the familly now, make us proud :lol:


romanian muslimah
as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu
:SMILY206: to TTI, inshaAllah you’ll have a pleasant and long stay sister

May ALLAH (swt) keep us all on the right path.