Final Words


New Member
Peace be unto you,

I understand that the thread has been closed, and this is not an attempt to reopen the discussion. I respect the decision of the moderators, but I wanted to make a few words in closing.

Firstly, thank you for all of your advice and all of your kind words. I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, and hope that God rewards you bountifully for your trying to help me.

Secondly, to those who may have felt hurt by my responses, I apologize if I have unfairly hurt you. Please understand that this is not in my nature at all to act this way; I am generally a very sensitive and kind individual, and do not like mistreating anyone. But after years of suffering and pain, and injustice, my tolerance has worn down considerably. I just felt very hurt by people dismissing my difficulties as a choice that I made, which I certainly did not. In any case, you do not seem like callous people who would say that simply to hurt someone; I understand what you mean, and I definetly see how depression CAN be a choice in part, but believe me it is far more complicated than that. It is hard to appreciate unless you've been there.

I would like to especially apologize to the sisters who may have felt hurt in the thread; again, my true nature is very kind and forgiving, and I am extra cautious to be polite with sisters. However, I did not mean to be rude to anyone, I just felt hurt by some of the comments.

I will definitely read through the material that has been posted or PM-ed. To those who have PM-ed me thank you very kindly; I'm right now just overwhelmed with my personal life, and I apologize if I have not replied. I am trying to take things one step at a time. Yesterday, as I lay trying to sleep and tormented by all my troubles, I felt unable to cope any further--I did not even have the energy to turn to the forums. However, I made du'a to Allah, and I read a couple of Surahs from the Holy Quran, which I can't lie and say felt like magic, but they did bring some calm to my heart, and a sliver of determination, which I badly needed. I am trying very hard to re-introduce faith into my life, and not give up.

Thank you all again for your help, and for helping a complete stranger. And I apologize for what may have been perceived as blasphemy by me; I could not find any other way to express my questions. But know that I have great respect for people of strong sincere Islamic faith, and I pray that the faith of my family grows stronger each day, in spite of my lacking in it at the present moment.

I have gone from no faith to faith before, and I hope I can make the same journey once again successfully--albeit it will be a bigger challenge this time around.

May Allah preserve you in the best state of Iman and Health.


Junior Member

On this day of Jumma, a day I do not fully understand but know that it is of great significance in Islam, I wish you all the love in the world and hope that you know that there are many many people who have walked with the same sand in their shoes that you now have.

Sometimes, the only thing you can say to Creator is "help me"....and that is alright.

Be well brother...


May Allah Forgive us
Peace be unto you,

I understand that the thread has been closed, and this is not an attempt to reopen the discussion. I respect the decision of the moderators, but I wanted to make a few words in closing.

Firstly, thank you for all of your advice and all of your kind words. I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, and hope that God rewards you bountifully for your trying to help me.

Secondly, to those who may have felt hurt by my responses, I apologize if I have unfairly hurt you. Please understand that this is not in my nature at all to act this way; I am generally a very sensitive and kind individual, and do not like mistreating anyone. But after years of suffering and pain, and injustice, my tolerance has worn down considerably. I just felt very hurt by people dismissing my difficulties as a choice that I made, which I certainly did not. In any case, you do not seem like callous people who would say that simply to hurt someone; I understand what you mean, and I definetly see how depression CAN be a choice in part, but believe me it is far more complicated than that. It is hard to appreciate unless you've been there.

I would like to especially apologize to the sisters who may have felt hurt in the thread; again, my true nature is very kind and forgiving, and I am extra cautious to be polite with sisters. However, I did not mean to be rude to anyone, I just felt hurt by some of the comments.

I will definitely read through the material that has been posted or PM-ed. To those who have PM-ed me thank you very kindly; I'm right now just overwhelmed with my personal life, and I apologize if I have not replied. I am trying to take things one step at a time. Yesterday, as I lay trying to sleep and tormented by all my troubles, I felt unable to cope any further--I did not even have the energy to turn to the forums. However, I made du'a to Allah, and I read a couple of Surahs from the Holy Quran, which I can't lie and say felt like magic, but they did bring some calm to my heart, and a sliver of determination, which I badly needed. I am trying very hard to re-introduce faith into my life, and not give up.

