Video A man from China accepts Islam


La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
this man accepts islam in front of scheikh Ali Achibl hafidahullah.
the other man from China who translates is also a muslim who accepted islam in prison while he saw people praying.
Allahu akbar ! Allahu akbar !



Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

I want to translate some important things which have been said.

The chinese person who is translating is someone who converted in prison. He has been jailed wrongfully. After his conversion ( say better reversion) many people became muslim by him ( With the Mercy of Allah). In Two years 50 chinese people reverted to islam by him ( With the mercy of Allah)

After his reversion he made people ( With the mercy of Allah) pray fajr in the prison.

Some of the people who reverted are his father ( He died afterwards), his mother, his wive, his children etc.....

That's what i wanted to translate.

jazakallahu gairan dear brother Ayman for the video

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh