

Junior Member
maybe some people just want attention. i dont know but there are a host of reasons why people deceive and many of them are harmless. Caution is a good thing but suspicion is not so i think we should avoid suspicion.


Asslaam walaikum,

In another post Brother Ayman quoted this :

وعين الرضا عن كل عيب كليلة --- كما أن عين السخط تبدي المساويا
Translation: The eye of contentment overlooks all faults, while the eye of resentment exposes all shortcomings.

And I pray we are blessed with the eyes of contentment on this site.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaam walaikum,

This is probably one of the most serious posts I have written. Thus, in advance I thank you for reading this.

My concern is deception. I was thinking and it struck me like lightening. We are on the internet. There is the luxury of anonymity. We assume this being a Muslim and thereby correct website would never encounter deception.

I am addressing a specific concern. We have young and innocent sisters. And each day I realize more and more how innoncent Muslim women really are. I pray we practice no deception.

No..I am not suggesting a deception test. I know we are Muslims and thereby have to exhibit the best of correctness. I simply impore our brothers to protect our sisters.

Jazaak Allahu kharin

wa'alaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh,
Sadly such things happen among Muslims too:( it just proofs the imperfection of human beings whether they have the ideal absolute truth (ISLAM) or they dont! subhanaAllaah, I understand what you're saying, we sisters ought to be very careful inshaAllaah. Nobody knows what is going happen or who you're actually talking to. AlhamduliAllaah, I sorta trust this website and I am glad Iam back to it:) but the fact that the majority here are good people does not mean in anyway that they are not some people who look for other than benefitting this ummah.
PS: I am not accusing nobody, I am just saying THERE IS A POSSIBILITY!


Staff member
assalamu alaykum,

people need to be careful, whether online or offline. Also, not to simply judge people by appearances. Or to trust too quickly, because you believe the person to be a righteous Muslim. People need to take precautions, take their time to analayse the situation, to get further advice and second opinions from others.

*alas, these are lessons, that many will nod their head to, but ultimately learn by experience.

assalamu alaykum


I'm not what you believe
is there someone who is subspecting of me???I received a PM from an unknown member and I hope none of you is making me a trap,because I entered this site andwish to rest here,because I feel free to express my ideas and not to be put on proof:wasalam:


Think for yourself
Salam alaykum

Scholars from the Salaf have stated:
"This knowledge is religion, so open your eyes and see from who you are taking your religion."

And this rule should be applicated in our life, if we want to trust to a muslim, we have to see how this muslim is. We have to see its salat how it is, how much knowledge does he have in Islam, its commitment in Islam, how is its behaviour and so on... We are based o its appearance, because we can not know what is inside the heart, we can not know if its heart is sound or not...

'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud -radiallahu anhu- said:
"People will continue to be in goodness until they take knowledge from the scholars, from those that are bigger then them and from their old people. Whereas, when the knowledge will come from young people and from light-minded, they will be ruined."

I ask Allah to give us shrewdness and knowledge in our religion, then act upon it, call the others sincerely into it, and bear insults and offenses by patience.

Assalamu alaykum


Junior Member
is there someone who is subspecting of me???I received a PM from an unknown member and I hope none of you is making me a trap,because I entered this site andwish to rest here,because I feel free to express my ideas and not to be put on proof:wasalam:


I had someone send me a PM asking if I was Muslim also.