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Junior Member

Jazaka Allahu Khaiyran. So I can use products that contain those E coded without any restriction!!.

Inshallah you can provide us with the fatwa if you can.. Baraka Allahu feek.

Wassalamu Alykom..

That is just what I heard and so I assumed we were allowed them...


Junior Member
Maybe this will help you:

Respected Elders,

Assalamu-alykum Warahmatullah,

Are all products that contain vinegar, sprit vinegar or malt vinegar, regardless on how the manufactures produce it, because it varies from company to company, Which are part of the ingredients in e.g. Tomato ketchup, mayonnaise or salad cream etc, etc. Is it Halal or Haram. Because as i understand it vinegar is made from alcohol?

May Allah elevate the Ummah



Ulamaa ID 03

Answer last updated on: 27/05/2007 23:44pm
Answered by: Ulamaa ID 03

Location: UK
In the Name of Allah, the Inspirer of Truth.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

All vinegars are permissible.

Vinegar is produced by two successive microbial processes. The first being an alcoholic fermentation (which is Haraam) and the second an oxidation of alcohol by aceto bacter, when it's molecular structure is changed and it ceases to be an intoxicant. Other varieties of vinegar are produced from beetroot, tarragon and alcoholic spirits. In vinegar the intoxicating factor is destroyed by the microbial process of oxidation hence it becomes permissible. Islam permits any variety of vinegar to be used as a condiment or preservative. (Muslim Food Guide - Page A26/27)

And Allah knows Best
Wa Alaykumussalaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


New Member
Staff member
u just made my day @ Muharram23
jazakallah khair

wa iyyake akhi, people make things haram quickly without even knowing. What is even worse is that they spread it to others. This deen is easy, people make it hard on themselves and others.

Im glad u like it

Allah knows best

Assalamu alaykum


New Member
Staff member

How are you brother?.. Jazaka Allahu Khair...

May be you can share with us the article which you've sent me via email inshallah, titled '' ARE WE EATING PORK''.. I have used some of that article in this thread, but please post it if you can..

Alhamdullah I have benefited from it, and inshallah it will benefit everyone as well...

Baraka Allahu feek..

''Why we dont see it as another way of pleasing Allah (swt), by refraining of the things that can be Haram..''. Yes I agree with ''danial'', without being paraniod..

Wassalamu Alykom..

salamu alaykum akhi,

i sent you something via email? r u sure hmmm?

Wassalamu alaykum


Junior Member
Too funny........I think I will go drink a bottle of ketchup now.......and chase it with some vinegar..... I will let you know if I get high!!!!! Hee Heee!!!!!

No but seriously, what about cooking with Sherry or white or red wine since the cooking process removes the "alcohol" from the food?