A small request !

Loyal Servant

~ AllahuAkbar
I hope you are all in the good of health and eeman.
I have two requests -
1) Whenever any non-muslim is discussing with us any issue in the forum, please be patient and remain calm.
As muslims, i believe we should set a good example to our non-muslim brothers and sisters.

2)I also think nationalist issues need not be discussed on this forum, especially when a member of one community criticizes fellow muslims belonging to other communities leading to the dvpt. of hatred.
Let us all love each other for the sake of Allah.

Before reminding u all, this is first a reminder to myself.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu !:hearts:


Subhana Allah!
Asalamua alaykum
Alhamdulilah i'm in good health and Iman, i hope you are the same:)
Insha Allah, i will do that it's a promise:D jazak Allah khayra for your request:hearts:



make dua 4 ma finals
JazakaAllah Khairan sister,

I will keep these advices in mind inshaAllah. May Allah be with us all!

Allah hafiz