Your way to Islam !!!!!share your story

nori suja'i

Junior Member
Masya'Allah, i thank u for the beautiful stories.
i'm born muslim and practise this law as my parent did.
but i need some request from brothers & sisters to my reverted friend who passed away recently for your do'a. Her name was clara lee but her muslim name was shireen. her husband also a revert muslim. i was not surprised when i found out that she's reverted to islam as besides having good character, soft spoken, also pretty and pious muslim. She quite younger than me but Allah loves her more.
May Allah bless her soul and placed her in jennah. Ameen.


. I was born in society that music was the first thing that we all live with . Going to clubs , dating , drinking , living life to the fullest. Now i converted to ISlam with the main concept that inside i got to believe that there was one God and that there is not son or nothing else but God and the angels. As well i understood that indeed it seem clear to me and logical that Muhammad (peace be upon him ) was the last prophet . People ask me what made you to convert to ISlam , why you did it ? i only can say that it all began inside my heart . A strong believe that there was One and only God and nothing else more worthy to worship but that Almighty God . I did not took the chance to learn all the everything about Islam just believe that there is one God and that it seems clear to me inside that i should follow this way . I believe that this is the right way . Then read the Quran for weeks , I went to the mosque to find more information . That day after Isha prayer i converted to ISlam. IT was like a new begining for me . At the first i knew some rules , not drinking , not clubs , not party , not dating , not bad music , not bad movies , not to all the bad things i knew kind of what was haram and halal . However God knows me and by the time it passed months after months i kept my self pure as i started but then the test begun . I falied more than 50 times over major sins . Now i feel all the time i wake up so a shamed of my self . Sometimes i wish i could stop breathing and not live so this way i would not fail again and again . I gotten weaker than ever i thought . I keep asking my self if there is a way and i asked God so many times to forgive me and i feel like how could i face him on prayer when i do wrong i feel so hypocrite . I know there is a solution but i cant find it , I just hope God forgives me and guide me to the point where i can see for my self the way that could stop falling. For the most i look for is to be forgiven and feel God closer to me like i did in the first time when i confess (shahadah) . I'm looking to gain that feeling back again but it seems hard after all the events that have happen in my life.......


Allah SWT is most merciful and oft-forgiving. So long as you do not associate any one else in worshiping him, he will forgive your sins no matter how big they are.
This does not imply that you can commit sins and then ask for forgiveness and repeat committing sins.
Once you do taubah (sincere repentance), you must not repeat the same sins again, so you also have a responsibility. Allah has done his part by forgiving your sins, but you have to do your part by staying away from sins, and pleasing Allah.

May Allah SWT give you the strength and courage to overcome your difficulties.

P.S. You said "you're looking to gain back that feeling". Well brother, ask yourself what have you doesn't differently than which you're not doing currently? Have you offered Salah and read Quran back then which you're not doing now? Engaging in different forms of worship (offering salah, reading quran, remembering Allah, seeking his countenance, etc), and associating yourself with good crowd will no doubt help you abstain from sins.




New Member
Well i started out as an agnostic until one day one of my friends said that if i didnt choose a path that i would be damned he's a christan btw. So i went to the book store and bought 3 books the Tipitaka, the bible, and the Qur'an. I read all three and felt that to me the tipitaka was more of a fairytale to me then a way to guide my life. I felt the bible was to onesided. made women look like objects instead of an equal. And the reason as i chose Allah as my guide in life is that the qur'an made me feel like everyone is equal in the religion. I saw that as long as you see Allah as your one true God then it didnt matter wiether you were black white yellow green orange you were equal. So it was an easy choice for me.

