Happy its Not a New Year!


Thank You Allah!
You are welcome Gareth, I will make you a really nice drink !! How about a banana milkshake with sliced strawberries and fruit pieces, icecream, lots of fresh cream and topped with chocolate sprinkles.

See, we know how to have a real party, haha

Can I have some too? :shymuslima1:


Staff member
Very sad. But i can't see why we can't just say "Happy new year and wish that next year would be better than the past as i wish you achieve all your goals" i have to note that i'm not celebrating or doing any party.

assalamu alaykum sister,

We can not say that, because firstly as was mentioned this "new year" is not a new year for Muslims. Its a Christian calendar event. Therefore it has religious connotations, even if it had nothing to do with any other Religion, it is still not allowed as it falls into participating in something that is not from our deen and something that is imitating the disbelievers. - All the major scholars from the past and present condemned such practices.

We have been given our own days to celebrate and partake in. When a person wishes someone "happy new year" etc, logically this means condoning/ accepting the event. It may seem polite to do it, but, surely our first committment is to Allah the Most High.

We have our own Islamic new year, thats the one we should actually care about. Even then, it is not for us to mark it as a special day where we congratulate people or do extra worship, that too becomes innovation, as it was never done by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or his Companions. Some people say "Kullu 'aam wa antum bikhayr", which is akin to "happy new year", this too is wrong. If you read back the article, and look at the link to "introduction to bid'ah" it can help to understand these points.

Any act of Ibaadah that is a general act of Ibaadah, like Making Du'aa for instance, if it is then linked to a specific time or place, for example, to make du'a on new years eve or on a birthday, etc this makes it an innovation. This is something we should not do, even though du'aa itself is a good thing. But, once we start to associate it in a manner that was not taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his Companions, we should abandon it. That is why in the article it was mentioned how Islam is complete.

When you "wish for something", then this in essence is a Du'aa.

I would also like to point out and remind everyone about how we should take pride in our Deen. Not to bend over backwards to make happy those who disbelieve by sacrificing any part of our Deen. We can be kind, and well mannered to the disbelievers, Islam is the Deen that gives Rights, and the disbelievers have many rights. However, our obedience, love, trust, hope and complete submission is to Allah who is Master and Creator of us all.

We can do things, such as Du'aa in a manner that is non-specific and which is done in a way where we do not single out a day, an event, a place, a person etc, and also do without ascribing it as part of the deen, then it is fine. So, you can make du'aa for someone to have a good year or good future (at any day or time in the year). But, its wrong when people start to do this on new year's eve, especially on the new year of the disbelievers. Avoid doing any of this. Avoid copying what people do!

The key thing is, that we should differ from the disbelievers. Our acts of worship should be different and distinct. THis is why the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam) knew about the day of Ashura', he wanted to do it, as the Muslims have more Right to Musa alayhi salam than the Jews..... but, also he wished to differ so he instructed for us to do one day extra than them.

All acts of worship have to be done in line with the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

It is a sad time, if you were to think about all the crimes committed. There is a big increase in crime. The number of road accidents, drunk behaviour, drunk driving, assaults, stabbings, and a statistic that nobody mentions is that the number of rapes rise by 500% on "New Years Eve".

Yeah the same thing happens here
anyways jazakallahu khair akhi for the great post
may Allah make us steadfast in spreading the true message of islam aminn


Muslim Guy
Oh yeah, I just remembered. This "new years resolution" thing that people do now...I usually have a personal milestone like that at the end of every Ramadan. Things I want to continue doing and new things I want to learn until the start of the next Ramadan.

Assalam alaikum.


:ma:very beneficial post. A lot of people say Happy new year to me, so what do you say in response without being disrespectful?

Barakallahu Feekum for this very needed reminder.:hijabi:


Junior Member
Understood :) before I read your post I was planning for celebrating the hijri year for the first time next year. You know because it's the islamic calander. But after reading your post I got to know it's bidd'a. A3outhou billah! Anyway thanks for clearfying things akhii. Really Jazak allah khair for enlightening our path.

I REALLY REALLY hate how arab and so called "Muslim" countries follow the christian calender blindly. Simply whatever `the government uses the socity would be using the same kind of calander. Seriously i deeply wonder how do those Muslim countries use things that don't belong to them? why are we refering to others identity when we have our own? why are we letting go of our valued islamic principles? *Pulling hair* wallahi akhii it's really annoying!!
