

New Member
salam alai kum
i had a question about an inter cast marriage.
i m in love with a hindu gal.she is ready to convert but her question is...
is it necessary to change her name to a muslim name afer gettin married to me???her name means blue me out with this.
thank you


Staff member
salam alai kum
i had a question about an inter cast marriage.
i m in love with a hindu gal.she is ready to convert but her question is...
is it necessary to change her name to a muslim name afer gettin married to me???her name means blue me out with this.
thank you


Well I think its not necessary bro but then it depends what type of name she has? If its something like Savatri.(Then I think maybe a change will be better)




Marrying a New revert!


There is NO caste system in Islam and as long as she is a Muslim there are no issues with you marrying her.

If she remains a Hindu then you CANNOT marry her.

1) Marriage is not about your desires, likes & dislikes…It affects YOU, it affects HER, it affects YOUR FAMILY, HER FAMILY and your GENERATIONS!

There is nothing wrong with Neelum (or any other derivative name of such nature).

2) Once she has reverted to Islam (Insha’Allah) you will have to work very hard to bring her into Islam and teach her the practices of Islam.
3) When a woman comes into Islam she has a lot of questions, there are emotions swirling around in her head and maybe her family, friends will frown upon her.
4) Marrying a new revert to Islam is NEVER easy! Make sure that you HAVE a strong personality and shield her from all the NEGATIVITY!

If you have THOUGHT hard about 1,2 & 3, 4 and considered all the POSITIVES and NEGATIVES; then make your decision, Insha’Allah and Allah (SWT) will help you.

salam alai kum
i had a question about an inter cast marriage.
i m in love with a hindu gal.she is ready to convert but her question is...
is it necessary to change her name to a muslim name afer gettin married to me???her name means blue me out with this.
thank you

saba urooj

Junior Member
:salam2: brother,well thrs no harm in keeping her old name but,still if the name resembles of a hindu name then she must change her name n dont gv others a chance 2 make a row or fuss abt her hindu name.......3 of my brothers frnds had married non muslims after converting them n the girls changed thr names b4 nikaah..............well its totally hers own decission now..........................................................................IS IT NEELIMA?:lol: :lol:



Stop it; You and Sr. Zarah; trying to guess her name.

We all have very good idea what her name is.

Naughty Girls!

:salam2: brother,well thrs no harm in keeping her old name but,still if the name resembles of a hindu name then she must change her name n dont gv others a chance 2 make a row or fuss abt her hindu name.......3 of my brothers frnds had married non muslims after converting them n the girls changed thr names b4 nikaah..............well its totally hers own decission now..........................................................................IS IT NEELIMA?:lol: :lol:

saba urooj

Junior Member

Stop it; You and Sr. Zarah; trying to guess her name.

We all have very good idea what her name is.

Naughty Girls!
sorry brother take no offence:shymuslima1: it fine now global peace:SMILY209: :SMILY209: :muslim_child:


Staff member

There is NO caste system in Islam and as long as she is a Muslim there are no issues with you marrying her.

If she remains a Hindu then you CANNOT marry her.

1) Marriage is not about your desires, likes & dislikes…It affects YOU, it affects HER, it affects YOUR FAMILY, HER FAMILY and your GENERATIONS!

There is nothing wrong with Neelum (or any other derivative name of such nature).

2) Once she has reverted to Islam (Insha’Allah) you will have to work very hard to bring her into Islam and teach her the practices of Islam.
3) When a woman comes into Islam she has a lot of questions, there are emotions swirling around in her head and maybe her family, friends will frown upon her.
4) Marrying a new revert to Islam is NEVER easy! Make sure that you HAVE a strong personality and shield her from all the NEGATIVITY!

If you have THOUGHT hard about 1,2 & 3, 4 and considered all the POSITIVES and NEGATIVES; then make your decision, Insha’Allah and Allah (SWT) will help you.


Lol,seems like you have got her name wrong aswell bro...

