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Bint Abdulkadir
Shaikh Muqbil on Jamaa'at ut-Tabligh

Source: Al-Mukhraj min al-Fitnah
Article ID : GRV020001 [10461]

What can be criticized with respect to this Jamaa'ah :

1. Lack of concern with Aqeedah.

Perhaps a man amongst them will accompany them for forty years and you will find him remaining on his innovated aqeedah, or aqeedah consisting of Shirk. And this is in opposition to the Sunnah since the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) ordered Muaadh ibn Jabal when he sent him to the Yemen that he should begin by calling the people to the testimony that there is none worthy of worship (in truth) except Allaah alone and that Muhammad is His Messenger [the hadeeth is in Bukhaaree and Muslim]. Therefore, the da'wah to Tawheed comes before every single thing and the one who submits himself to Tawheed is prepared and ready to renounce/abandon everything that is in opposition to the Sharee'ah.

2. Lack of concern with Knowledge.

You will see one of them having spent twenty years (on khurooj etc...) yet he still remains in his ignorance and in abandonment of knowledge and goodness. Bukhaaree and Muslim have reported in their Saheehs that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "To whomsoever Allaah intends goodness He gives him understanding of the Deen". The caller to Allaah is the most deserving of people to have zeal and enthusiasm for the beneficial knowledge so that he can call people upon Baseerah (clear evidence, sure knowledge, with insight). Allaah said:

Say: This is my way, I call upon Allaah upon Baseerah (clear evidence, sure knowledge), I and whoever follows me and free is Allaah from all imperfections and I am not of those who associate partners with Allaah. [Yoosuf 12:108]

3.Falling short in Conveying some of the matters and being heedless of a large part of the Sharee'ah.

And Allaah the Exalted said

O you who believe enter into Islam into fully (completely) [ref]

that is take Islaam from all its aspects. Indeed many of the excelled people of knowledge flee from their da'wah for this reason. And we are not making it obligatory upon them to speak about those matters in which they are not capable to do so and we do no permit them to speak in those matters about which they have no knowledge. But we say: Indeed it is obligatory upon the caller to Allaah that he speaks with justice due to His saying: "And when you speak then be just...", and the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) ordered Abu Dharr to speak the truth even if it was bitter.

4. Partisanship to the Madhdhab of Abu Haneefah

Partisanship towards the madhhab of Abu Haneefah is found amongst many of them - but the caller to Allaah, in fact every Muslim, it is necessary for him to comply with and to submit to the evidence.

And it is not befitting for a believing man or woman when Allaah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any choice (after that) in their affair. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger then he has strayed clearly [Surah Ahzaab 33:36]

So how can such a person call others to follow the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) yet he is the first of those to oppose [the Messenger]?

O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? It is greatly detestable to Allaah that you say that which you do not do [Soorah Saff 61:2-3]

Do you enjoin you Al-Birr (piety and righteousness and each and every act of obedience to Allbh) on the people and you forget (to practise it) yourselves, while you recite the Book? Have you then no sense? [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:44]

And Shu'ayb (as) said:

I wish not, in contradiction to you, to do that which I forbid you. I only desire reform so far as I am able, to the best of my power. [Soorah Hud 11:88]

5. Narrating weak and fabricated hadeeth and those hadeeth which have no foundation or basis.

The Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Beware of narrating much from me for whoever ascribes something to me, then let him say the truth and whoever says upon me that which I did not say, then let him find his seat in the Hellfire." Reported by Ahmad from Abu Qataadah.

And whoever says: 'Some of the people of knowledge have allowed the narrating of weak hadeeth which are related to the virtues of the actions' then he did he has not complied with the conditions they have attached to it, and that it is that the hadeeth should not be very weak and that it should have a basis [from other hadeeth] and that acting by it should not become common and widespread. And additionally, it is not permissible to narrate except that which is established... and when he speaks with the weak and forged hadeeth and that which has no basis then it is clear that it is not permissible to act upon it and Allaah knows best.



Junior Member
plz stop criticizing these ppl. Due to such ppl, islam has been spreading all over the world.
Those ppl who dont do any thing their selves and dont want to let others do any thing, only they write such things.


Junior Member
Soufies also have been spreading their belief around the world, Look what has happened in the Muslim world now, It is one thing to do dawah, but another thing to do dawah with the wrong Belief, How can someone spread Islam throughout the world and have the wrong understanding of Islam? Not Possible, that is more dangerous for the Muslims.


Brother in ISLAM
plz stop criticizing these ppl. Due to such ppl, islam has been spreading all over the world.
Those ppl who dont do any thing their selves and dont want to let others do any thing, only they write such things.

Thats a false claim brother, people all over the world are doing dawah, you really have to learn about all these groups and their aqeedah. You don't have to listen to some people criticizing others, you need to know the reason why do they do that.

About tableeg Jamat i myself first got a push from that jamaat Alhamdulillah. I've seen them doing serious good work like calling people to islam, i mean calling the nonpracticing muslims to islam(ONLY THAT) and they teach the first 10 surahs. But they rely on some books which contain serious daeef ahadith, when they start reading it in the mosques i get up and go.. There's no fighting..
But the world should know the truth about any jamaat that gives dawah. Remember there will be 73 sects and ONLY 1 WILL GO TO JANNAH!

Salem brother has a solid point..



Junior Member
truemuslim: i will pm u in detail

U can take weak hadith when u r telling virtue of any thing like Surah Fatiha etc.

That book is not every thing which they read. There is much more. U need to explore in dept.

Brother Salem's post are always amusing.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Brother Shahzad, please also send me a PM about what you want to say too, because I am caught up in Tableegh. The only differance with me is because I know the Daeef things that they say (I've accompanied a lot of the members who say Daeef Hadith, and caught them when they say it), but when I tell them that, no one listens to me because they think that I'm a little kid and my understandings are limited and that everything I say can't be true, while thry KNOW alot about me, and who so ever I meet at the masjid, jamaat, or tableegh, after they talk to me, THEY NEVER DENY that I am differant, and that I'm not like a regular boy. Well that I know, but another thing is that NOW ALMOST EVERYONE'S STARTING TO KNOW ME. My name is going around my masjid, I'm starting to be the talk of Paterson. Too much attention, yeah, but maybe someday I'll be able to standup, than everyone will remain sitting, as long as they LET me say what I WANT TO SAY. And in reality, the only ones who actually DO beleive me in what I say are the African/African American brothers/uncles, the Indian Uncles (who more are starting to know and recognize about me) and the Pakistani Uncles, while everyoen else runs to their Bidah, not listening to my warning, and the worst part pf that is that they even KNOW that I am smart, they KNOW I read Sahih Al Bukari, they KNOW that I listen to many great scholars and Ulemahs (ImamAnwar Al Awlaki, Ulemah Al Albani ), and they KNOW that I know alot more in many Islamic things (than them, even alot of the older people), and they even KNOW that I speak what is true, because they also know that if I say something, I don't say it unless I have solid beleif and proof in it, and they KNOW that my sources are Sahih. But they just reject, letting themselves fall into error, and even with my calls to help them come into the true Ilm of Deen, they let themselves not beleive, and it's sad.

LoL and brother Salem's posts are pretty good alot, Mashallah alot of good and firm Nasihah, but how about there's a change in one mistake in a Nasihah and Dawah he gave before and led into a fight (with me and) alot of other people.


Junior Member
Salam alaikum....
Brothers every jamaat is doing an effort doing dawah. Then i think any particular jamat shouldn't be critcised because evry jamat has its way of learnin and teaching and doing dawah.

Allah hafiz*

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Jamatul Tableegh goes on these basic things:




Thaleem happens after everyone goes to sleep after Fajr, and they do it like 10:30-11:00. They read a bit from Fadaeel Ammal, than after some time they do the last ten Surahs and Al Fatiha, and than they continue on with Fadaeel Ammal for liek half an hour. After that they start doing Muzakarah.

Muzakarah is when the Tableegh/Jamaat discuss the six attributes of the Sahabi:

Kalimah, Salat, Ilm/Zikr, Ikraam Al Muslimeen, Sahih Niyaat, and Tableegh.

"The Sahabi had many important apects in thier lives, and by following these, practicing Deen will be easier for us," (my own words, modified from other's so mine sounds better).

Others say differantly: "The Sahabah 'had many qualitites' (they ALWAYS say this, I got bored of it and changed it),in them they had SIX SPECIFIC QUALITIES, and by following this, WE CAN PRACTICE DEEN COMPLETELY,"

Now understand a few things here. And especialy read the bold

(Note to self: finish later)


Junior Member
well, those 6 points are not complete deen but rather they help in acting on islam easier.

If u r bored, that doesnt mean that u shud criticize those. I think u shud think before u leap


Brother in ISLAM
Jamatul Tableegh goes on these basic things:




Thaleem happens after everyone goes to sleep after Fajr, and they do it like 10:30-11:00. They read a bit from Fadaeel Ammal, than after some time they do the last ten Surahs and Al Fatiha, and than they continue on with Fadaeel Ammal for liek half an hour. After that they start doing Muzakarah.

Muzakarah is when the Tableegh/Jamaat discuss the six attributes of the Sahabi:

Kalimah, Salat, Ilm/Zikr, Ikraam Al Muslimeen, Sahih Niyaat, and Tableegh.

"The Sahabi had many important apects in thier lives, and by following these, practicing Deen will be easier for us," (my own words, modified from other's so mine sounds better).

Others say differantly: "The Sahabah 'had many qualitites' (they ALWAYS say this, I got bored of it and changed it),in them they had SIX SPECIFIC QUALITIES, and by following this, WE CAN PRACTICE DEEN COMPLETELY,"

Now understand a few things here. And especialy read the bold

(Note to self: finish later)


Read more about Tableegh jamaat from
Pros: The first and only time i went to the jamaat it was difficult for me to grasp what they are trying to say, as their medium of instruction is urdu. But for me it was a good experience as i learned byheart the first 10 surah's and how blind i was because of the materialist desires.

Cons: I am not trying to create a feud over here between muslims. But like brother abdul hasib said, some of them JUST DON'T WANT TO LISTEN to you, apart from them rest are just following what the imam is saying. Worst thing is (atleast in my place) they tend to call the people who don't follow them the deviated ones and that we are destroying the tranquility.

I think we should all strive to be one ummah! As we all know United we stand Divide we fall...



Junior Member
I also criticized them I live in Pakistan .Many times after I finished my prayers the ask me abt which maslak I m following and then I tell them that I m not following any maslak but hadeeths which are sahih .One day a person took me to the Imam coz I say Ameen(after sorah fateh is recited by the Iman) .They say that Prophet(saw) did some things but after time he stop doing those things and they say that Imam Abu Hanifah followed that which Hazarat Muhammad(saw) did in His(saw) last days.I dont know abt that PLZz someone help me on that and one more thing that they say u have to follow wat ur Imam believes that dont say Ameen louder after Fateh Al-Kitab coz our masjid's Imam is hanafi plzz throw some light on that too.Well I m reading "Minhaj-ul-muslim"and sahih Bukhari but not much.and when ask abt their believes they cannot convince me on that which they say


Bint Abdulkadir
salam alaykum

the jamaat tableegh are a branch of the deviated sect of sufiasm i will provide further evididence from SCHOLARS. i wish you would look into this more deeply some of the comments here are not too pleasing to read because they are defending these deviated sect

Issues of Criticism concerning Jamaa'atut-Tableegh
Friday, 15 June 2007
By the Subduer of Innovations, al-’Allaamah Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi’ee

A list of ten points which Jamaa'atut-Tableegh - the group whose call is built upon innovations - can be criticized.

You will find many innovations amongst them. Rather, their da’wah (call) is built upon innovations.

So as for Jamaa’atut-Tableegh, then in front of you is what the noble brother, Muhammad Ibn ’Abdul-Wahhaab al-Wassaabee – may Allaah preserve him - has written. So he said,

[1]: They act upon weak ahaadeeth. Rather, they act upon fabricated ahaadeeth and those that have no basis.

[2]: You will find many innovations amongst them. Rather, their da’wah (call) is built upon innovations. The backbone of their call is khurooj (going out) with a limit of three days in a week, four months in a year and four months (at least) in a lifetime. And they have two excursions (jawlah) every week: one to the mosque that is prayed in, and the other is a roaming excursion. And they have two study circles every day: a circle in the mosque that is prayed in, and one circle at a house. So they will not be pleased with a person until he adheres to this. There is no doubt that this is an innovation in the Religion for which Allaah has sent down no authority.

[3]: They feel that the call to Tawheed causes conflict for the Ummah.

[4]: They feel that the call to the Sunnah causes conflict for the Ummah.

[5]: Their leader says sternly, ‘An innovation that gathers the people together is better than a Sunnah which divides the people.’

[6]: They have enmity towards Ahlus-Sunnah.

[7]: They indirectly and directly deprive the people of beneficial knowledge.

[8]: They feel that there is no salvation for the people, except through their path, and they strike a parable stating that this (their call) is like the Ark of Nooh; whosoever boards it is saved and whosoever does not, is destroyed. And they say, ‘Our da’wah is like the Ark of Nooh.’ Indeed I have heard the likes of this from them in Jordan and Yemen.

[9]: They do not give importance to Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah (Oneness of Allaah in Divinity) and Tawheedul-Asmaa‘ was-Sifaat (Oneness of Allaah in His Names and Attributes).

[10]: Verily they do not prepare for seeking knowledge. They feel that the time spent in search of knowledge is a waste. And they possess other than what has been mentioned.


[1] Taken from Tarjumah Abee ’Abdur-Rahmaan Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi’ee (p. 137-138) of Shaykh Muqbil.

Translated by Maaz Qureshi [1]


Junior Member
subhan'Allah that is so true, when ever you talk to Muslims about Tawheed and Sunnah they tell you to hush and don't talk about it or else it will cause conflict with Other Muslims, I mean if there is no Tawheed or Sunnah then what is Islam then? What are the purpose of calling people to Islam and doing "Dawah" when you don't tell them what is Tahweed? or what is Allowed and what is Not Allowed. But this is the what Tablighi Jammaat, and the Ikwanis etc. want Muslims to do, they want you to hush and don't talk about the the deviant groups and sects which are infecting the Muslim Ummah Like a Virus because if they start talking about it people will also get to know about their own belief and will run away from them.


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Sorry brother Salem, but you're not cutting it. Exactly the same thing you said in the other thread about the Amir of Chechen Khattab (RA), on the thread about the Tribal Mujahid of Pakistan arming with Afganistani Mujahid.

State your proof brah, or it's no deal!

Happy 2BA Muslim



I personally adopt the moderate opinion of Shaikh Bin Othaimeen (may Allah have mercy on him) when asked about this group:

He is asking about Jamaa’at al-Tableegh:
I have started to become committed recently, praise be to Allaah. In our area there is the Jamaa’at al-Tableegh, who go out for thirty days or more. People say different things about them. Some say, don’t go out with them, because their going out is an innovation (bid’ah) and they have some mistaken ideas. Others advised me to go out with them. What is the correct view concerning that? Should I go out with them or not?

Praise be to Allaah.

We have already discussed this group and some of their pros and cons. Please see question no. 47431.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about that and he said:

Usually in every issue there are two extremes and a middle way. Some people praise this group a great deal and encourage going out with them; others condemn them a great deal and warn against them more than they would warn you about a lion. And some people tread a middle path between those two extremes.

I think that there is some good in this group; they call others to Islam and have a clear influence that no other daa’iyahs have had. How many kaafirs have become believers at their hands, and how many evildoers has Allaah guided through them?

Moreover they have an attitude of humility and selflessness that is not found in many others.

Some people say that they have no knowledge of hadeeth, and so on.

They are undoubtedly good people, but I think that those of them who are in Saudi do not go to Pakistan or other countries, and we do not know anything about the ‘aqeedah of those people (in other countries) or their manhaj (methodology). But there is nothing wrong with the manhaj followed by our companions here in Saudi.

With regard to limiting da’wah to three or four days, or to two or four or six months, or two years, there is no shar’i evidence for that. But they think that this has to do with organization. If a person goes out for three days, and knows that he is limited to these three days, he will focus his mind and forget about worldly matters. This is the matter of organization, and is not an act of worship or a matter of sharee’ah.