As-salaamu Alaykum brothers and sisters


New Member

I guess it's my turn now :)

I moved to London 5 years ago, from Italy, where I have been growing up in a Catholic family, (not really practicing though).
Once in London I have been working with muslims straight away but unfortunately none of them was giving me a good example. I mean, I didn't even realize they were muslims. I didn't really care about religion, for me God was there like a "superior thing" over everything.
Then I finally met a muslim who, without speaking and without trying to "brain wash" me, gave me the best example, through the acts and behaves. So, we can say that Allah gave the famous "click" in my brain through this person. Alhamdulillah!
What I was more curious about was the prayer....and the reason of "not eating certain kind of food". So I started with questions but at the same time this muslim helped me to find an italian sister who was already converted and that could help me to understand in my mother tongue. Alhamdulillah!
During that period I went to Italy to visit my family and there I took my decision. I searched in the bible and find out things that I didn't know about until that day and that nobody during those years in Italy ever talked to me about! So I thought: Islam is the truth!
Back to London I gave the shahadah and I gave it with the same person who was, (and is until today), the good muslim example near me.
The first thing I wished to do was to pray! Wallahi I remember that inside of me I had this big desire to prostrate and be 1 to 1 with Allah! Alhamdulillah!
So, brothers & sisters, don't be upset if you are shy or you don't feel confident in giving da'wah by words...act! The acts speak better than the words! SubhanAllah!

I hope I didn't write too much ;)

Alsalamuo Alikum,
Mashaa Allah good story and the best pais we have to act if we can not make dawaah with words.

MAshaa Allah
:) Amalia


New Member

i was born a muslim mashallah but i would rather be a convert as most of the converts i have met try sooo much harder to be good muslims than people hu are born into islam!!!!!

My dear sister Maryam,
Who know if you were not born mosluim were u see the truth when it comes to you?

Allah my dear give you and me and many more to born mosluim and save us from the hell fair. and may be if we are not mosluim we may not see the truth. and stay in Kofor(والعياذ بالله)

great stories brother and sister am really enjoying and ealising the truth of Islam with every word.

Keep posting
:) Amalia


New Member
Well, i'll start out by saying that I never actually followed a religion before Islam. I believed in God, but I just never said I was a part of any religion. My dad's side of the family though is Catholic, my great Aunt is even a nun. Before 9/11 I knew nothing about Islam what so ever. After 9/11, obviously I did hear a lot about Islam. I had a lot of negative views of it because of the media, and because my dad had such a negative view on Islam as well it kind of grew on me so I just believed everything he said. Yet he knows nothing about it. I thought Islam was a terrorist religion, thought that Muslim women were oppressed. You know, everything the media says about it.

Last year in August and some of September in 2006, I was very depressed. I literally hit rock bottom. Out of no where, I just had this feeling like I needed to learn about Islam. I knew it was because I wanted to know if what the media was saying was true..but I knew that maybe it was Allah (swt)'s way of guiding me and saving me from whatever path I was heading down. In late August I decided to learn about Islam the only way I could, which was online. Started going to Islamic websites, watching videos. Thought okay....this isn't what I thought it was. So then I decided to read the Qur'an..the only way I could which was also online. I remember telling myself a whole lot of times before I started learning about Islam and reading the Qur'an was "I'm not going to convert. This is just for knowledge. I could never become a Muslim." After reading the first 30 chapters, I just knew I had too. I wasn't even finished reading the Qur'an and I knew I had to convert. Of course when I had that feeling I was terrified because of my family, and even my friends but more of my family. I put it off for a while. I didn't ignore everything about Islam that I learned, but I kept putting off that I wanted to convert. Then April 24th, 2007 I said my shahadah alone in my room.

I believe too (and I have no idea if this will make sense) that i've always been a Muslim, I just didn't know. I know we are all born Muslim, but just go down a different path that maybe our family led us too. But I realized that I actually always believed in one God, and I believed in Jesus but not as God or the son of God, I just knew he was someone important that should be respected. Also with all the things that Islam prohibits (drinking, partying, fornication, etc) I was always against.

It's been a very, very, very bumpy road so far. Still want to tell my family i'm a Muslim, but then i'm very scared too. I feel like I need a sister to hold my hand while I tell them, lol.

But yep that's my story. Nothing interesting. I actually posted a video on youtube about my reversion, but I took it down today.

Mashaa Allah my dear sister,
another great story showing the truth of Allah.
am happy for you and inshaa allah you will learn Islam and serve it by beig a good moslimah.
mashaa allah
:) Amalia


New Member
[Good afternoon everyone.
I am 25, French and Muslim since the first day of this year's Ramadan.
Here is my story.
I've been raised by my Swiss mother and half Algerian father. She used to be protestant but denied God after her father's death. His father was Muslim but he's been raised in a catholic church. He's always believed in God and raised all his kids with beautiful values and moral. Both have beautiful hearts and gave their lives to others, helping and advising to the right path.
Unfortunately in his early years, my dad married a woman who changed him and spoiled him. This woman was a kind of witch full of dirty spells. No one will never explain me how, but after his divorce (and 2 kids) and he married my mum, they accepted to accommodate his ex wife who lived under our roof until I was born. I believe that she put a kind of malediction into my family because their lives since them just changed direction. He turned into alcoholism and hard drugs. He almost died a few times. But he’s never been violent and has always been _despite his weakness_ the most giving person in the world. You can imagine how I grew up. I needed to be mature enough very quickly and was adult thinking by the age of 8. I’ve never been able to understand this world, how it works and why people act the way they do. My mum always told me to believe in men. I couldn’t understand how she still could believe in them. Secretly, in my bedroom, after crying for hours, I prayed God the way I saw it in movies and have been Listened by Him. I asked him not to be alone anymore and He sent me a sister when I reached 11.
Her parents are Senegalese. Her mother died months before we met and her father abandoned her and her 3 brothers and sisters when they were young. They were all Muslim. There’ve immediately been a connection between Maty and me. Not a normal one. Something told us that we would be linked for ever. We knew it whilst we were children. We became inseparable very quickly. After a few years, we completed each others sentences. Today, I don’t even need to talk to her anymore as I know what she thinks almost all the time. Something extraordinary linked us and saved us.
My parents also became very close to this whole family and decided one day to adopt all of them. They are a full part of the family and they've always been treated the same way than us.
But, not only did I find a family, I also found my religion.
When I reached 14, I’ve had a dream urging me to become Muslim. From that day on, I stopped eating pork and started studying Islam.
Although I was genuinely interested in religion, it was also our “teenage bad age” and my new sister and I started smoking cannabis a huge deal. After cannabis, it was alcohol and without even realising it we both were drinking one to two glasses of wine per day. It also happened to go to far with alcohol and each time I’ve been on my own facing the rest of the world, I drunk and drunk and drunk, sometimes to much for my brain to understand anything happening. I made huge mistakes and realised I turned my back to Islam.
A year ago, I’ve had another “revelation”. I realised that all I’ve been asking when I was a child actually happened, that all I’ve been praying for have been realised. And I understood how unfaithful I had been and decided to turn back to Islam. I learned how to pray on the first day of Ramadan this year. My sister and I are now in the right direction.
My father stopped drinks and drugs 5 years ago. It was too late. His brain is not working properly anymore, he’s got diabetes, hepatic, lung cancer and in a few days will have a biopsy and check on his vocal cords. Doctors told me he wouldn’t last a year. Up to a few months ago, I still thought I would never be able to forgive him for what he’s done to his family. Because of him, my mum is highly depressed and has never had a normal life, I’m quite weird and all his children are traumatised. But I realised recently that it’s not him who needs forgiveness but me. I should never have to judge my parents. Their choices were theirs and I’ve also made mistakes. Since then, my relationship with him improved a lot and we started talking. I discovered that he’s always been a Muslim in his heart. I told him I started praying and he was the happiest dad in the world. He is proud of me because I’ve taken a different path.

Today, I feel it’s my role to push him back in religion. His health is worse and worse everyday and I fear his lost soon. I now live in London but do my best to go back to France very frequently to see him. I’m afraid I don’t know what to start with. I don’t know how to put the subject on the table. I just want him to know the FATIHA before his death. I just wish he listens to me. But all he says is “it’s too late for me”.

If anyone, anyone can help me, please do.

I don’t know why I felt the urge to express myself today. It’s very rare, moreover on Internet. But I’ve been guided.
I’m sorry if some of you don’t find this text written well enough.


My dear sister ( Nahid )
I hope every thing is OKay with you and your father. Nice story and Alhamdullah that Allah showed you the right path. May allah save your father and all your family and every one you loved.



New Member
ma sha allah ..

very great stories ..

i will back to read all of it ..

ma shaallah my sis aisha ..

i read your story . may allah bless you dear ..



