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    Learn Arabic

    As Salamu Alakum, So summer is coming and i was thinking of learning araby, like the proper araby. The thing is i wanna work this summer and ill probably end up painting which gives me only sunday off. I was originally going to get a tutor but was worried that my schedule is going to cause...
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    got all that except banners. we have old banners but.... i dont like them. do u know anywhere where i can order some nice banners. banners can be reused so the price shouldnt be a problem
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    :salam2: so iv just been assigned IAW and i have a bunch of ideas but i would love to hear other ideas especially ones that have already been done and that worked. also buying posters, (what where) JAK
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    Does Islam really say that martyrs will get 72 virgins ?

    salam the way i see it is, if ur fighting for those 72 virgions ur not really a martyr. ur a martyr if ur fighting for Allah and if u die ur reward is ..... The muslims never fought with the intention of dying. They fought to protect the muslims, if they died would they be able to protect the...
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    :salam2: so me and my friends were talking about praying in general between asar and migrib??? i know imam Malak doesnt pray any sunnah between asar and migrib. but what about the other schools, and what do they also say about sunnah before asar prayer and the sunnah prayer when u enter a...
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    My country needs you

    im sorry brother/sister but u have no right to say these ppl have no reason to protest. just becz the ruler is muslim doesnt mean hes a good muslim. a lot of egypt is in poverty. so i ask u, if the ruler isnt doing his job right and doesnt want to step down what do u do?? u fight back, and...
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    Men can shake hands with women.

    It was narrated that Ma’qil ibn Yassaar said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than that he should touch a woman who is not permissible for him.” Narrated by al-Tabaraani...
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    Men can shake hands with women.

    sorry my aplogiezzz its not my opinion, its the way i see the hadith, opinion is diff than perspective. and these brothers and sisters have changed my perspective. i think the main thing in this thread with all the diff views is what the Prophet told us to do, and what the Prophet did...
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    Men can shake hands with women.

    sunna of the fajr brother not fajr. u think im crazy of course its haram not to pray. were talking about the extra prayers =)
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    Men can shake hands with women.

    abu talid "''no where does it say that the Prophet told us not to shake the hand of non mahram girl'' Wow the Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Sallam didn't say me to offer Fajr Sunnah so shouldn't I do that???" what if i dont pray the fajr sunnah?? am i going to hell??? no. its not something i have to...
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    Men can shake hands with women.

    u guys are making islam complicated just like um ahmad said. the hadith It was narrated in a saheeh hadeeth that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I do not shake hands with women.” And ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “The hand of the...
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    Men can shake hands with women.

    what about the incident with the women at the till? how am i suppose to give her the money if i cant look up, or a teacher who is a women, i cant look at her while shes teaching? Allah doesnt say its haram, but he tells us to lower r gaze, so we should but if u have a reason then i think you...
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    Men can shake hands with women.

    your alowed to shake hands with ppl that dont know about islam n its rules. if a non muslim sticks out there hand for me to shake it, it would be rude to not. and they might think islam is like a rude relgion. plus with the lowering of the gaze. what if im at a supermarket and the person at the...
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    "Islamic" Nasheed?? Think again!!! (Very very very Important)

    i have one thing to say, the way i interperted the ayah used, is that it says for amusment or entertainment. there is a difference between entertaining and enlightening. When i listen to nasheeds there constant reminders, of remembering how the prophet was or about the muslims suffereing around...
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    Help Open This Brother's Heart Again

    tell him to check out this website i couldnt find the first quote he used tho
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    So truee

    to Ahmed Indian "you are right that a woman's heart should be lost in Allah but a man should seek Allah for the sake of Allah, not to find woman or any creation. " thats not true. Allah is the one we go to for any of our needs or wants and one of our needs is to find a good spouse so we go...
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    I was under the impression sleep breaks wudu

    i was taught that any sleep breaks your wadoo even if your eyes close for a sec (which happens when your really tired) this doesnt mean blinking. im talkin about like being really really tired and trying to stay awake. but if you sit with nothing behind you and sleep its ok. i think its becz its...
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    Is cutting off the relations halal if I am losing my iman?

    woww i feel for you brother. im trying to get into med to and i have no idea how your doing school with all this. The Prophet told us respect those who respect you. and the way your mom is talking to you i think shes pushing the whole thing about respecting your mother no matter what. in my...
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    need some help

    i love islam thank you brothers and sisters and pray that this man converts. all he sees is the bad that muslims do. its not fair. ppl should jugde islam by the Quran and the Sunna and not by the ppl who follow it. i love how people waste so much time trying to prove islam is wrong and...
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    need some help

    the quotations he used. especially the ones from the Bukhari. are they true? i dont have the bukhari. "I have been made victorious with terror." - Muhammad (according to Bukhari: 4.52.220) The Prophet said, "burn all those who had not left their houses for the prayer, burning them alive...