Recent content by azmathmoosa

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    Serious He threaten USA President On Twitter.

    hmmm 250000$ fine and a year in prison for tweeting fantasies! thats what I call true freedom of expression!
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    Settlers burn olive trees with chemicals in Nablus

    I still don't understand why some muslims expect justice from the Kuffar. Clearly, the americans and israelis are animals. I'm so tempted to invoke the Curse of Allah on these animals but something tells me its too dangerous. Palestinians are probably the most beloved to Allah on this earth...
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    Refreshing York Mosque praised for offering EDL protesters tea

    it looks like a good thing to do... but isn't EDL classifiable as "Kuffar", the enemies of Islam as opposed to a normal non muslim who would be classified as "people who don't know". and as such we should be firm against the EDL?! just a doubt! these times are really full of confusion and...
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    Palestinian Student Interrupts Obama's Speech in Jerusalem!

    an oil embargo, and the american pigs will come crashing down...
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    Suicide Bomber

    I found this website which is quite an eye-opener:
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    Suicide Bomber My question is, if this is the average Taliban jihadi, then are they khawarij? Do these pigs deserve any of our sympathy? and should we as muslims support america's plan for afghanistan? Why do most of the islamic speakers lash out on america and...
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    Geeky Muslim?!

    JazakAllah brother, no need for apologies, you are 100% right. I just realized that I've been blessed with so much... how stupid could I be... you are right. Make Dua for me. I do love computers and technology, but somehow I just mixed it up with materialism and dunya. I have to admit...
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    Geeky Muslim?!

    I don't work hard. I can be better at studies but I choose not to coz its a waste. I lack motivation.
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    Geeky Muslim?!

    One of the reasons why i have developed this perspective is my exposure to the philosophy of tablighi jamaat. They never go around preaching people to be lazy - they don't do that. But indirectly they do tell you that working hard for the dunya isn't a smart thing to do in life. As I said, my...
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    Burkas for Babies!

    I guess there are many such clerics in the ummah who are far away, cutoff from common sense. Is it because of their personal prejudice or extreme imaan... lol... ?! Saudees need to issue fatwas against racism first.
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    Geeky Muslim?!

    JazakAllah. You are right about gaining knowledge to benefit others but these days its all about making money. I've finished my graduate degree in Electronics and Comm. Engg. and my dad wants me to finish my masters as well. But i've developed a perspective wherein I see all forms of college...
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    Geeky Muslim?!

    Assalamu Alaikum, In my days of ignorance, I used to be a geek, drooling at Intel and every other chip maker out there and their products (It was materialism at extreme levels!). A year ago, Alhamdulillah, I changed and now there is no place for any of that in my life. I've also lost all...
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    Help! Imaan Issue!

    JazakAllah everyone. especially strive-may-i and sidra rasib. your posts were very helpful.
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    Help! Imaan Issue!

    JazakAllah... so much for the 2nd quote. Truly, I thought those evil thoughts were a result of my underlying hypocrisy. Had I only known that the devil, accursed, plays such cunning tactics.
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    Help! Imaan Issue!

    Assalamu Alaikum, I'm going through some terrible Imaan issue recently. I used to live the life of an infidel till Allah swt decided to guide me last year. Suddenly I turned towards the deen, gave up all music, fell in love with the Quran and started praying five times a day. By His...