Beautiful Quran Recitation From Masjid Amar bin Yasir al-zayd.


Staff member
[SIZE=-1][img=left][/img]Beautiful Quran Recitation From Masjid Amar bin Yasir al-zayd. This is some really beautiful Quran recitation read in the Taraweeh prayer. Prayers from this Ramadan Alhamdulilah. In the name of Allah the Most BEneficent the Most Merciful ![/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][vg]-8729105282212738403[/vg] [/SIZE]

Talib ul Ilm

New Member
Who is this Imam


Brother Mabsoot you don't know how much reward you were getting this ramadan. During our itikhaaf in the masjid i asked the Imam if i could play this recitation over the loud speakers, and subhanallah the brothers just loved it. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please me the Imams name so that i can search to see if i can get his whole Quran set.

Jazakullah Khair,

May Allah swt Reward You Ameen Ya Rabb


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum wa rahmet Allah Wa barakatu

There is nothing better than listening to the Holy Qur'an.
A book that can never be changed nor replace.:ma:

Talib ul Ilm

New Member

the imams name is salah al bukhatir


Assalamuwalaykum Brother Ahmed Ibn Khalid,

This is not Sheikh Salah Al-Bukhatir as I know him very well Mashallah, he has a beautiful recitation also, however his is more of a higher pitched voice which has some resembalance to Sheikh As-Sudais. I have posted the link below so that you may be able to listen to Sheikh Salah Bukhatir.

Inshallah if any one can get me the name of this Sheikh I would really appreciate it.

Jazakullah Khair

Talib ul Ilm

New Member
Sheikh Khalifah Al -Tunaiji

Assalamuwalaykum to Everyone,

After a couple of years of looking for who the Imam in this Video is, Alhamdulillah I have found his name.

Sheikh Khalifah Al-Tunaiji

He won the international Quran Competition in Dubai last year and has his own website which is:

Mashallah May Allah reward him and bless him. He has many c.d.'s but for parents that have children and hope for them to learn the Quran and commit the Quran to memory, I suggest they buy the 30th Juzz that has him reciting and and imitation of his in a childs voice. I did this for my daughter and Mashallah she is picking up the words very well and she has not even turned 2 yet Alhamdulillah.

Jazakullah Khair for everyone that has emailed me asking if I had gotten the name and May Allah bless us with the Quran and allow us to implement it in our lives.


Talib ul Ilm