Junior Member
I am the least qualified to talk about Islam for the simple fact that I'm 6 years old...

Let me explain...

I lead a life of waste, I was so use to pitting my wits against those who were older then me and I would thrive on the challenge of life. I had wit and charm by the bucket load. I wasted away years not knowing what day it was, what year it was all I cared about was how I was going to get what I wanted no matter what it cost anyone around me.

I would tell you what I would do but Allah (swt) covered my sins so I do not want to expose them.

One day I had got this real stupid haircut with lines in the back of my head thinking it looked good.
I knew my parents would go ballistic as always so I thought id chill in the other room and enjoy the peace while I had it.

I was trying to watch TV when I heard this screaming. I thought 'Bloody kids' and went back to the TV but the screaming wouldn't stop. I looked out the window and I saw the lady across the road on her knees screaming and crying. Ive worked in the Support Industry for many years so have been trained to act first think later. Next thing I know Ive got my trainers in my hand putting them on as I ran out the door. By now the lady was running down the road so I ran after her. I shouted 'Sister Stop!'She stopped and turned around. To this day I will never forget what I was about to see. She was holding a baby but this baby was on fire! The whole baby was burning in front of my eyes. Instinct took over and I grabbed it, I patted the flames out and ran back to my house. I ran into the hallway and put the baby down to try to get the clothes off at the same time as trying to phone for an ambulance.

I was looking deep into this baby's eyes looking at the pain, looking at the tears that would fall in the cheek and then hiss as the heat would dry it. I could hear the operator trying to talk to me but then my mum and my sister walked into the hallway and started to scream when they saw the sight that awaited them. I tried to block everything out as I tried to get the babies nappy off and it was then I realised that this child of 3 that had its hair all burnt off, its skin completely burnt, the inside of its mouth burnt so it couldnt cry that would stare at me was a girl!

I couldnt wait any longer I ran out the house screaming for someone to take me to the hospital but everyone was in shock and just looked at the child as it fought for its life.

Out of nowhere this white van pulled up and this people shouted at me to get in the back. I jumped in the back cradling this little girl as all she did was stare at me wanting to cry but couldnt. The back of the van soon filled with smoke that came from this baby to the extent we were all blinded by it and had to drive with the side doors all open. The driver ran red lights and the shouted that there was an ambulance coming the other way. I told him to pull in front of the ambulance and he did that. I got out the van to all these people pressing their horns until they saw what was in my arms then their jaws dropped.

The paramedic took the child from me and then I started to shake.
We were rushed to the hospital and all I could think was that poor girl was going to be scared for life.
I saw the mother who had burnt her hands trying to put the fire out crying and I felt useless.
The police came to talk to me and then my dad took me home.

It was not till the next day the father who I had only seen a few times came to see me. He told me that his daughter had died. She had 70 per cent burns and she passed away the night before. He cried his eyes out on my shoulder.

I was in a daze for a couple of days and then I went to see a brother to tell him what happen and then he said a thing to me. He said 'Is it not time you returned to the remembrance of the one who will take your life?'

The words echoed in my head and made me think more and more that the One who I had disobeyed all this time, that had provided for me in my time of ignorance the One who had given and forgiven while I had got and forgot had let me live my life up to this point and had taken the life of someone so young. She didnât know any better, she didnt know right from wrong but I did so what excuse would I give?
I knew some brothers who would always try to talk about Islam to me but when I would see them I would cross the road but this day I walked to them and the rest is history.

I dont buy all that 'Im born again' rubbish it was always there just had to be reminded.

That was 6 years ago and that is why I deem myself 6 years old the rest was a waste that I will spend the rest of my life making up for.

Life is so green on this side and i see some of the monkeys i shook off my back and i cant belive i lived like that but ignorance was bliss but it is no excuse.

We wake each morning fearing we have lost what we had so we go to please Our Lord,Most High Most Merciful. We will never be wronged of that we have no fear.

The Prophet (saw), upon him peace said: "Your little ones are the larvas (da`aamees) of Paradise. They will meet their parents and grab them by their garments or their hands to no end other than that Allah will enter them Paradise."
Sahih Muslim.

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Allah, the Exalted and Glorious says: 'I have no better reward than Paradise for a believing servant of Mine who is patient and resigned when I take away one of his beloved, one among those he most cherishes in the world."
Sahih Bukhari

{And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the steadfast, Who say, when a misfortune strikes them: Lo! we belong to Allah and Lo! unto Him we are returning. Such are they on whom are blessings from their Lord, and mercy. Such are the rightly guided} (2:155-157).

{No calamity befalls save by Allah's leave. And whosoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart} (64:11).

The Prophet (saw), upon him peace said : "The Believer is not tried by fatigue nor illness nor anxiety nor difficulty nor harm nor distress - not even by a thorn that pricks them except Allah Most High erases some sins with it!" Al-Bukhari and Muslim.


New Member

Some wonderful stories here and all of them remind me why Islam has the concept of 'reversion' rather than 'conversion'. Most of these stories (and mine is no different) involve people who feel something is missing in their life, as though the distractions of this life are unfulfilling. We are born muslim and have religion assigned to us whether Christian, Jew, Buddhist or other. We have a feeling, a desire to seek out the truth and that search leads us to Islam, the state which we were designed for. Reversion is just like coming home.

Before I reverted, a muslimah I worked with told me I was already muslim, I just didn't know it. Apart from the haram aspects of my life, I (apparently) acted in accordance with the fundamentals of Islam: I held dear the values of love for my fellow man, peace, charity, righteousness and fairness. My soul knew I was muslim, my mind had just forgotten.

In the Islamic tradition of seeking knowledge (long before I knew it existed!) I was on a personal search for faith, ill-defined though it was. As an academic I took the intellectual route and examined the truthfulness of religion. Christianity, for me, relied too much on blind faith and belief that God was not one. Buddhism held the right values but the issue of reincarnation held no truth for me - why would we struggle in the attempt to perfect ourselves in this life when we just have to start again when we are reincarnated?

Initially I resisted Islam - 33 years of anti-muslim propaganda had done its work. It seemed too remote, too foreign for me. Someone had given me a translation of the Qu'ran some years previously and it had sat on a shelf. One day though, I submitted (and I choose that word deliberately) and began to read. It wasn't a revelation - instead, much better, it provided a concrete framework formy inherent beliefs. Finally my soul and my mind began to join. On a packed commuter train I returned to my original state: Islam.



It is fascinating to see how many different people each with their unique ways entering Islam.
Truly, Allah has the most beautiful way to guide people to his path.

Jazkallah Khair.


P.S., Academic/intellectual approach to religion I believe for the most part does not give you the whole picture, instead leads most people to the conclusion 'oh generally all religions are the same....'
I believe a personal approach to religion (through studies, research, or w/e means allows a person to study in depth instead of generalizing religion and taking a birds eye view which prevents people from actually reaching the ground and examining each religion on its own terms).


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
Tinytoes brother or sister your story made me speachless .I cannot even imagine what u had to go thru in that moment and the mother of that child ...

waaleikum salam


Junior Member

i was born a muslim mashallah but i would rather be a convert as most of the converts i have met try sooo much harder to be good muslims than people hu are born into islam!!!!!

Converts to any religion tend to be really INTENSE. lol

My parents converted to Islam before I was born. I grew up in a Muslim household in Detroit, Michigan and even attended an Islamic private school called Sister Clara Muhammad Preparatory School. I believed in Islam, but I had a casual, taking-it-for-granted attitude about my deen until my 19th year. i got into some conversations with some Christians I had met, and the encounter really made me want to truly understand, deeply, what it was that I professed to believe. So I sat down one day and read Bro. Haykal's biography of the Prophet and the Qur'an over the course of a week and took detailed notes.

The experience was enlightening and now I feel like a "Born Again Muslim."


Junior Member
On a packed commuter train I returned to my original state: Islam.

Well said!

Marta fandi

New Member
i am still learning

i´m still learning about islam so the only thig i can tell you about is who i started to be interested about Islam, when i arrived to London (3 years and a half already) i have the lucky to meet the most 3 wonderful Muslims in the world, at least for me.
One of them is so close to me and we started to talk about Islam and religion, things that i never did in my life before. Thanks God for that. And slowly i started being interested about Islam because i wanted to know more about this religion that he loves that much, so one day last Ramadan i bought a copy of the Qur´an, i had a lot of questions because it was a bit confused for me, so i kept asking him questions and more questions, and he always had one answer for me.
i heard them praying a lot of times and nothing happenned to me but one day, like 6 months ago, i heard my friend reciting the Al-Fatihah and i knew what was that, i have to say that i don´t speak a word of arabic, and i read the Qur´an in spanish, but i knew what he was saying, not the meaning but i knew it. He was quite surprised so he put his hand in my head and recited someting, suddenly i felt something in my chest, like if i couldn´t breath properly more o less, i can´t describe the feeling, but in that moment a knew that something hapenned, since then all the time that i heard a prayer the feeling is there.
so i started to read more and try to understand as much as i could. as much as i read as much i believe that Islam is the TRUE, i believe in Allah and in Muhammad but i didn´t embrace the Islam because i want to be sure what i´m doing, as it´s a decision that can change my life, plus if i am going to be muslim i want to be a good one and i´m not sure if i can be.

Thanks for read it and Allah bless you all


Junior Member
i´m still learning about islam so the only thig i can tell you about is who i started to be interested about Islam, when i arrived to London (3 years and a half already) i have the lucky to meet the most 3 wonderful Muslims in the world, at least for me.
One of them is so close to me and we started to talk about Islam and religion, things that i never did in my life before. Thanks God for that. And slowly i started being interested about Islam because i wanted to know more about this religion that he loves that much, so one day last Ramadan i bought a copy of the Qur´an, i had a lot of questions because it was a bit confused for me, so i kept asking him questions and more questions, and he always had one answer for me.
i heard them praying a lot of times and nothing happenned to me but one day, like 6 months ago, i heard my friend reciting the Al-Fatihah and i knew what was that, i have to say that i don´t speak a word of arabic, and i read the Qur´an in spanish, but i knew what he was saying, not the meaning but i knew it. He was quite surprised so he put his hand in my head and recited someting, suddenly i felt something in my chest, like if i couldn´t breath properly more o less, i can´t describe the feeling, but in that moment a knew that something hapenned, since then all the time that i heard a prayer the feeling is there.
so i started to read more and try to understand as much as i could. as much as i read as much i believe that Islam is the TRUE, i believe in Allah and in Muhammad but i didn´t embrace the Islam because i want to be sure what i´m doing, as it´s a decision that can change my life, plus if i am going to be muslim i want to be a good one and i´m not sure if i can be.

Thanks for read it and Allah bless you all
:ma::ma::ma:Inshallah if u try hard u will be good muslims Inshallah.May Allah Guide u bro .Ameen Ya Rabulalameen


New Member
My original name is Alfonso, and im born in Milan in 1963.

My father was a former journalist, than a traveller, and literate, he translated many books, and was very familiar to the East especially India, but his sin was that fell on alcoholism, and died in 2000. My mother died many years before him, and was a nightclub girl, drug addicted.
Because this situation, i was given from the tribunal at my Grandparents: my Grandfather, a good honest man died in 1981, and i continued to live as i live now with my Grandmother, a woman of great wiseness, and very faithful (also if she is Catholic i acknowledge the great sincere faith she has).

Since my youth i was searching on God, the "priest system" of the Catholic Church not convinced me, especially in the Paul VI time, when the usual Latin tradition was outnumbered by the modernism: i spent 8 years of my life serving mass at old Jesuit in the church: these priests was much traditional and i liked them.

Then in 1990 i knew Orthodoxy, and i tried to enter in the Orthodox church as faithful, but i seen that Orthodoxes was a suspicious bunch and liked much Greeks and Eastern people (Russian Romanian and so) than me. I leaved the Old Stile Orthodox church in wich i was a first time, then i wanted try another time, but i seen the false in them, and i levaed permanently them before Xmas 2007. From this time i avoided carefully to go at church: first, because i disliked any modernism, the mass with guitars as rock concert, and second, because i disliked the actual system of the Catholic church, and had only a very moderate feeling about the more traditional Benedict XVI but no more than this.

