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  1. D

    my new book about Islam

    salamu Alaikum -peace be upon you- I am making a book about Islam and it contains about four sections: 1: silence in the noble Qur'an 2: signs of the last day 3: characteristic of a Muslim 4: an Invitation to the truth. I just want to know your opinions about it; it's mainly made for...
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    Surviving in the West

    Salam Alaikum -peace be upon you- here is just my opinion/tips/suggestions on how to survive the madhouse.. I mean the west! 1- remain steadfast 2- barricade your houses from the outside. how knows what the "freedom" world has to offer this time *sarcasm* but you get the point 3-...
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    what does my dreams mean?

    As'Salam Alaikum -peace be upon you- there was one dream that I was at my living room and my brother left the room and it was totally dark! and I mean like you couldn't see a thing and I could feel things around me that wanted to scare me so I left me the living room and I entered another...
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    Signs of a weak Imaan (faith)

    :bismillah: Signs of a weak Imaan (faith) Source): Signs of Strong and Weak Imaan AL-Qur'an 6:161 Say, “In fact my Lord has guided me to the straight path. It is the true eternal faith, and the religion of the...
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    How to do Ghusl [The Hanafi Way]

    :bismillah: GHUSL is the Islamic method of washing the body to obtain purification from "Hadathe Akbar" or "Greater Impurity". HADATHE AKBAR Hadathe Akbar is caused by the following acts: 1)Discharge of semen accompanied by sexual lust, whether such discharge occurs while sleeping or...
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    speech ideas ?

    As'Salam Alakum -peace be upon you- In my school (Saudi Arabia. so you won't think that I am talking about a non-Muslim school), the teachers & councilors decided that in Zuhr prayer there will be students that will give a short speech about any topic. so I participated in the speech and...
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    imaan dropping [HELP]

    Salam'alakum -peace be upon you- before last Ramadan (2012 Ramadan) I used to be a very bad boy, almost to the point of a Hypocrite (sadly :( ). but until thankfully to Allah s.w I managed to escape from my evil doing and finally got the taste of Imaan after Ramadan!. but until school started...
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    the long lost youth ..

    salam'alakum, in this very day in the Ummah we have a lot of youth that aren't practicing Muslims as they should be and about only 10%-20% are pious Muslims (like me!) but sadly some of them are ignorant and to busy with the worldly life so how can we continue with the Islamic revival when our...