Salam Alyakum reverts :)


Junior Member

i want to start this thread, from brother Shaheerpak's idea, i thought maybe to start small and here for now. so the question is for reverts, and pls join. how has your life been since you revert, lonely or full of people? how has special days been. i intend to write more, but havent got the time. i hope you understand this thread, so pls join and share.

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd

i want to start this thread, from brother Shaheerpak's idea, i thought maybe to start small and here for now. so the question is for reverts, and pls join. how has your life been since you revert, lonely or full of people? how has special days been. i intend to write more, but havent got the time. i hope you understand this thread, so pls join and share.

well, jasakallah.. apppreciate shaheerpak's idea


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum :)
i feel special :) this is so nice to see people taking this issue more seriously
Thank you "freesomfighter" may Allah (swt) reward you dearly - ameen


Junior Member
Assalam alikom wa rahman tullah wa burrahktohu,

Subscribed! :)

InshAllah will give some input later and also benefit from experience of others too ma'shAllah!

Great idea.

jazak alak khairun wa barak Allah feekom


New Member
salam aleikum
unfortunately since I reverted to islam , I feel very alone . All my family rejected me, they asked me to leave so afterwards I have to manage my life on my own . I had no place to go , and in that difficult situation I decided to wear hijab without money , without house . It was very very hard for me . Alhamdulilah sisters help me to find somewhere to live . Afterwards , a lot of brothers wanted to marry me when they heard about my story ; but I wanted first to talk to my parents to announce my decision wearing hijab; the really hardest thing I have to say to my israli father and my jewish mother . I told them and they say to me avoid my look .
It was 10 years ago , I m married now and I have 3 wonderful children, unfortunately , I still feel alone . Sisters take care of their families , my family in law don t like me anyway, and it s very hard to me . I m muslim and proud to follow the real message but I m not looking for happiness . It sounds so impossible to me . barakallahoufikoum . As salam aleikum all.


Junior Member
salam aleikum
unfortunately since I reverted to islam , I feel very alone . All my family rejected me, they asked me to leave so afterwards I have to manage my life on my own . I had no place to go , and in that difficult situation I decided to wear hijab without money , without house . It was very very hard for me . Alhamdulilah sisters help me to find somewhere to live . Afterwards , a lot of brothers wanted to marry me when they heard about my story ; but I wanted first to talk to my parents to announce my decision wearing hijab; the really hardest thing I have to say to my israli father and my jewish mother . I told them and they say to me avoid my look .
It was 10 years ago , I m married now and I have 3 wonderful children, unfortunately , I still feel alone . Sisters take care of their families , my family in law don t like me anyway, and it s very hard to me . I m muslim and proud to follow the real message but I m not looking for happiness . It sounds so impossible to me . barakallahoufikoum . As salam aleikum all.

salaam alikom dear sister

well i guess when someone feels lonely however you are with your family is a hard thing may be wht yo feel because you are away from your parents but you are blessed because you are guided to the truth and that you are a muslimah .

sister the world is ful of many hardships and this is what we call tests because we have to be patient and pray alot and that may Allah accept us with the believers . so dear sister be patient and Allah will reward you tremendosly .

i ask Allah to keep you on the right way and reward you with jannat al ferdous ameen


New Member
yes I try to be patient anyway sis hijab al3efah , thanks fort posting."i dont know of any good muslims who feel happy in this can we when we know our place in jannah. " That s what my husband tells me the same . So may Allah make us die completely submitted to him . Ameen .


Junior Member
yes I try to be patient anyway sis hijab al3efah , thanks fort posting."i dont know of any good muslims who feel happy in this can we when we know our place in jannah. " That s what my husband tells me the same . So may Allah make us die completely submitted to him . Ameen .

may Allah reward you with jannat al ferdous ameen



Junior Member
This is my idea I have already posted about, and I think it's a great one. If brother Shaheer sees to move forward, I'll call the company who sells the software and go from there.

:salam2: Brother Shaheer,

Of course you'll find me one of the supportive to your excellent idea. I have been involved in mentoring new reverts on a very local level here for the past few months. I do agree that this issue deserves far more attention, and I'm glad you're throwing ideas in the air so we can get started insh Allah.

I am thinking maybe a website similar to would be a great idea. is a site dedicated to matching singles in one's area, but there's nothing preverting us from using the software for our main purpose here.

Revert Shelter is a good start. However, I would choose something other that the word "shelter".. This word can have a negative connotation as it's usually thought of linked to "homeless" individuals. So, a new revert who's already down and in dire need for something positive to pep him/her up, will turn away from a site with "shelter" in the name. We can do something more universal such as:


As far as the software, we can buy it on the web easily. I have found this perhaps:

Of course, we will need to change the context from matchmaking and love connection to Revert Mentoring context.. I see that the website has phone numbers to contact them and ask them if the software can be tailored according to our needs. I'll be happy to do so.

After we get the website going, we can ask the mods on TTI to allow us to place a banner to stir up some action.

I love the idea brother Shaheer, and I am ready to put up the money for it and to run it with you.

Jazak Allah khair brother.. :D



aka Tree2008
Wa Alaikome Salam...

What a wonderful idea you have here with these threads!!!! I want to say Jazakalllah Khairan for this from the bottom of my heart. I love you all on this website for the sake of Allah as my brothers and sisters in Islam and you are all in my dua. May Allah reward you for your efforts.

