Attacks by Shaitan


Ya Elahi!

So recently I decided to change my life around....I began wearing hijab, praying most prayers.....and now the shaitan is attacking me sooo very badly with awful thoughts

I am in constant worry that I will be led astray

How do i fight the shaitan off?


Junior Member
Very good point-this happens to any muslim/muslimat who decides to mend his/her ways.One of the best solutions is to read Quran(a link to read the Quran with translations online is provided below)
-Avoid things that are liable to remind you of your old ways
_Say ''A'oozobillahi mina Shaytanin Rajeem" 3x(I seek Allah's from the accursed one) whenever you feel you are tempted. Or better still recite Ayatul Kursiy(In Suratul Baqarah).
-Beware of your peers.....Associate your self with people of good and decent Islamic character and shun those with bad influence.
- recite a lot of ''Zikr''(remeberance of Allah)
-Finally, Pray and ask Allah in Dua to not to mislead you again after He has guided you."Rabanaa Laa tudhii Qulubanaa ba'ada iz Hadaitanaa wa hab lanaa min ladunka rahmatan, Innaka Antal waHab"
We pray He holds our hearts firm to truth and keep us away from any distractions.......Ameen

Quran site.""


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
Pretty easy...

Tune up the things he fights you to stop you from doing!..stick to that which he tries to keep you away from...


he makes you miss a fardh prayer???...stay up at night and pray a *VOLUNTARY PRAYER*..he makes you lazy and read only 3 pages of Qura'an today?..the next *10 PAGES!*...he made you stop from doing a good deed?...go ahead..THINK OF ANOTHER..and DO IT along with THE FIRST ONE if possible..he makes you think of ill thoughts???...why not look at the calender and mark THE SOONEST DAY you can FAST on???

If shaitan throws ONE WHISPER at throwback A 100 SWORDS OF IMAN back at him!!!...he is weak!..he fights alone!..and you fight with Allah (swt) by your side!..Allaho Akbar!...WHAT MORE WOULD YOU WANT?!!! :)



Just ignore him. From what I gather the "Satan" from an Islam perspective is one who is trying to lure the faithfull away from their true religon. So the best defense of that is to do the exact opposite. Don't give him the time of day. Remeber why you are a Muslim. Turn your thoughts to Allah when they start to turn to Satan. But also remeber that what you think is Satan tempting you may well just be a regular human need or emotion. Not everything is conected to you being temptied by Satan. If your feeling tired while readig the koran chances are you are just tired and nothing more ( for example).


Junior Member

So recently I decided to change my life around....I began wearing hijab, praying most prayers.....and now the shaitan is attacking me sooo very badly with awful thoughts

I am in constant worry that I will be led astray

How do i fight the shaitan off?

Dear sister:

Be happy this whisper is sign of faith in your heart , since now shaytan can`t make you involve in sins he trys to spoil your relation with your creator , by just whispering strong fight him with more faith more good deeds ......we all suffer from the same matter but we can handle it by the help of Allah swt......have big trust in Allah you are on the straight path.