+2 and -2

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Slave of Allah
OK, I'll let you win this practice session.

Heres your gift in advance

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
we won..........................................................................................................
congrats sisters.............

misbah ul haya

Junior Member
sister think twice before u say anything !!! already im having soo many prob in my life .. n u r cursing me.


asalam u alaikum,
with great respect i request you to read my post once again i specified that only in this game and that too i wrote because you said girls are crying......and this all went in jokes.......im sorry if u understood it wrongly......il delete this post but you will also have to take your words back plz im determined not to hurt anybody in my life.
and you said you have problems in your life....my respected brother you will find nobody without problems in your life.....i, you and all humans have problems and difficulties in our lives because if life was like a smooth road then there would be no difference between life on earth and jannah.
BTW you wrong have done with me brother you got so frightened of my joke.:)
plz reply my post ASAP because ramadan is ending and i want to be forgiven and granted at the end of this month.


Slave of Allah (swt)
asalam u alaikum,
with great respect i request you to read my post once again i specified that only in this game and that too i wrote because you said girls are crying......and this all went in jokes.......im sorry if u understood it wrongly......il delete this post but you will also have to take your words back plz im determined not to hurt anybody in my life.
and you said you have problems in your life....my respected brother you will find nobody without problems in your life.....i, you and all humans have problems and difficulties in our lives because if life was like a smooth road then there would be no difference between life on earth and jannah.
BTW you wrong have done with me brother you got so frightened of my joke.:)
plz reply my post ASAP because ramadan is ending and i want to be forgiven and granted at the end of this month.


:) sis i dont want to lay another smack down on u BUT

Originally Posted by misbah ul haya
wish to see you too crying like this one day inshallah(as a loser of this game only) and this will happen.

:) u put the word Inshallah there, and made it into like a dua,
i know its only jokes and stuff but we never knew when the time of acceptance is
SO jokes are fine :) well lets keep them in a funny way

misbah ul haya

Junior Member

:) sis i dont want to lay another smack down on u BUT

:) u put the word Inshallah there, and made it into like a dua,
i know its only jokes and stuff but we never knew when the time of acceptance is
SO jokes are fine :) well lets keep them in a funny way

oh no:shymuslima1: its word without which i dont complete any sentence.....infact my college friends make fun of me that i say alhumdulilah,inshallah and like this in every sentence.
im sorry brother now here is 29th night.....il pray for you inshAllah. live long and peaceful life.:)


Slave of Allah (swt)
oh no:shymuslima1: its word without which i dont complete any sentence.....infact my college friends make fun of me that i say alhumdulilah,inshallah and like this in every sentence.
im sorry brother now here is 29th night.....il pray for you inshAllah. live long and peaceful life.:)

JazakAllah khair sis :) please pray for all of us brother and sisters of the Ummah :)

May Allah (swt) bless u with a long , peaceful and properous life as well - ameen :)


ƒ3!RY $p!r!T
'em backkkkkkkk:D bro's BEWARE!! hahhaha btw congratz my dear sisters!! WEL WON!! Hugz to ya alllllll!!!

uhmmm.....which number are we on???


ƒ3!RY $p!r!T
hmm well i see no one started the number 50.......well here i start it ;)
50 :p

and here we go....


May sisters win this time too...ameen!!



ƒ3!RY $p!r!T
56 + 2 =58

Hmmm....the sisters just can't accept the fact that they are losers. Lets win this one last time.

brother plz stay in ur limits..u have No right to say that weather sisters are losers or not. Infact no one is a winner or loser. Allah knows the Best. And this is jus a game for god sake! Dont get to hyper and start sayin pathatic things like "sisters are losers, and sisters cry on everything bla bla"
Mind what i said.....and plz no more harsh comments against sisters. What is wrong with u bro's? None of us have said anything that insulting.....So plz...

And i need a lil backup here:D any sis online plz keep up with me to finish this game to 100 :D
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