Then, now a friend from Tunis opened a little shop of Tnisian jewels near my home: this man, young like me, was a devote faithful and told me of the true Islam, and get me as gift a copy of Qur'han (writed in italian) and a little book printed in UK but writed in italian "The Basic principles of Islam". I started to read, then under his advice i go to the local Mosque, and talked with the imam and other people.
I've seen that Islam was a true faith, and noone is higher than another: no priests, bishops, cardinals and popes, no hierarchy, and my relation with God will be with Him directly, and inever told to another man my sins for be cleansed: after all i was a very good Bible reader, and i never seen in any part of the Bible anything about confess my sins to another man, nor that Apiostles have some hierarchy at all. The Church is very different from the original, and also in the time gained shadowy secrets unrevealed and their people make many sins-e.g. for English readers: the killing of Roberto Calvi, italian bank director, at the Blackfriars Bridge in London, a thing in wich was involved the Vatican Bank and the cardinal Marcinkus.

I decided that the only way to be a true faithful, and have a real hope in a real faith, was turn to Islam, and Allah gave me this chance letting this Tunisian friend place his shop and talking to me, then, the day 8 of this month, i decided, helped because the number 8 is portrayed also as the spiritual world (the upper o) and the material world (the lower o)join together for a little line (and form the 8 number), and at evening, before Maghreb, i said my Shahada near the local imam and the brothers
"Ash hadu anla Ilaha Ilalla wa ash hadu anna Muhammad Rasul Allah"
I witness that there's only a God, Allah, and i witness that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah

and choose for me the name Assad, because my usual positive mind.

This is the story of my turn to Islam, for all believers and those who will read this story.



Great story brother


New Member

:salam2: brothers and sisters,

On our ways back to Islam ,everybody has a story.And every story is amazing,each story makes us say :
!! :allahuakbar: !! :subhanallah:
I think its a great idea to share our stories.They help us to realise again that we are blessed alhamdoulillah..Allah is the most Merciful..

my story..
I was born in a muslim family!!! also my country is known as a muslim country !!!If you visit it,you can hardly feel it..Guess my country??Everything is against islam here..since 1923.My family was not practising Islam and they were not sufficient to teach the facts of it.I lived by ignoring islamic rules till i re-found islam,in feb.2006.I was student at university i was not wearing hijab and i was not performing salaats.a life that has no difference from a non-believer!I just had a muslim!! identity..
one day at university's entrance gate,i came accross sisters crying because they were forced to take off their hijabs.:(((here it is forbidden to wear hijab in universities) I felt very sorry for them and I asked myself??what for are they crying?Is it so painful to take it off??
few days later, i started to wake up early in the morning,and other day the same thing..waking up then adhan starts :
:allahuakbar: , :allahuakbar:
once, last i went was dark outside but i felt i had to go the closest mosque..The Imam was really surprised :)
I told him the story.He said "start to pray salaat.It is an invitation from Allah."
Alhamdoulillah i re-learnt many things that i knew wrong,i learnt most of things from zero..Few weeks later,i felt i was not feel ok without hijab.I felt my uncovered parts were burning and I did understood why those sisters were crying!!!
There was 1 more year for me,I had to choose -to wear hijab and obey Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala or continue education-Alhamdoulillah I decided to leave.I left because 1 more year ,refusing what Allah had ordered me, was really too much to stand..
as you can imagine ,i had many problems with my family,friends teachers etc..Allah helped me otherwise i could never overcome such things ever..Alhamdoulillah it worths everything,now I feel I AM A MUSLIM,i want to do anything and only to please Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala.Alhamdulillah Allah guided me.
finally i just can say for all new muslim brothers and sisters here ,please hold tight what Allah has given you.And for ancient muslim brothers and sisters please remember that to be born a muslim is a gift but not an advantage.It means a thicker book for hereafter.
May Allaah subhana wa Ta'ala guide us on the straight path ameenn.AlHamdoulillahi Rabbil-Alemiinn.


Hajj please..
Assalamu alaikoum. I think I posted it already, but this is a nice collection, so ill add mine :)

well, from when i was about 5 years old, i was really interested in religion, and God. I cant remember why because my family was not remotely religious. Never went to church or anything. ...

Just luv u're story...