Assalamoe Aleikom


New Member
I made a new msn only for socialize with other muslims

I am from holland, but my orgine is maroccain and I am 22

and i also have a big collection nasheed
I hope allot of people will add me, because I also have a great need to talk with fellow muslims

pm me and i can give you my msn

assalamoe Aleikom, mohamed


Shahid abdullah
welcome brother to tti. Actually there is no add system in this forum. People talk about Islam and Muslims.

Anyway, we are looking for you collection.


Subhana Allah!
welcome to tti

:ma::SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206: to tti brother alhamdulilah, may Allah(SWT) increase ur knowledge, ameen:tti_sister: