An old bible found in Palestine confirms the Quran story Tru



:salam2: Thank you for posting this video

Allah is One and Only Supreme Great Creator of the whole Universe and Mankind, Jesus never utter a single words that he is a son of GOD and Jesus indeed never associated himself as a God


Junior Member

I don't know to much about nasara/christians doctrine other than mentioned in Quran but after watching this documentary I see:

Paul never meet Jesus PBUH and only follows a vision he received. Now with knowing about how the Jinn influence a man, it couldn't be more clearer to what has happened. Allah knows best.

Now it reflects on the significance of the Quran being exactly how it was sent down and will remain through out history. The word of God/Allah will be exact and affirmed. subhan-Allah



Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum brother and sister this is a great clip from the history channel documentary " Who wrote the bible" if you guyz have time do watch it :)


Junior Member
aslam o alikum brother and sister this is a great clip from the history channel documentary " Who wrote the bible" if you guyz have time do watch it :)

Salam Brother- Is the entire video on youtube? is this different from 'banned from the bible' Please send a link if you know of any


Junior Member
I've seen the video and was so amazing. This only shows that there were different ideas and views around. This New Testament was never the injil but the works and collections of what the church leaders decided on. Anything which did not comply with their prejudices was kept away. The doctrine of the Trinity was a long, violent and hot conflict for centuries. It was made official in the 4th century. Little is known today about the Nasara and most what is known comes from the church which has been hiding the truth about them. The injil of Isa(as) was observed by the Nasara and not by the followers of Paul who became known as "Christians". The followers of Isa(as) were never called Christians and they were not polytheists but they rather believed in Tawhid, Torah and were basically early Muslims. I always differentiate between Isa ibn Maryam(as) and Christianity which has nothing to do with him.

The only thing missing from this video is the miracle birth but the rest is all there Subhan Allah.


Junior Member
This is an awesome video... Thank you very much for sharing... I have copied it down on my personal computer as a personal copy..
