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  1. P

    ~ The Natural Blood of Women ~

    I thank you for this information. It is very helpful.
  2. P

    Question regarding private messages

    Correction. 120 minutes
  3. P

    Arabic lessons on TurnToIslam (from A To Z )

    Thank you for these wonderful and easy to follow lessons!
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    Question regarding private messages

    Hello, i tried to send a private message to an administrator regarding my question but got a pop up stating that i may only send one private message every 120 sec. Will this limit change? I am fairly new and did not know if the restriction had anything to do with that. Also there is a...
  5. P

    Name change?

    Hello Everyone, Please forgive me i have been working much therefore have not been able to come and sit with my new friends. I have a question regarding name change, i have read that some people when they become Muslim change their name. Is this required? Is there a reason why this is...
  6. P

    I am afraid. First Hijab

    Thank you all for your replies. I am not yet Muslim,
  7. P

    I am afraid. First Hijab

    I also ask for your prayers, that it goes well for me if it is an acceptable thing. Thank you
  8. P

    I am afraid. First Hijab

    Tonight i will be going online to see if i can find a place to purchase my first Hijab and i am afraid. I will not be able to wear it right away as it is not an acceptable thing here. I will reserve it for when i am alone and when i go to work as i work alone, also as i am learning to pray...
  9. P

    Dietary Restrictions

    Also... I have a question for women about women that may not be appropriate to ask in such an open way. Can one of the women here send me a PM so that i may ask? Thank you
  10. P

    Dietary Restrictions

    Salam, (I hope i am using that correctly) Because google and other people around me are filled with misinformation i would like to ask you what dietary restrictions(if any) are part of your faith. I was looking around to see if there was perhaps a post about it but have not yet found one...
  11. P

    Question regarding prayer

    Salam, I thank you for your gracious reply, I understand more fully why this is what it is. Thank you for being patient with me as i slowly learn about your faith.
  12. P

    Question regarding prayer

    Salam, May i ask, why are women not permitted to raise their voice in prayer? "Women do not have to give adhaan or iqaamah, because adhaan requires raising the voice, which women are not permitted to do"
  13. P

    how to pray (animation with movement,sound & english translation)

    Please forgive my ignorance This link i clicked.. Is this also how women are to pray? I am confused as i am just beginning to learn. Do woemn pray with the men or in separate room? The same prayer for both men and women?
  14. P

    Question regarding prayer

    Hello again, Are women required to pray differently than the men? Do they pray together? As in the same room or must they be in different rooms? Is the same prayer recited by both men and women are are they different? Thank you
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    Thank you all so very much for your warm and educational replies. If i make a mistake please be patient i do not know how to address you. By that i mean that i see your chosen names but do not know if it is proper to use your first names last names or both when i reply. No disrespect is...
  16. P


    I live in the United States. - - - Updated - - - I welcome your PM.
  17. P


    Thank you for allowing me to be a member. I am of no particular religion but was baptized as an infant and then pushed to communion as i got older. I am very conflicted. You see, there is this thing in my heart this voice which shows me how beautiful the hijab(sp?) is. I yearn for it i cry...