Let me answer because I am a very new revert.........first yes I feel very alone where I live because in this country (Islam is the fastest growing religion they say) but I dont see it. All I see are Christians everywhere I look. The masjid is very far and actually exists in another state from where I live so I need to travel to go there. My family are all non-muslim so I cannot share with any of them without getting the rolling eyes and smirks because they will never understand why I reverted. They all think I am now "lost" because I know Isa is a prophet and not the "son of God" as they still believe he is.

I feel alone in my deen but I do NOT feel sad. On the contrary.......I feel SOOOOOO blessed and SOOOOOOO lucky and thankful that Allah chose to show me the truth. In this crazy and confused life I was given such a great gift from Allah. I feel like I am not deserving and often I wonder why he decided that I should be saved but I dont question his wisdom and live day to day trying to learn as much as I can about this beautiful religion so I can be the best muslimah possible for me to be. I feel in my heart this is the only way I can show Allah and prove to him how much I love and appreciate him and the gift of Islam he has given me.

Obviously I am still learning about Islam and I must say I feel I have a long road ahead but it is finally the right road and I am happy to be on it and in the right direction for the first time in my life.

When I visited an Islamic country recently to take my shahada (Morocco) I felt very different than I do here in the country I live (USA). I felt a kinship with the people there that I have NEVER felt here in my own homeland. I cant even explain or describe what I felt but its as if I "belonged" to a community of people who were at heart just the same as myself even though there were obvious differences in appearance such as my skin is very white and my eyes are very blue/green and my hair is not dark. No I am not talking about outward appearance which is superficial anyway and doesnt matter. I am talking about something much deeper inside the heart than I could ever imagine. I love Islam and I love my brothers and sisters in Islam for the sake of Allah. And even though I feel lonely I am sooooo happy to be a muslim.


Slave of Allah (swt)
This is my idea I have already posted about, and I think it's a great one. If brother Shaheer sees to move forward, I'll call the company who sells the software and go from there.

my brother Akram , your idea is wonderful JazakALlah khair its has great appreciation in my eyes, i looked into it sorry i didn't let you know I just need to talk to a web designer too , so we know how much would that cost, with this software we would need to buy a open source (cost $499 US!! ) then the program wud need to program it accordingly so i feel like its going to end up costing alot thats why im trying to find a brother or sister on the forum that may be able to help me out with this
I contacted brother AYman1 and Qurtubi they both are software designer so a no from them I dont know of anyone else really so if someone knows a good Muslim brother /sister that do web designing :) i would love to hear
thank you


Junior Member
salam aleikum
unfortunately since I reverted to islam , I feel very alone . All my family rejected me, they asked me to leave so afterwards I have to manage my life on my own . I had no place to go , and in that difficult situation I decided to wear hijab without money , without house . It was very very hard for me . Alhamdulilah sisters help me to find somewhere to live . Afterwards , a lot of brothers wanted to marry me when they heard about my story ; but I wanted first to talk to my parents to announce my decision wearing hijab; the really hardest thing I have to say to my israli father and my jewish mother . I told them and they say to me avoid my look .
It was 10 years ago , I m married now and I have 3 wonderful children, unfortunately , I still feel alone . Sisters take care of their families , my family in law don t like me anyway, and it s very hard to me . I m muslim and proud to follow the real message but I m not looking for happiness . It sounds so impossible to me . barakallahoufikoum . As salam aleikum all.


thank you for sharing your feelings. i tried to post before, but something came up, and i didnt have the chance, that happened two times,lol. you must be a strong person going through all that, a strong Muslim. i hope you never feel lonely here at TTI, because we are ready to help and share. must have been realy hard, but you made it. it was not impossible because you made it. are you living in a Muslim community? if not, do you think that living in a Muslim community would have made things different, maybe your experience would have different? and before you became a Muslim, how did you think your life could have changed? what were your expectations of Muslims treating you? no, i dont think happiness should sound impossible to you :) because look at how far you've come. Allah says in the Qur'an, that no one faces difficulty more than they can bare.


Junior Member
This is my idea I have already posted about, and I think it's a great one. If brother Shaheer sees to move forward, I'll call the company who sells the software and go from there.


thats great. looks like this idea was around for sometime, lol.. inshaAllah, may God make this successful so we are able to help our brothers and sisters.


Junior Member

Revert Shelter is a good start. However, I would choose something other that the word "shelter".. This word can have a negative connotation as it's usually thought of linked to "homeless" individuals. So, a new revert who's already down and in dire need for something positive to pep him/her up, will turn away from a site with "shelter" in the name. We can do something more universal such as:



i got some ideas: 'revert shade', 'revert's shade', or 'under one shade'. but if these arent good, maybe someone can make a new thread, and ask the reverts which one do they feel is suitable and makes them home. maybe even votes, if there are a few good names. i say under one shade, because as Muslims, we should all be under one shade, helping each other, like in a community.


Junior Member

Threads merged.


may i ask, which threads are merged ?

i dont know of any good muslims who feel happy in this world.
how can we when we know our place in jannah.

we should try to be happy here and if we go to jannah, God willing, surely we will be happy. but knowing that we are Muslims, knowing there is Allah, should at least make us happy.i know there are times when people get depressed..and the likes, but there are also the times when we are happy, least there should be.