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  1. S

    Saddam Hanged!!!

    Salam Brothers and sisters Brouk Aidkoum!!! May Allah guide us ALL. So it's done, Saddam was hanged this morning, the day of Aid!!! What do you think? Express your feelings. I personnally think that no solution will come out of this!!! The trials were a joke!!! He wasn't even...
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    Combien de Francais ou francophones sur le site

    salam frères et soeurs Je voulais simplement savoir combien il y'a avait de francais ou francophones sur le site. Personnellement, je suis de France, Paris. Salam
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    What's your degree or education background?

    Salam Oualekoum Sisters and Brothers!!! I've created this thread just to have a little overview of the different degrees or knowledge the members of this site have. I think some of you study law, science, medecine,mathematics, history, or religion (MashAllah) etc... The Qu'ran is a...
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    Why America is NOT evil !!!!

    Salam brothers and sisters!!! Very interesting video : (Hamza Yusuf Removed) I just found a great video, it's a lecture in Chicago. The speaker deals with the issue of anti-americanism and anti-patriotism; and the personification of America. America is not Bush nor his government, you can be...
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    Salam oualikoum from Paris

    Salam Brothers and Sisters It's a great pleasure to post for the first time. First of all, i would like to congratulate you all for this site and this little community. I discovered this site a few days ago by "chance" (God's will, i should say), and since then, i haven't been able to stay...