Thank you all again for your help, and for helping a complete stranger. And I apologize for what may have been perceived as blasphemy by me; I could not find any other way to express my questions. But know that I have great respect for people of strong sincere Islamic faith, and I pray that the faith of my family grows stronger each day, in spite of my lacking in it at the present moment.

I have gone from no faith to faith before, and I hope I can make the same journey once again successfully--albeit it will be a bigger challenge this time around.

May Allah preserve you in the best state of Iman and Health.

:salam2: Brother,

We also have tried our best to understand your situation. Brother. I too am a born muslim and I also suffered from depression for a while (before realizing the importance of Islam or in fact even coming to Islam, as I don't think I was in Islam before though by name I was). But there was something different which I did and which I guess really helped me. I believed in One Almighty and asked Him to show me the truth. I craved for the truth and Alhamdulillah and Alhamdulillah, He, The Most Merciful, THe MOOSSTT Merciful showed me the truth. Have Faith in the Almighty and You will be relieved of this depression. The prophet :saw2: said "Adversity is followed by prosperity". Don't lose hope and be patient and keep praying to know the Truth. May Allah Guide us all.


May Allah Forgive us

On this day of Jumma, a day I do not fully understand but know that it is of great significance in Islam, I wish you all the love in the world and hope that you know that there are many many people who have walked with the same sand in their shoes that you now have.

Sometimes, the only thing you can say to Creator is "help me"....and that is alright.

Be well brother...


Sister you just said what I wanted to say, in an even more precise manner (Asking the Creator for help). And yes Jumma is the best, I love this day. This is so full of peace and tranquilty. Jumu'ah is the weekly Eid for us. The Prophet :saw2: used to take extra preparations for this day and on this day there is Sermon delivered by the Imams, khutba in arabic. You can go to this link to know about the Importance of Jumu'ah prayers'ah.


Staff member

May Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) ease your difficulties and grant you peace.

I am positive that there is no ill-feeling from anyone. Sometimes we can be ticked off and our brain shuts off while emotion runs away; it's difficult to catch it but when you do, we see sense.

I hope that the information from the thread helps to answer your questions. And like you stated, it brought you peace when reading the Qur'aan, this is because there is nothing like it.

Brother, ask Allah (the Almighty) to bring peace to your heart and guide you to the straight path. Without doubt, Allah will answer your supplication because where do we turn when we have lost all hope and are at the lowest of the lows, there is only Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala).

Take care of yourself and Walaykum Salaam.


Junior Member
I think that a most important turning point in life of any muslem is to try to see things as it is , we humans are weak , poor, helpless , blind, deaf, disable ..........without what is given to us every single moment since we were in the wombs of our mothers. The favours of our creator is more than words can tell, more than any heart can feel , vocabulary can explain how merciful and loving Allah is .......please feel the favours you are immersed in (feel earth you are walking on, the air you are breathing , the light that is showing you the way........etc.) Unless you lift the veil from your heart and know who are you and who is your Lord true recovery. Please feel your poverty and come to Allah sobhanahu wa taala with love and humilily.


Assalaam walikum,

Brother, May the Peace of Allah descend upon you always. My words were strong but necessary. We are not talking about simple things. We are talking about your soul.
Please let us know how you have a family here who does care.
Take time to think and reflect but do drop us a line.
Insha'Allah, you and I can have debates that would benefit many.

Your soul searching helped many people. You opened up and wrote of things many fear. Take strength in that alone.

World Peace

Islam is Light
Don't be Sad - A Book by Shiek Al-Qarni

Asalamo aleacom brother B232

In times of sadness and worry, when we are feeling alone and distressed, Allah is our refuge.

And with hardship, there is ease as Allah says in the Quran.

