History of Crusaders - lol


Junior Member
Wait, they cannibalized!?

Sadly, yes -

Several Christian sources of the First Crusade report instances of cannibalism. Specifically, starving crusaders were reported to have eaten their fallen Muslim opponants. Although such behavior was undoubtedly very rare, sources claim that Muslims spread terrifying rumors of crusaders "who fed very greedily on the bodies of saracens."

Radulph of Caen, an eyewitness to events at Ma'arra in 1098, wrote, "In Ma'arra our troops boiled pagan adults in cooking-pots; they impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled." (1)

The chronicler Albert of Aix seemed to rank Muslims lower than dogs when he wrote, "Not only did our troops not shrink from eating dead Turks and Saracens; they also ate dogs!"

Guibert of Nogent, in his work Historia Hierosolymitana, provides more details on the incident of cannibalism at Ma'arra. There he notes that whenever the Tafurs who took part in the expedition discovered "scraps of flesh from the pagan's bodies" cannibalism was practiced with little discretion. According to Guibert, the Tafurs were well aware that the Muslims feared them because of cannibalism. For that reason, on at least one occasion, the Tafurs publicly "roasted the bruised body of a Turk over a fire as if it were meat for eating, in full view of the Turkish forces." Guibert notes that the Franks also practiced cannibalism, but they did so "in secret and as rarely as possible."

Fulcher of Chartres also refers to the same instance of cannibalism at Ma'arra. In his Historia Hierosolymitana, also known as A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem, Fulcher confirms that when the crusaders "suffered from excessive hunger" at Ma'arra, they engaged in cannibalism. He wrote, "I shudder to say that many of our men, terribly tormented by the maddness of starvation, cut pieces of flesh from the buttocks of Saracens lying there dead. These pieces they cooked and ate, savagely devouring the flesh while it was insufficiently roasted."

Can you believe that Salahudin(ra) forgave them, despite what they did to children/women etc. through Canabilism and torture. Truely a mercy.

Allah(swt) definitly punished them though.

Also -

During the Muslim-Qurayš wars in the early 7th century, cases of cannibalism have been reported. Following at the Battle of Uhud in 625, it is said that after killing Hamzah ibn Abdu l-Muṭṭalib, his liver was consumed by Hind bint ‘Utbah (the wife of Abû Sufyan ibn Harb one of the commanders of the Qurayš army)[77] who later reportedly converted to Islam and became the mother of Muawiyah I founder of the Islamic Umayyad Caliphate.

Reports of cannibalism were also recorded during the First Crusade, as Crusaders fed on the bodies of their dead opponents following the Siege of Ma'arrat al-Numan. Amin Maalouf also discusses further cannibalism incidents on the march to Jerusalem, and to the efforts made to delete mention of these from western history. The inhabitants of Hungary (which the Crusaders marched through to reach the Holy Land ) were also reported to be cannibals, as the Hungarians had only converted from paganism to Christianity in the 10th century. In fact, the French word for Hungarian, 'hongre, may be the source of the English word ogre.[78]

Subhanallah, Islam came to eradicate this disgusting act.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
:salam2: thank you for sharing, i enjoyed this history lesson, please post more if you have, we learn new things :) :salam2:



my ancient muslim brother Beibarys who was from Truk land - the sultan of egypt and fatih mahmud - the osman emipre stopped those mislead believed crusaders, and change those churchs into mosques.

just before that our Ghigskhan whos was ruled the two third of world, by his wisdom united those nomadic turk people into powerful enginee and his generation embraced islam, established very great muslim empires and countrys. just before that they have a religon called tanger (mean is Allah in our turk language) those crusaders fled away with fear when they saw my turk nomadics and submitted.

i can explain a bit The tanger religon which we turk people believed....we believe tanger(mean is Allah in our language), and we believe the only one Tanger. ask tanger everything, and we ask from tanger by watching the sky, as the muslim people ask from Allah by opening thier hands to the sky..... but later embraced islam by thier will not any force...

and during the Gingskhan empire and the later empires, the muslim valued expensive than non-muslims... if some one kill muslim he must pay with double "price" than others(those non-muslims) or should kill the killer.

the muslim scholars at Gingskhan time explain to gingskhan about the islam, and he was very appreciated with islam, but only what he say is that he said not to be very strict on hajj...