Christmas Presents


Junior Member
I converted from a Christian family and a big problem i am having is about Christmas. Now, i am only 16 and i have a while to think about this, but when i marry and have kids, what should i do about Christmas with my family? I know i can't not go to Chritmas because it is a time of family and friends, but what should i do about presents? should I give my family presents still? should i allow them to give my children presents?


New Member
Asalam o elikum,

I just joined this forum and so happy to read such good stuff here :)

One question since when a Christian is Kaffir ? I thought that all ehlay kitab (Muslim, Christian and Jew) can t be consider as kafir ? Correct me If i am wrong.


Junior Member
I don't know what you're SUPPOSED to do, but I know several Muslims who will exchange gifts with Christians or give extra charity, or decorate their homes with lights during Christmas (actually, they decorate with Christmas lights during Eid, which is a wonderful idea, I think). My family is Christian, as are my friends, so I'll definitely still be exchanging gifts. Saying no and telling my family why I shouldn't/wouldn't, would cause more drama and anger than any good it would do.

This year, Hanukkah, Eid al adha, and Christmas will all be very close together. I love it - all three major religions sharing holidays around the same time. Seems kind of heart warming in a corny way.


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum Pardesi,

You wrote the following:

One question since when a Christian is Kaffir ? I thought that all ehlay kitab (Muslim, Christian and Jew) can t be consider as kafir ? Correct me If i am wrong.

Please click on the following links. They'll take you to pages 2, 3 and 4 of a thread that is now closed. There was a debate about this matter on those pages of that thread, and I believe -God willing- you'll know the answer to your question when you read all three pages:

Best regards,


Wassalamu Alaikum


Junior Member
i think its fine to exchange gifts as long as u dont think of them as CHRISTMAS GIFTS.if ur heart is at the right place, i guess its fine. as long as u dun have any xtian value strings attached.
i hate christmas..............
The whole idea jus to buy gifts for the sake of it make me sick.
Look at the kids these days. They don't even think about jesus (peace b upon him), it really does make me sad.
I will never be like


Junior Member
Thanks guys you really helped me! and yousouf your right all kids think about during christmas is presents, they hardly know what the holiday is actually's kinda sad:(