“So verily, with hardship, there is ease.” (Quran 94:5)

I have attached for you the following book:
Don't be Sad - by Shiek Al-Qarni
I hope you have a look at it


It would be good if you continue doing the following:
  • Listening to the Quran more often (including Suat Al-baqara)
  • Increasing Dhikr ie. Subhan Allah, alhamdo lillah, la ilah illah Allah, Allah Akbar, Lahawal wa laqowata illa billah, Astagfir Allah, subhan Allah wabihamdih Subhan Allah Alatheem
  • Saying the morning and evening Athkar
  • Seeking knowledge and visit links provided by our brother's and sister's in your thead
  • And making Dua - Asking Allah for guidance
Alhamo lillah that you came to this forum. And asked questions, so that they dont cloud your heart. May Allah guide you and grant you inner peace and happiness. And make it easy for you. For you have come here to search for him

Wasalam aleacom


  • Dont be Sad - Book by Sheik Al-Qarni.pdf
    15.1 MB · Views: 16


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum,

subhana'Allaah this is one of the "sweetest" (for lack of a better word) threads I have ever read....and the replies are just priceless!! subhana'Allaah, indeed the Muslims are brotheren to one another....we all feel the pain of another Muslim! subhana'Allaah! indeed all praise and thanks is to Allaah alone.
Brother I have read your other thread, this is a phase some of us go through from time to time, its the whispers of Shaitan, the weakness of our imaan, and the insecurities of our souls. There is none that can help us EXCEPT the allmighty, the all wise...the one who gave us all that we have.

MY number 1 advice:: SEEK THE CORRECT KNOWLEDGE!!! its urgent to know what must be known.
I personally have experienced what knowledge can do...alhamdulillaah. It's the light that can make you see what it is that you're looking for. But becareful about it though.....there are many things out there THAT look like knowledge but are really MISGUIDANCE...BE really CAREFUL and seek the correct understanding of Islam.

My second advice: Listen or recite the Qur'an as much as you can...its what heals the distressed soul. In your journey, dont forget to Thank, ask and seek Allaah, the creator of all things. He is listening to you every second and will grant you that which you ask of Him. Allaah is the most loving Lord.....Seek His aid, you'll find it.

My final advice: Sorround yourself with the Mutaqeen, the pious people, those who always remember thair Lord, who advice each other to do good and stay away from evil. Make the Masjid (mosque) your second home.

I ask Allaah to make all your difficulties easy, to give your heart peace, and to always protect you. ameen

Akhi NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON ALLAAH!!! Keep the Hope up insha'Allaah, its going to be allright!! :)


make dua 4 ma finals
I am back again :p I found a nice video....(I havent watched it yet though) but I thought it might be helpful to you and others insha'Allaah. SO here its!



Junior Member
Islam is the answer


I think it is a blessing to humanity that a brother talks about such issue , It is time to show how lslam can take any human out of darkness, it is a chance for all to refresh their faith and knoweldge , It is a reminder for all us humans : we need to understand our role on earth and accomplish the purpose of our being here:

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

51:56 I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.

Translation of the meanings of Quran

For all our brothers and sisters in humanity ; Please see for yourself :
Islam is the answer.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Brother. . though I may not know much what had happened around in the forum as I havent been here for some time, but know that we, as brothers and sisters in Islam are here to help each other, either through words of motivation or by helping one another to be closer each day to Allaah.

Maybe some have said this to you but personally I would like to share mine. We all go through phases where we feel that our imaan are going up and down, but so long that we hold on strongly to what we believe, inshaAllaah, Allaah is there to help you. But you have to do your part by constantly asking help from The Al-Mighty, *crying out your heart to Him* and 'tell' him all the pain that you feel inside.

If at your first attempt, you do not feel any better, then do not stop trying. I understand that you have some questions in your mind regarding Islam but remember that Allaah has chosen you to be a Muslim, to be His slave.

There is no bigger gift than having the feeling of imaan inside your heart. Allaah has said that we, Muslims are the best nation - as long as we are trying very hard to do what He commands and forbidding the evil.

"You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . .ila akhir ayaat" (3:110)

Not going to say much, but no one can help you from any hardships that you are going through except with the help from Allaah. You are making a good step by reading the Quran to gain some peace. Keep up with that.

Spend some time reading this article - that talks about how Muslims do not have any disease due to the deep faith that helps to face through any difficulties.

Its going to be a long, tough, bumpy road but know that after every hardship there is ease. Put your trust in Allaah as He never break His Promise.

May Allaah help you. Ameen.