o0h got it!!! gosh, it was tiring to read man, soo long! (iam kidding)
ok, now I understand, so abu hurraira was your real name???lool, I neva thought it was bc I thought u like that sahabi and u named urself after him!loool, I guessed WRONG!!
o0h, got everything now, but walahi, u can fool ppl like this, they'll wonder where u went when u r actually sitting on "their FRIENDS list"lool
o0h, ok one other question, what is up with 786?? I neva knew wat it means or is supposed to mean?? (I knw, iam a little behind) but do inform me
lastly, AlhamduliAllah I am doing great, thanks for asking akhi
>>ps>> u excited abt something bc us seem like u r yelling(in a happy way ofcourse)lool
HINT, look at ur response on my vm
keep it coming akhi, I looove excitements, I get excited toooo!!!!!!!!!!
Allah hafiz my little winny, tinny brother(no offense intended!!!)