Inshallah hope the above advice br GP gave helps:hijabi:



salam alai kum
i had a question about an inter cast marriage.
i m in love with a hindu gal.she is ready to convert but her question is...
is it necessary to change her name to a muslim name afer gettin married to me???her name means blue me out with this.
thank you

hi aqee bleu eye 2 is no name way she hve a new name
like aisha like qadeja like summaya like awil so on
aqee way u have a muslim sister way u gave sothing expancive hindu women
way u marry a muslim sister have a fuul iman


Salafi Dawah is the best
Salam Alaikum

There is no need for her to change her name (as long as the name is not disrespectful, which I don't think it is) . infact I would tell her to keep it, her mom named her, it's a respect thing.


Pls mak Duwa 4 me
Salam Brother,

Masha Allah nice to hear about u that ur love coming true that she is ready to convert if she is converting in ur love to Islam then i think it will be better for her to know somthing about Islam before so that it will be helpfull for her and u aswell and no doubt she will love and resp the teaching of Islam, the position and the rights of women in Islam no other religion has like that or near to that as to my lil knowledge and with name it will be ok unless it will not show any shirk in it and rest its her choice, as BROTHER GB said u should takecare of her it will be ur duty and resp that she should understand and follow the path of truth Islam and rest my duwa is with both of u may Allah help and guide u both and make u stronger and stronger on the path of Islam. Ameen.

Fi Amanlila


Junior Member

quran and sunnah on changing names anyone???

Obligation of changing one's name upon accepting Islaam

Is it mandatory for one who newly embraces Islaam to change his or her name?


al-hamdu lillaah.

He or she is not required to change his or her name unless it embodies the worship of someone or something other then God, Allaah. However, its amelioration by choosing a new Islamic name is legitimate and encouraged. The fact that he or she would change his or her name from a pagan or non-Islamic name to an Islamic one would be considered commendable--however, it is not mandatory.

Thus, if one's name is Abdul-Messiah, for example, or similar such names, then he is obligated to change it, as the Prophet (peace upon him) had people with the names Abdul-Ka'bah and Abdul-Uzzah change their names upon accepting Islaam.

If the original name does not comprise or imply anything forbidden in Islaam, then he or she is permitted to retain it (such as the name George, for example). As noted, though, it is preferable to change it to an Islaamic name, as this also distinguishes him or her from the kuffaar.

Note that if changing one's name in official documents and records poses a great inconvenience, it would suffice to change it among the people. In this case, he or she is called by his or her new name by friends, acquaintances, and the general public, while offical documents would retain the original given name.

I was given the name Tyrone Anthony Parker at birth by my non-muslims parents. After taking shahada, I changed my name to Bilaal Faaruwq Abdus-Salaam. I have recently found out that I shouldn't have left my family name and I plan on returning to it. If my parents tell me to return to my given name (Tyrone-has pagan origins ; Anthony-means flourishing) do I have to do it?


Praise be to Allaah.

For the one whom Allaah has guided to Islam, it is sufficient for him to choose an Islamic first name for himself and to keep his father’s name or surname, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not command the Sahaabah to change their fathers’ and grandfathers’ names when they embraced Islam. However, he did change the first names of those who had names with forbidden or undesirable meanings. Because your first name has pagan origins, your changing it to another name, such as Bilaal, is proper and correct. But you should keep the rest of your name and surname as it is; this will please your parents. May Allah guide them, and may He give us and you strength. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

Both of the above are from islam qa

Hope it helps.... my family still call me Amy, which comes from the words to love or to like. Some people call me Aisha, I dont mind what they call me as long as its nice....LOL




New Member
No Harm


As long as your would be wife's name does not sound or mean anything similar to one of the Gods names till then there is no problem

I can understand your concern since in India several legalities are involved in getting a name changed and having same implemented in all legal documents

One advice( I have no authority to say this as I am a very small speck of dust) the lady should convert ideally for the love of Islam and allah and not for your love, hence please give her time and means so that she can understand muslims better

inshallah you will always be very happy in your life