Deen & Dunyah - A struggle to stay on the right path


Junior Member

Deen and Dunyah
Allah I believe in, Islam this is my deen
Deep down, inside my heart is where its always been
This dunyah into which I was born
Sometimes it makes me happy and at others forlorn

Ya Allah, I just feel like giving in
To all in this dunyah tha I'm living in
It says to live like theres no tomorrow
but because of this my heart is filled with sorrow
I know to Allah I will have to someday return
but I know that Jannah has still got to be earned

I'm so confused but my ilm will set me free
Ignorance will perish because Islam is my destiny
I feel my heart overwhelmed with yaqeen
That all muslims will embrace their deen

I just have to remember, this life is but a test
So lets all turn to Allah and forget all the rest
Why doesn't my nafs let my obey Allah's decree?
This dunyah's fake luxeries is all my eyes can see
Although in my heart the flame of Islam burns bright
La Ilaha Illallah is what i know is right

So why am I sinking into this dunyah's depression?
All I feel is stress and all around me oppression
I throw bricks at the Shayateen
for invading my mind and shaking my deen
but my faith in Allah will guide me to as-siraat-al-mustakeem

This reality I can't wake up from as it were just dreams
but my life in this dunyah is just how it seems
I know all i have to do is follow the Prophet's sunnah
Inshallah one day we'll all be united as one ummah
So soon I'll give my salaams to this dunyah as my last
because I know my time in this life will soon be past

So before its too late, let me taste the sweetness of Iman
Strive on the path of Allah and fight the influence of Shaytaan
This dunyah is temporary, Deen is forever
So do everthing for Allah and anythin for the Shaytaan? No, never!



Junior Member
mashallah that was indeed intresting to read. I only hope that we muslims hhave the courage to do as we are commanded. Thank you for this lovely poem.
Waleikum salam


:mashallah:You are very talented, it was beautiful and down to earth. Jazakallahu Khairan!!:)



i really wanted to read the poem, but the text color blended in too much in the background. is it possible that you can change the text color insha'allah?


Junior Member
so nice

so nice,poem..i like,sister
keep writing
but,can u in the next time..choose different colour for font..
my eyes hurts me:girl3: