Going 2 divorce u


Staff member
didn't mean to exasperate you. This is the type of thing i find so disturbing about Islam. Not only that it happens, but that it's so accepted. Seems that every time I turn around, I find something outlandish and i feel almost repsonsible because i have become a muslim. I feel like now, every Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist......they all see me as one those people that divorce spouse via text, do honor killings, female circumcisions....kill mickey mouse....

I totally just don't get it...and i am exasperated too.

Imagine if you had to give your life up for something right? But then you wanted to sever ties with your spouse, when Im saying give up your life this is in the most literal sense, your putting your life in the line of fire, you could die at any time.

I really do not think this brother had bad intentions or wanted to hurt his wife. But maybe he didnt want to actually say 'You are divorced' in case he retracted the decision if he spoke to her? Maybe text was a better option for him in sticking to the decision he made which was probably a very difficult one in the first place?

Try giving up something for the sake of Allaah, something that is actually a very normal part of your life then maybe you may be able to empathise with the mans actions in this case? Im not saying its ideal or the commended thing to do, divorce by text, but try to understand why he may have done that at least inshaAllaah.

wa-alaykum salam wa rahmatullaah.


Junior Member
I think sometimes it is very difficult for people who are living a stable quiet life to understand the hardship of the people who are suffering wars and occupation. I think that brother didn`t want his wife to suffer more after his lose and wished for her a good future .One can`t understand till he be in the same position .... I heared that one sister in Iraq waited for her lost husband after some war may be 25 years hoping for his return...but I am not saying that all muslems are angels and we don`t have many misconducts with is condracting the teaching of Islam.


New Member
But it was his wife. She deserved more respect than a text.

I can understand that life is very different there...I can understand it must be very hard. And I can understand fighting and dying for what you believe in.

But a text?!?!?! Seriously. a text.


But it was his wife. She deserved more respect than a text.

I can understand that life is very different there...I can understand it must be very hard. And I can understand fighting and dying for what you believe in.

But a text?!?!?! Seriously. a text.


Sums it up in my view. Regardless whether he's going for jihad or not (for whatever reason one decides to divorce) there should be more respect for the sanctity of marriage and its good manners to be considerate of your spouse.


Junior Member

As brother AlQurtubi wrote; we don´t know about they life more than just one new, nothing more.

I am widow of soldier of Allah. It is not that you represented in your post. I am happy that my husband sacrificed his life for Islam. (Not with al-qaeda if someone thinks so!)

Mash'Allah sister. That's why I see palestinian women as strong women. The women in Palestine encourages their husbands' a lot and that's very good.
Wa Salam Alaykum