

Junior Member
:salam2: It is so difficult when a relative dies (suddenly) and we live far away.:( Inna lillahi wa inna illayhi Rajioon.


Asslamo Allaikum,

Inna lillahi wa inna illayhi Rajioon...

I was talking to kids last weekend about someone whose relative passed away & I was trying to imply that off course it hurts but we have to see what Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said & did in grief as that way Allah (SWT) will be pleased with us, we will be rewarded...our grief will be lessened (with the help of Allah and we can actually send reward to the dead instead of things being the other way around...

By following our logic, thought & popular culture our grief may never go away & we may also loose reward for us & the dead.

May Allah (SWT) give me the ability to practise this & grant you patience (Ameen).

There is oppurtunity for us in adversity; all praise be to Allah (SWT).


Junior Member
Assalaamu alaikum

I always find it much harder when a non muslim who is close to me dies, like one of my family. It saddens me because we pretty much know for sure what theyre going to get no matter how nice they were. And the fact that my actions still could not help them out of it.

It really rips my heart out.

When i was really young I had this dream that all of my family including me were in this like river of blood and guts and stuff and we kept almost drowning. I was the only one to get out of it, my mom, dad and brother were all still in there. It really freaked me out........ It freaked me out even more when i discovered what it really was.......aaaaaarrrrgggghhh...subhanallah, messages at a young age, kinda weird dont ya think?


Junior Member
I know wat u mean my mums auntie in India passed away yesterday but da fing was she was murdered.

I felt for my mum big time but I also felt very sad but I never met dis relative but I will know Inshallah will pray 4her.


Asslamo Allaikum,

I empathise when people feel for their relatives who have passed away; but it doesn’t really affect me much which means that I am a spiritually weak person (as people tell me)…

For the same reasons I don’t dream (hardly ever)…

Sister! I wouldn’t put much thought into dreams; sure some of them are from Allah (SWT) but who is to say which ones; I always had problems reconciling which ones are from Allah (SWT), which ones are from Shaytaan (RA), and which ones are due to upset stomach and vivid imagination!

Before some of the other Brothers/Sisters try to dissect my statement in a black/white manner; let me describe a true “grey” incident about Shaikh Izzud-Abdus-Salam (RA).

A Qadhi (Muslim judge) in his times received a case late in the afternoon and decided to defer the verdict till the next day but we pondered over the matter & made up his mind. That night he had a dream in which Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) told him to decide the mater in the exact opposite manner.

Qadhi woke up perplexed, went over the case and came up with the same judgement that he had decided earlier (opposite to the dream)

He considered the case again & came back with the same decision.

Puzzled, he called upon Shaikh Izzud-Abdus-Salam (RA) who at once told him to decide the case based on his judgement & not the dream because the Shaykh (RA) explained that Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) has categorically stated that Shaytaan cannot take my person in a dream but that doesn’t mean that Shaytaan cannot mess up your memory or interpretation of the dream. Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) has told us that he has left us the Qur’aan & Sunnah to guide so we shall make them our guides…

I can find the exact reference of the book where this incident is mentioned if people are interested.


Nemesis of Decadence
I believe in this quote which says, that we should not mourn the death of great people, and rather, we should thank God that such people existed. And may you all rejoine in happiness in heaven :)