I think, may Allaah bless you, that if you have the opportunity to seek knowledge then it is better to do that, because seeking knowledge is good and the people nowadays have a great need for scholars who have knowledge of the Sunnah and who are well-versed in knowledge. If you are not able to seek knowledge, and you go out with them in order to purify yourself, there is nothing wrong with that. There are many people whom Allaah has guided at their hands.

Al-Baab al-Maftooh, no. 10, P. 304.

And Allaah is the Source of strength.

source: Jamaat Al-Tableegh



Junior Member


I personally adopt the moderate opinion of Shaikh Bin Othaimeen (may Allah have mercy on him) when asked about this group:

He is asking about Jamaa’at al-Tableegh:
I have started to become committed recently, praise be to Allaah. In our area there is the Jamaa’at al-Tableegh, who go out for thirty days or more. People say different things about them. Some say, don’t go out with them, because their going out is an innovation (bid’ah) and they have some mistaken ideas. Others advised me to go out with them. What is the correct view concerning that? Should I go out with them or not?

Praise be to Allaah.

We have already discussed this group and some of their pros and cons. Please see question no. 47431.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about that and he said:

Usually in every issue there are two extremes and a middle way. Some people praise this group a great deal and encourage going out with them; others condemn them a great deal and warn against them more than they would warn you about a lion. And some people tread a middle path between those two extremes.

I think that there is some good in this group; they call others to Islam and have a clear influence that no other daa’iyahs have had. How many kaafirs have become believers at their hands, and how many evildoers has Allaah guided through them?

Moreover they have an attitude of humility and selflessness that is not found in many others.

Some people say that they have no knowledge of hadeeth, and so on.

They are undoubtedly good people, but I think that those of them who are in Saudi do not go to Pakistan or other countries, and we do not know anything about the ‘aqeedah of those people (in other countries) or their manhaj (methodology). But there is nothing wrong with the manhaj followed by our companions here in Saudi.
With regard to limiting da’wah to three or four days, or to two or four or six months, or two years, there is no shar’i evidence for that. But they think that this has to do with organization. If a person goes out for three days, and knows that he is limited to these three days, he will focus his mind and forget about worldly matters. This is the matter of organization, and is not an act of worship or a matter of sharee’ah.

I think, may Allaah bless you, that if you have the opportunity to seek knowledge then it is better to do that, because seeking knowledge is good and the people nowadays have a great need for scholars who have knowledge of the Sunnah and who are well-versed in knowledge. If you are not able to seek knowledge, and you go out with them in order to purify yourself, there is nothing wrong with that. There are many people whom Allaah has guided at their hands.

Al-Baab al-Maftooh, no. 10, P. 304.

And Allaah is the Source of strength.

source: Jamaat Al-Tableegh


When you bring this Fatwah please clearly understand what this says.

As You can see in the Clear Red, The Shiekh Was talking about those in Saudi Arabia, Of course those Tablighis Who come to Saudi will never show their true colors and their belief, or else Saudi Arabia will kick them out of the country. So they don't show their true religious belief there, but outside like the Sheikh Said he doesn't know about them. Also Shiekh Uthaymeen isn't alive now, but many others from the Ullema are and they have All warned us against. the Tablighi Jammat no Matter where they Be.

You took This one Fatwah by Shiekh Uthaymeen who isn't alive and he was talking about those who are in Saudi Arabia, but you didn't mention the tons and tons of Rulings which Explicitly talks against the tablighi Jammat from the other Scholars.


Junior Member
subhan'Allah that is so true, when ever you talk to Muslims about Tawheed and Sunnah they tell you to hush and don't talk about it or else it will cause conflict with Other Muslims, I mean if there is no Tawheed or Sunnah then what is Islam then? What are the purpose of calling people to Islam and doing "Dawah" when you don't tell them what is Tahweed? or what is Allowed and what is Not Allowed. But this is the what Tablighi Jammaat, and the >>Ikwanis<< etc. want Muslims to do, they want you to hush and don't talk about the the deviant groups and sects which are infecting the Muslim Ummah Like a Virus because if they start talking about it people will also get to know about their own belief and will run away from them.


bro what does Ikwanis mean? you mentioned it here and also in other of your posts..but never asked what it it somthing bad? is it a sect in islam? sorry but never heard of it..

sorry for being off topic..but just want to know the meaning of a word.
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