"You do not have the right to live"!!??


Pearl of Islaam

In the name of Allah,The Most Mercyfull,The most Compassionate

Allahs Messager s.a.w.s(May Allahs peace and blessings be upon him) said:“Who ever meet himselfe,he will meet His Lord“. There is so much truth reflected in this litlle sentence,which is nothing but truth. In my own thoughts this haadaith,the words of my beloved Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s guideed me to the diffrent thoughts again,and on the end to the Truth. We can say:“Who ever meet His Lord,he will meet himselfe“,and it is truth again. Who ever meet Allah Almighty and all His Greatness and Mercy he will meet so much divine Beauty in himselfe,the reason of his existence and the way which he should foolow.
Life is a gift I have said to myselfe many years ago, and I say that now while watching in sky and its blue dresses. But I have heared that someone has said:
„You do not have the right to live“ . Again the same arogancy in heart and words of the one that loves only himselfe, of the one that values only that what is his, of the one that humilates others on the base of nothing. Becouse of his stone heart he has forgot the basic rights of every human. The right on dreams, belifs, , those moments in which we clean our souls to meet our Lord without a shame of ourselves while going on journey where peacefull and pleased souls have discover the secret of life and there existence. But yet that arogant soul thinks not only that life of other worths nothing, but he also thinks that he has the right to take that „worthles“ life. Souch shame has falln on this lost soul. Souch sadness when he seas himselfe in a tear that has been shead by the soul that went on journey to her Lord.

Did he forget, did they forget that Allah is the One who is giving life and that we all belong to Him Only??? Did he forget,did they forget that there is not sense of life without piety,and piety is understaning that Allah is above everyone and everything. The existence of God is proved with God itselfe. God is always backing to Him selfe and proving His Existence by Him selfe. Pious man or women are His Greatest Proofs, We must be the sources of goodnes,love,giving,Mercy and all other beautiful characteristics which will make us perfect human beings.I have heared the wind saying“Allah is the Greatest“, and I have seen him passing that message to those flowers in a garden,than to those birds, than to those clouds, stars, to everything that is alive. Everything around me is witnessing – every river to her mouth comes, just like it is remainding us to be carefull while choosing which water in our hands we will bring, becouse in oasis of clean rivers only clean can flow. I want to fulfill my life with cleaning myselfe and others, becouse how uncline I will come to Him. „Allah is the Greatest“ my heart has witnissed , when the wind has promissed to me that he will take my message to all those whose hearts are opened to live for Him, to all those whose eyes are opened to look for Him, to all those whose souls are opened to cry for Him.

To me, to remaind me on Him, becouse my heart suffers when I forgot on The Most Loving One.

Written by;Asja


Junior Member
Subhana'Allah. How beautiful your soul is. The journey you describe, i am also taking, and i pray for your soul to be blessed with al Firdausul A'la. And from reading your words, I have a passion to meet your soul. And I pray Allah blesses me with this gift, because I want to meet your beautiful soul in jannah. Aameen. Ya Rabb, Aameen!!!

Oh Allah grant Asja a great palace in jannah, and give her the blessing to drink from rivers in jannah, and to eat fruits of jannah, to wear clothes of jannah, and to amongst the people of jannah. Aameen! Ya Allah please give my dear sister al Firdausul A'la.

Oh Allah help my sister to weep in fear of You, Oh Allah. Help her to become close to You, and give her the ability to stay awake in the early hours of the morning in rememberance of You. Aameen.

I want to meet your soul, please make du'a for me, that I am able to meet your soul.


Pearl of Islaam
Subhana'Allah. How beautiful your soul is. The journey you describe, i am also taking, and i pray for your soul to be blessed with al Firdausul A'la. And from reading your words, I have a passion to meet your soul. And I pray Allah blesses me with this gift, because I want to meet your beautiful soul in jannah. Aameen. Ya Rabb, Aameen!!!

Oh Allah grant Asja a great palace in jannah, and give her the blessing to drink from rivers in jannah, and to eat fruits of jannah, to wear clothes of jannah, and to amongst the people of jannah. Aameen! Ya Allah please give my dear sister al Firdausul A'la.

Oh Allah help my sister to weep in fear of You, Oh Allah. Help her to become close to You, and give her the ability to stay awake in the early hours of the morning in rememberance of You. Aameen.

I want to meet your soul, please make du'a for me, that I am able to meet your soul.

