Being punctual/on time


Junior Member
Assalaamu alaikum brothers and sisters

Please can anyone help me or advise me what Islam says about being punctual or on time and not keeping each other waiting??

I am not a stickler for time keeping BUT if someone tells me to meet them at a specific time or be somewhere at a specific time I make the best effort I can be to be there at that time - I rush if necessary because I think it is disrespectful to keep someone waiting - it send the message to them that you dont care if they wait around or you dont think they have anything better to do or better to be. Its rude to be late.

Now I know of course when you go places its not always possible to be there exactly on time - you may be 5 or 10 minutes late due to traffic, car not starting , bus/ train being late etc - basically unforeseen circumstances that are outisde of your control.

However I see/hear a lot of people who are late ALWAYS. If they meet someone they think nothing to leave home at the time they are already meant to have met them, or they take their time, go slow, last minute preparations when they have hours and hours or even days notice of the time they need to meet someone/be somewhere. It is not uncommon for people to be 1 or 2 hours late regularly to meet family or friends because of the simple fact they do not see it as a problem to be late.

Surely Islam has something to say about this? someone who is always late causes the other person to eventually lose patience and think badly of them, get annoyed at all the predictable waiting around time and time again and delay their plans, creating bad feeling. I am sure the Propeht pbuh did not stroll in 1 or 2 hours late to meet people like nothing was wrong. I am sure he must have been considerate to them in this way.

Can anyone help me find evidence for the command to be punctual and not keep anyone waiting? Hadith pershaps? Insha'allah

Jazak'allah khairun



a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu sister
I am in a hurry but to tell the truth, I keep all my watches and time 10 minutes ahead of real time so that I dont get late for any situation. Let it be to go somewhere, to go for classes, to go to Mosque, to meet someone etc etc.



I try to be punctual but my personality prevents me. I make good effort and life gets in the way. I am never rude but I am not the most punctual person in the world. It has taken me decades to become this way. I do not stress over little things. I like to smell the roses, look at the rainbow, say an extended hello to a loney person, ask about the family of the owner of the coffee shop, try to make a deal with the automechanic, wave to an associate on the street, kiss my chidren goodbye...and then I am able to set out on an adventure...through the years I have learned that there are only dates for which I could not be late: one is the time I was born..I was on time as Allah subhana talla stated and I will not be late when the angels come for me...outside of that everything is really keeps me smiling.


Junior Member
When I was little, my mother was late every time she had to be somewhere, which meant that I was late to school literally every single day of the year. Which meant lots of detentions lol. So I guess that's why I'm so big on being on time. If I'm not where I need to be at least 5 minute early, I panic and get annoyed at myself. and if people are more than 5 minutes late, I start to get annoyed with them.


I really hate to be late, as it inconveniences the other person/people involved. I do not like to be kept waiting, so I do not want other people to be kept waiting either, that is just me. I try to be at places at least an hour/half hour early just to be on the safe side. If I say I am going to call at 8:00 in the evening, then I will call, I was always taught to be on time.

I am a very punctual person. I believe everyone has a life and it's vital to respect other peoples time. When I make an oath I always do my best not to break it. I am almost never late to anything. Personally, I think Americans are more punctual and timely than foreginers.

My (American) aunt was once invited to a Afghan wedding that said 7pm on the invitation card but people didn't show up until 9pm! She was invited to one of my cousins home at like 6pm but people didn't show up until 9:30pm! It's really annoying and disrepectful.

Here are some verses in the Quran that is in line with being punctual which relates to trust and keeping your oath.


"Allah doth command you to render back your trusts to those to whom they are due; and when ye judge between man and man that ye judge with justice: verily how excellent is the teaching He giveth you! for Allah is He who heareth and seeth all things" (4:58)


"(Believers are) Those who faithfully observe their trust and their covenants" (23:8)

"And (Believers are) those who respect their trusts and covenants" (70:32)