Recent content by Melvin

  1. M

    Awkward Prayer Moments

    I would have rather had a cat licking me rather than a huge dog. lol
  2. M

    Awkward Prayer Moments

    Here is one..... Just now for noon prayer I prayed outside...a little late...yes i know. But my dog tried sitting on me and licking me when I prostrated. I had to repeat my prayer after I got him away from me. LOL
  3. M

    Awkward Prayer Moments

    Anyone have any funny prayer moments or just awkward happenings?
  4. M

    Awkward Prayer Moments

    Alright....anyone have any stories of awkward prayer moments??
  5. M

    Man this is weird

    I hate having to hide who I am because i live in A christian
  6. M

  7. M

    Assalam Alaikum

    One thing that hit me while reading the Quran was when it asked who is gonna stand with you on the day of judgement. It actually made me I felt that that was giving me the slight push to take my shahadah. It's true though.....only ourself is gonna stand and be judged for our deeds...
  8. M

    Hello all!

    Welcome brother. Hope you make the reversion soon! May Allah bless you. :)
  9. M

    Assalam Alaikum
  10. M

    Assalam Alaikum

    Walaikum Asalam, I was in the same situation....though I am 17. I do salaat secretly....and I know my parents would hate what I am doing. But Allah is the most important thing in life. Make the shahadah. Learn your prayers and stay devoted to Allah. The Quran says that following our parents...
  11. M


    Thank you so much.
  12. M


    Walaikum Assalam, This lifted me up.....thank you. :)
  13. M


    My Story to Islam Well I grew up in a very strict Christian home. I started questioning certain beliefs. I then moved over to Jehovah's Witnesses. Then back to Chrisianity. I got baptized Jan 29, 2011. I then started classes to become a minister. But I realized that was not something I was...
  14. M


    As-Salamu Alikam, I converted to Islam on 11-10-11.