Assalamu Allaicum wa Raahmatullah wa baarakatuhu

BaarakAllah feekhum my dearest sister for your so beautiful duas and words. Mashallah,your soul is so beautiful dear sister and you have so big heart so you find kindness and beauty in everything.

Ameen summa ameen my beloved sister for your all your duas. I wsih for you the same and more.May Allah reword you with happiness,peace and high eman,and increase your great Love for Allah each day of your life.

May Allah bless you always and reword you Jannatul Firdows sister and make you His pious servent.Ameen.:tti_sister:

Inshallah that we meet one day,alhough are souls are already met,SubhanAllah.

Wa Allaicum Saalam Wa Raahmatullah Wa Baarakatuhu


OntheWayOf ALLAH
"I have heared the wind saying“Allah is the Greatest“, and I have seen him passing that message to those flowers in a garden,than to those birds, than to those clouds, stars, to everything that is alive. Everything around me is witnessing – every river to her mouth comes, just like it is remainding us to be carefull while choosing which water in our hands we will bring, becouse in oasis of clean rivers only clean can flow."

I got fixed on these sentences really.. My mind is always saying such things because I know this as a knowledge but untill now I couldnt feel it in my heart full like that.. MasaAllah ya sister.. May Allah bless and protect you alwyas and keep you near our Prophet inshaallah..

wa alaykum salam


Pearl of Islaam
"I have heared the wind saying“Allah is the Greatest“, and I have seen him passing that message to those flowers in a garden,than to those birds, than to those clouds, stars, to everything that is alive. Everything around me is witnessing – every river to her mouth comes, just like it is remainding us to be carefull while choosing which water in our hands we will bring, becouse in oasis of clean rivers only clean can flow."

I got fixed on these sentences really.. My mind is always saying such things because I know this as a knowledge but untill now I couldnt feel it in my heart full like that.. MasaAllah ya sister.. May Allah bless and protect you alwyas and keep you near our Prophet inshaallah..

wa alaykum salam

Assalamu Allaicum

Jazzak Allah khar dear sister for your kind reply. I am very glade that you like it and find it usefull Alhmadulillah. It is truth sister that we sometimes can not understand with our reason how Allah is The Greatest and how much words can be said only from two words "Allahu Akbar" which are describeing How Allah is Great SubhanAllah.

May Allah bless you too dear sister,protect you and keep you always neer Allah subahn we teala and RasullAllah s.a.w.s.Ameen

wa allaicum saalam


Junior Member
Assalam O Alaikum wr wb

*I am Speechless
MashAllah such a Beautiful Description of Your Journey
i must see this is one of the few Posts and Writings which has Inspired me alot
Plz make Dua for me Too,To be a Good Practising Muslim
and I also want to be In Jannah InshAllah
May Allah swt Reward you


Junior Member

exellent post. jazak Allahu ckair. it is reflcting the beauty of your soul. mashaallah sister... it is touching to c teens like you



Pearl of Islaam
Assalam O Alaikum wr wb

*I am Speechless
MashAllah such a Beautiful Description of Your Journey
i must see this is one of the few Posts and Writings which has Inspired me alot
Plz make Dua for me Too,To be a Good Practising Muslim
and I also want to be In Jannah InshAllah
May Allah swt Reward you

Allaicumu Sallam dear sister

Jazzak Allah khair for your kind words MashAllah and I am glade that you have benefit from my simple post.

May Allah reword you with beautifull Jannah and may Allah make us all better Muslims. Ameen

Ramadhan Mubarak dear sister:hearts:



Pearl of Islaam

exellent post. jazak Allahu ckair. it is reflcting the beauty of your soul. mashaallah sister... it is touching to c teens like you


Allaicumu Sallam dear sister Safiya

Jazzak Allah khair for your always inspiring words that show us the beauty of your heart and love for Islam MasHallah.:):hearts:

We are blessed to have sister like you from which we can learn a loot InshAllah.

May Allah bless you dear and keep you always under His mercy.Ameen:tti_sister:



Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o aliakum

Mashallah sister Asja a really beautiful post ,
May Allah (swt) bless you with Jannah for this beautiful imagery that you created with words - ameen :)


Pearl of Islaam
aslam o aliakum

Mashallah sister Asja a really beautiful post ,
May Allah (swt) bless you with Jannah for this beautiful imagery that you created with words - ameen :)

Wa allaicum saalam

May Allah reword you dear brother for your kind heart and reword you too with beautiful Jannah.Ameen.:)
