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Are Muslims really not allowed to have Non Muslim Friends ?
It is better to have muslim as friends.We can find best examples in the seerah,how to deal with non muslims and in the Qur'an.We deal with them with justice and kindness and wisdom.Friend is someone who has influence on you ,even though one might not admit to it.Friends do affect us subconsciously.A friend who helps you to grow in piety and helps you get closer to Allah is much better.These days,there is a lot of fitnah and we should protect ourselves lest we get lost.There is a very good post by sister Tabassum,about,'Resisting the urge to compromise'
Our increasing interactions with non muslim is really a test for us that we might not start following their ways,so why take risk?All muslims are brothers and sisters of each other,like a united body,when one part is hurt the other feels the pain.This kind of friendship cannot be except for the sake of Allah and it is best.
What if you live in an area where there are no other Muslims. You can not just shut yourself off from the rest of the world. I have a very small circle of friends and I am the only Muslim in it. I wish I could live in a bigger city but right now I can not.
I live in a non muslim country and area,all my cousins and other family are in other cities.I had a few friends,but as soon as I started to practice Islam,they started leaving.So,now I am left on my own heh.Alhamdulillah!It's not impossible to live without any human being.Protecting faith is better than being alone.Hazrat Umar( raa) said,"Lonliness is better than a bad companion."What is better than the company of Allah?Allah will always send believers help.Just believe in Allah and do His will,Allah will make it easy for us,inshaAllah.
Sheikh Ibn Tayyimah said when he was in prison,"What can my enemies do to me? My garden is in my heart; wherever I go it is with me and never leaves me. My detainment is seclusion (an opportunity for worship), my being killed is martyrdom, and being expelled from my city is a journey."
Dealing kindly and justly with non muslims is allowe and treating them kindly is a very good thing.A muslim will always behave in a good manner with everyone.Just having them for close friends and buddies,is not good.
Wallahu 'alam.
May Allah grant you,me and us all the company of righteous good believers.Ameen.
:salam2:I think you need to ask yourself why is it axiomatic that a non-muslim is your enemy. Certainly, paradise is promised to all believers - muslims, christians and jews.