

Junior Member
Salamun aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakhatu,

Is it allowed to pluck the Middle hair of the eyebrows
If it is connected to One eyebrow

Barakallahu feek


Here to help
salam alikom,
I once read on Islamqa that it's okay to remove the hair between the eyebrows, however it's haram to pluck your eyebrows.


Islam is a way of life
salam alikom,
I once read on Islamqa that it's okay to remove the hair between the eyebrows, however it's haram to pluck your eyebrows.

I agree.

It is clear that it is impermissible to have one pluck your eyebrows or pluck them yourself but we have heard it is permissible to pluck what is between the eyebrows. Some men and women, have what some might call a unibrow, where hair grows between the eyebrows. We "hear", and it is unclear whether this is from the people of knowledge or ignorance, that because this hair between the eyebrows is not from the eyebrows, then it is permissible to remove. Like the moustache or hairs that may grow on the chin of a woman, the hair between the eyebrows resembles the hair of the men, and can therefore be removed. Can you please ask the people of knowledge about this issue.

As for as the unibrow then the hair BETWEEN the eyebrows is permissible to remove. As clarified by the Permanent Committee. As for plucking the EYEBROWS like some of the women do by making them into different shapes and reducing its size then this is known as Namaas and strictly prohibited. This ruling applies to both men and women. And Allaah knows best.

Sheikh Uthaymeen (r) was asked:

What is the ruling on reducing the hair of the eyebrows?

Praise be to Allaah.

If that is done by means of plucking, then it is haraam, and indeed it is one of the major sins, because it is the “namas” for which the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who does it. But if it is done by cutting or shaving, then it was regarded as makrooh by some scholars and forbidden by others who regarded it as a kind of “namas”. They said: “ ‘Namas’ does not only mean plucking, rather it is a general word which includes all ways of changing the hair for which Allaah has not granted permission, if it is on the face.” But what we think is that women should not do that unless the hair of the eyebrows is so thick that it hangs down over the eyes and affects her vision, in which case it is o.k. to remove that which is causing the problem.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, part 3, p. 866


Junior Member
I agree.

It is clear that it is impermissible to have one pluck your eyebrows or pluck them yourself but we have heard it is permissible to pluck what is between the eyebrows. Some men and women, have what some might call a unibrow, where hair grows between the eyebrows. We "hear", and it is unclear whether this is from the people of knowledge or ignorance, that because this hair between the eyebrows is not from the eyebrows, then it is permissible to remove. Like the moustache or hairs that may grow on the chin of a woman, the hair between the eyebrows resembles the hair of the men, and can therefore be removed. Can you please ask the people of knowledge about this issue.

As for as the unibrow then the hair BETWEEN the eyebrows is permissible to remove. As clarified by the Permanent Committee. As for plucking the EYEBROWS like some of the women do by making them into different shapes and reducing its size then this is known as Namaas and strictly prohibited. This ruling applies to both men and women. And Allaah knows best.

Sheikh Uthaymeen (r) was asked:

What is the ruling on reducing the hair of the eyebrows?

Praise be to Allaah.

If that is done by means of plucking, then it is haraam, and indeed it is one of the major sins, because it is the “namas” for which the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who does it. But if it is done by cutting or shaving, then it was regarded as makrooh by some scholars and forbidden by others who regarded it as a kind of “namas”. They said: “ ‘Namas’ does not only mean plucking, rather it is a general word which includes all ways of changing the hair for which Allaah has not granted permission, if it is on the face.” But what we think is that women should not do that unless the hair of the eyebrows is so thick that it hangs down over the eyes and affects her vision, in which case it is o.k. to remove that which is causing the problem.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, part 3, p. 866

thanks for this information.