

Junior Member

great bro.. ur in right path bro.
i just tel u 2 things
1. learn more abt islam[western world, asian region, middle east scholors info]
2. learn n follow sunna[hadiths]

u no 1 of the sign near dooms day is majority accept Quran
but reject sunna[sayings n doings of prop Mohammed
May Allah forgive our past n future sins.


Allah knows best


Here to help
salam alikom,

May Allah bless you and make your life easier. Remember that every Muslim goes through hardship, because Allah is testing your faith in him - the more hardship you go through in this world, the more Allah will reward you in the hereafter, so keep your faith strong and always be patient. Allah loves those who are patient.

Hopefully, adapting and learning the Islamic way of things will not be difficult for you, just ask us on here as everyone is always willing to help. :)


New Member
My Story to Islam

Well I grew up in a very strict Christian home. I started questioning certain beliefs. I then moved over to Jehovah's Witnesses. Then back to Chrisianity. I got baptized Jan 29, 2011. I then started classes to become a minister. But I realized that was not something I was gonna do while questioning the trinity and the mediatrix.

(I am 17 years old. So, still at home. My parents show extreme hate towards Muslims)

I then said I want the true religion......when I started studying Islam I thought I was going crazzy. It all made sense to be finally. (by the way.... helped me a lot with study) So I talked to an online advisor and said my Shahadah after studying for a few more days.


New Member
salam alikom,

May Allah bless you and make your life easier. Remember that every Muslim goes through hardship, because Allah is testing your faith in him - the more hardship you go through in this world, the more Allah will reward you in the hereafter, so keep your faith strong and always be patient. Allah loves those who are patient.

Hopefully, adapting and learning the Islamic way of things will not be difficult for you, just ask us on here as everyone is always willing to help. :)

Walaikum Assalam,

This lifted me up.....thank you. :)


Junior Member
Well I grew up in a very strict Christian home. I started questioning certain beliefs. I then moved over to Jehovah's Witnesses. Then back to Chrisianity. I got baptized Jan 29, 2011. I then started classes to become a minister. But I realized that was not something I was gonna do while questioning the trinity and the mediatrix.

(I am 17 years old. So, still at home. My parents show extreme hate towards Muslims)

I then said I want the true religion......when I started studying Islam I thought I was going crazzy. It all made sense to be finally. (by the way.... helped me a lot with study) So I talked to an online advisor and said my Shahadah after studying for a few more days.

Assalamu 'alaykum brother.

Masha'Allah :) It's always good to see new reverts, may Allaah reward you and keep you steadfast on this deen. And May Allah guide your parents and make things easy for you, Ameen.

Please feel free to ask questions or start up a new thread if you ever need any help! Some of the brothers and sisters here are very knowledgeable, alhamdulillah, and we're always happy to help!


New Member
Assalamu 'alaykum brother.

Masha'Allah :) It's always good to see new reverts, may Allaah reward you and keep you steadfast on this deen. And May Allah guide your parents and make things easy for you, Ameen.

Please feel free to ask questions or start up a new thread if you ever need any help! Some of the brothers and sisters here are very knowledgeable, alhamdulillah, and we're always happy to help!

Thank you so much.


Junior Member
Mashallah very nice to hear that we have another brother in islam.
May Allah guide and reward you. Inshallah you will know about islam more over here
as our brothers and sisters here are very knowledgeable.


As-Salamu Alikam,

I converted to Islam on 11-10-11.

Wa alaikum salaam dear brother. That is a wonderful news! May Allah continue to guide and bless you. I am also an American who reverted to Islam many years ago, it's the best decision ever.


