your best?


Travelling towards my grave.
assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

This is not a game, nor a fun making thread too. Just want to hear from you something which we all will inshaAllah enjoy.

We all have met many and many people in our life. From different parts of the world. Almost all of theirs' behaviour or actions are different. Some we like and some we do not like.

Kindly mention about the best person you have met, and the major act of him/her which made him/her your best.

Hope we all will be able to learn from many benefiting real situations.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
well, its a good thread...
well, the most kind person i have met are many...
k, lemme tell the most kind person is my cousins wife...
she is very sincere, and very loving person, i have almost shared everything with her...
she loves me, and i love her too..and he magor act is that , if i cry, she cries, and if i enjoy in saying anything , she enjoys with me, if i am in pain, even she goes in pain....
well, thanks for the bautiful thread..
you really reminding the past...


Travelling towards my grave.
well, its a good thread...
well, the most kind person i have met are many...
k, lemme tell the most kind person is my cousins wife...
she is very sincere, and very loving person, i have almost shared everything with her...
she loves me, and i love her too..and he magor act is that , if i cry, she cries, and if i enjoy in saying anything , she enjoys with me, if i am in pain, even she goes in pain....
well, thanks for the bautiful thread..
you really reminding the past...

assalam 'alaikum

JazakiAllahu khair sister. MashaAllah that is wonderful. I pray all of us to get such wonderful people to be in our families. Indeed Muslim Ummah is one body, as described by Rasoolullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam).



OntheWayOf ALLAH
My MOM :):)

Inshaallah one day I can be patient and merciful like her.. I have never seen a person like her, her heart is full of kindness always..

My grandmother was ill (dad's mom) for nearly 9 years and she couldnt go even to toilet, however my mom cared for her and I never saw her face even one time angry or frowned... Then her own parents got old and needed to be cared, and Allah forgives non of my 3 uncles did anything for them and again my mom got the responsibility to care for them..

Inshaallah I can be a good daughter for her also :)


Travelling towards my grave.
My MOM :):)

Inshaallah one day I can be patient and merciful like her.. I have never seen a person like her, her heart is full of kindness always..

My grandmother was ill (dad's mom) for nearly 9 years and she couldnt go even to toilet, however my mom cared for her and I never saw her face even one time angry or frowned... Then her own parents got old and needed to be cared, and Allah forgives non of my 3 uncles did anything for them and again my mom got the responsibility to care for them..

Inshaallah I can be a good daughter for her also :)

assalam 'alaikum

MashaAllah! Yes Indeed that is the reason why we have to raise our children on a solid foundation. With that, inshaAllah we also will be able to have children like your mom ukhti.

True. We must be kind to our parents when they need us. They will need us most when they get old.

Alhamdhulillah still this Ummah have some people who keeps the Noor of Caring which the Sahaba has shown to their parents. Alhamdhulillah! :)



Junior Member

there are many ppl

I want to start with my beloved grandmother ( may Allah have mercy with her) she suffered from cancer. but i never heard her complaining about that... and eventhough I know she was sick I never believed she had an incurable disease... till her sickness got worse and I could see with my own eyes how this woman who was full of joy and energy could not walk by herself anymore.... when I saw the big tumor on her neck and how she was so emaciated... I was shocked... and i realized my grandmother is sick... and she wil die soon.... I remember when she didn´t go to sleep despite of her tiredness and weakness due to her affliction and despite it was pretty late.... but she was keen not to miss any prayer and waiting to perform her Aisha prayer... she was a person everybody asked for advice... and she was a person who was afflicted with the sorrow of other ppl and delighted by the happiness of others.... she devoted her life to be helpfull and usefull to others and with the help of Allah and her support many ppl who was in the wrong path have repented...! I miss her alot...

and then my uncle Ahmed... he takes time for ppl in need and trying to help them. he is busy with dawa... If something is haram he is staying away from it and never would he even think to commit a sin knowingly... ( I heard from other ppl) there was a muslim men who passed away and he was all alone... I live in a nonmuslim country and they wanted to burry this man like a non-muslim but my uncle prevented that and he was burried like a muslim...

and then i have a sister Layla... I know her from tti... she is a mirrow to me... I c my wrongs through her and she is not even saying a word to make me realize them... she is just acting like Allah wants... she is my big sister and I just love her...

all these ppl are not my relatives but i still love them for the sake of Allah...actually i could go on and on but I will stop here... lol...



