Search results

  1. Hiba_Islam

    Promote Islam in Google

    Assalamu alaikum, I am forwarding this email I recieved so as to support Islam and the Quran in Google. AOA All Friends, I hope you people are fine with Allah's Fazal. Actually i have design a Al-Quran Player on Google Gadget to promote Quran on Web. As we all have very busy life but...
  2. Hiba_Islam

    Question about Jesus.

    Salamu alaikum, This is the first time I witness such confusing answers: - Jesus (AS) friend volunteered to be crucified - The solider who went to arrest Jesus (AS) is the one who was crucified - Jesus (AS) friend who betrayed him is the one who was crucified :girl3: :girl3: What's...
  3. Hiba_Islam

    The Reason for Ayat Alkursi

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم * لا تأخذه سنة ولا نوم * له ما في السموات و ما في الارض * من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إلا بإذنه * يعلم ما بين أيديهم وما خلفهم * ولا يحيطون بشئ من علمه إلا بما شاء وسع كرسيه السموات والارض * ولا يؤده حفظهما و هو العلي العظيم * صدق الله العظيم...
  4. Hiba_Islam

    Sick in july

    Salam My Sister, I hope inshalah with the help of Allah (SWT) you will get over it. As the brothers and sisters said drink some hot tea with lemon and honey it is the best for flue. I hope i can visit you as in Islam visiting the sick is of great great reward. 3afaki Lah :tti_sister...
  5. Hiba_Islam

    Are you a lonely Muslim?

    Salam brother GB Thank you and jazzaku lah khairan for keeping our spirits high and fine really good advices. Please keep showering us with your knowledge. Salam
  6. Hiba_Islam

    Are you a lonely Muslim?

    Brother Salam, well what you ahev said is one of the things that causes divorce. Every woman has her own personality that includes strengths and weaknesses. So instead of lloking for someone like your mum be ready to be understanding, merciful and compromizing. In fact just follow the teachings...
  7. Hiba_Islam

    Are you a lonely Muslim?

    Salam, In most cases it is better to stay alone than to make the wrong choice and pay for it the rest of your life. A good advice is that a person should set his/her priorities in life then make a move toward marriage. While making sure that the chosen partner is a pious and mercyful human...
  8. Hiba_Islam

    My painful experience

    Salamu Alaikum brothers and sisters, I have graduated last May with an MA in International Business from the Regent's College, London. My struggle strated as I began to look for a career as a graduate trainee. Some companies woud not even give me a chance even if my both degree grades are...
  9. Hiba_Islam

    Qiyas in Islamic Law

    jazaka Lahu khayran for your time and efforts and the above sentence is enough for to reach my conclusion. Wasalam
  10. Hiba_Islam

    Qiyas in Islamic Law

    Assalamu alaikum, I think the Qiyas was first introduced by Imam Shafi'i (please correct me if wrong). To brother GB please know first that I respect you deeply and always read you interesting threads. Can you clarify for me the point of Eid Maoulid because my familly and almost majority of...
  11. Hiba_Islam


    Salam Welcome to TTI :hearts: Take care
  12. Hiba_Islam

    A distressing discussion with my builder

    Salam Sister, I totally agree with you on that point and I have to clarify that I have never said he was a Kafir. Rather I said he is commiting shirk by asking anyone else than the Almighity for help or for "his destiney to come true" :astag: However, no one and I stress it no one knows what...
  13. Hiba_Islam

    A distressing discussion with my builder

    Assalamu alaikum, Jazakum laho khairan for you replies really helpful. The thing that disstressed me is the fact that I've met someone who commits shirk in such an obvious manner:girl3: and he is not aware of it. It just made my heart sink and I felt so scared of Allah subhanaho wataala for...
  14. Hiba_Islam

    A distressing discussion with my builder

    Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters, I am so happy to be part of this righteous community. This morning I had a distressing discussion with my builder as he always approaches me and my husband with Islamic issues and alhamdoulilah that so far I was doing well. He claims to be muslim but...
  15. Hiba_Islam

    Who R U??

    Salam alaikum, I am so glad that you are now one of our ummah (muslim nation) and please dont call yourself a bad muslim because no one is perfect. Just try your best and keep good company and remember that the more you pray the more Allah (SWT) will love you and protect you and reward you...
  16. Hiba_Islam

    Good Story

    Assalamu alikum, Jazakum laho khayran for your comments. I have never stopped being in TTI and reading your threads :) I just needed some time to reflect on myself and try a new fresh start. I am glad to be back as well... you are my family. Salam
  17. Hiba_Islam

    Good Story

    Salam Alaikum brothers and sisters, I have been busy lately so I could not make any contributions, but I have read on a daily basis the excellent discussions that go on this great website. I want to share this story sent to me by a friend, hope you will enjoy it as I did. There was a rich...
  18. Hiba_Islam

    Grand Ayatollah On Cursing the Prophet’s Wives/Companions and Taqiyyah

    La ilaha ila lah Ohhhh Did that really happen and how can I be that ignorant, I mean I thought I have read so many books about the history of Islam but never read something like that. Mr. GlobalPeace are you sure that this is true?:confused: I am not doubting you it is just that it made me...
  19. Hiba_Islam

    Al-Qods Adhan

  20. Hiba_Islam

    The Holy Quran

    Mashalah thx sister for your reply and really really proud of you for learning the suarh....right know i am trying to learn sourat al-baqarah (more 250 verses) May allah help me to do so salam