Travelling towards my grave.

there are many ppl

I want to start with my beloved grandmother ( may Allah have mercy with her) she suffered from cancer. but i never heard her complaining about that... and eventhough I know she was sick I never believed she had an incurable disease... till her sickness got worse and I could see with my own eyes how this woman who was full of joy and energy could not walk by herself anymore.... when I saw the big tumor on her neck and how she was so emaciated... I was shocked... and i realized my grandmother is sick... and she wil die soon.... I remember when she didn´t go to sleep despite of her tiredness and weakness due to her affliction and despite it was pretty late.... but she was keen not to miss any prayer and waiting to perform her Aisha prayer... she was a person everybody asked for advice... and she was a person who was afflicted with the sorrow of other ppl and delighted by the happiness of others.... she devoted her life to be helpfull and usefull to others and with the help of Allah and her support many ppl who was in the wrong path have repented...! I miss her alot...

and then my uncle Ahmed... he takes time for ppl in need and trying to help them. he is busy with dawa... If something is haram he is staying away from it and never would he even think to commit a sin knowingly... ( I heard from other ppl) there was a muslim men who passed away and he was all alone... I live in a nonmuslim country and they wanted to burry this man like a non-muslim but my uncle prevented that and he was burried like a muslim...

and then i have a sister Layla... I know her from tti... she is a mirrow to me... I c my wrongs through her and she is not even saying a word to make me realize them... she is just acting like Allah wants... she is my big sister and I just love her...

all these ppl are not my relatives but i still love them for the sake of Allah...actually i could go on and on but I will stop here... lol...


wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

MashaAllah! MashaAllah! MashaAlllah!

I am getting speechless now. Subuhaanallah what a wonderful lives. May Allah reward you abundantly sister.

WajazakiAllahu khairan. :)

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Junior Member
well, this is a very close and amazing person.

my aunt. she got newly married last year. and this summer she came to visit us all on her own. we love her a lot. she always made us happy. she held us back from doing wrong. and she was so rightous, she did every prayer, she spent an hour after every prayer in duaa and worship.... she's back now- and she treats her in'laws respectfully and with love. she's a very loyal and loving person.


Junior Member
Wa alaykumus Salam.
The best person that I have ever met is my beloved grandmother..:). I have never seen a woman more patient, pious, sweet and caring like her..:)

She has paralysis for the past 10 years or more. She can not move her right hand and leg. Still, she has never given up and spends most of her time in Ibadat. She can't do wudhu herself. Someone has to help her to perform it. She sometimes feels immense pain in her legs but she still finds the courage to offer her Namaz 5 times a day. She reads Qur'an daily. She makes a LOT of tasbeehat.
It's not at all easy being a handicapped person and I just wonder " Where does she find the strength to do all of this??"

A real inspiring woman she is!! :hearts:
May Allah swt bless her. Ameen.


Travelling towards my grave.
well, this is a very close and amazing person.

my aunt. she got newly married last year. and this summer she came to visit us all on her own. we love her a lot. she always made us happy. she held us back from doing wrong. and she was so rightous, she did every prayer, she spent an hour after every prayer in duaa and worship.... she's back now- and she treats her in'laws respectfully and with love. she's a very loyal and loving person.

Wa alaykumus Salam.
The best person that I have ever met is my beloved grandmother..:). I have never seen a woman more patient, pious, sweet and caring like her..:)

She has paralysis for the past 10 years or more. She can not move her right hand and leg. Still, she has never given up and spends most of her time in Ibadat. She can't do wudhu herself. Someone has to help her to perform it. She sometimes feels immense pain in her legs but she still finds the courage to offer her Namaz 5 times a day. She reads Qur'an daily. She makes a LOT of tasbeehat.
It's not at all easy being a handicapped person and I just wonder " Where does she find the strength to do all of this??"

A real inspiring woman she is!! :hearts:
May Allah swt bless her. Ameen.

assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

MashaAllah that is wonderful. MashaAllah!

I pray Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) to increase such people in this Ummah, so that the youngsters will grow-up on a solid foundation.

Wazajakumullahu khairan sisters.

Any more to come?

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Travelling towards my grave.
assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Waiting for more.........:)

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh