How to receive Allah's special mercy

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member
How to Receive Allah’s Special Mercy


We know that Allah ta'ala Name's Ar-Raheem is specifically for the believers, so how is it that one can receive this special Mercy from ar Raheem?

1-Obedience to Allah and His Messenger. "and obey Allah and His Messenger so that you all may receive Mercy." [3:132]

2-Taqwa of Allah ta'ala, fear and consciousness of Allah. "And this is a book, We have sent it down as one blessed, so follow it and fear Allah so that you all may receive Mercy." [6:155]
Similarly Allah says: "and My Mercy encompasses all things, so soon I will write it for those who have taqwa." [7:156]

3-Doing ihsaan (utmost good) towards Allah and the creation. "Indeed the Mercy of Allah is near to those who do utmost good." [7:156]

4-Praying four rak'aat before 'Asr prayer. The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam said: “May Allah have mercy on one who prays 4 raka’aat before the ‘Asr Prayer.” Narrated by at-Tirmidhi no. 395 and he declared it a hassan, Al-Albany rated the Hadith as hassan in Sahih al-Jami’ No. 3493.

5-Listening to the Qur'an attentively and remaining silent.
“And when the Quran is recited, listen to it with attention, that you may receive Mercy.” [7:204]

6-Having rahmah towards the creation of Allah. A hadith in Musnad Ahmad states, "Show mercy so that you may be shown mercy, forgive and Allah will forgive you." There is another hadith narrated in Sunan Abi Dawood that states, "The merciful will be give mercy by the Most Merciful. Have mercy to those on earth and the one in the heavens will have mercy upon you."
Also Allah ta'ala says in the Qur'an, Do you not love that Allah should forgive you? [24:22]

So if you want mercy, you want knowledge of the Qur'an, you want Jannah, you want Guidance? Show mercy to others.

May Allah ta'ala shower His mercy upon us, :tti_sister: Ameen.



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
How to Receive Allah’s Special Mercy

3-Doing ihsaan (utmost good) towards Allah and the creation. "Indeed the Mercy of Allah is near to those who do utmost good." [7:156]

6-Having rahmah towards the creation of Allah. A hadith in Musnad Ahmad states, "Show mercy so that you may be shown mercy, forgive and Allah will forgive you." There is another hadith narrated in Sunan Abi Dawood that states, "The merciful will be give mercy by the Most Merciful. Have mercy to those on earth and the one in the heavens will have mercy upon you."

Mashallah sister...such beautiful points you have posted...I would like to have focus be brought on points 3 and many of us are eager to accomplish the other ones..and at many times we belittle the points 3 and 6 and make them a last priority..failing to remember that Islam obligated balance in all that we attempt and accomplish in its sake and in Allah's sake :)

Baraka Allaho Feeki Ukhti

I testify of the point 4 Mrs.el koussi, because I've seen the Hadits, i hope that people won't do the 2 Raka'at, because doing 2 Raka'at before Ashar isn't enough, take another 2 to accept the Fadhilah.

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member
Mashallah sister...such beautiful points you have posted...I would like to have focus be brought on points 3 and many of us are eager to accomplish the other ones..and at many times we belittle the points 3 and 6 and make them a last priority..failing to remember that Islam obligated balance in all that we attempt and accomplish in its sake and in Allah's sake :)

Baraka Allaho Feeki Ukhti


:ma: You've got a point ,sister. We all tend to focus mainly on our relationship with Allah swt in our prayers and so on, disregarding our relationship with His creation .Allah swt has promised us a great reward if we are good to one another . We are ordered to be good to our parents, our relatives, our neighbours and all our brothers and sisters in Islam , but many of us are far from that. Hope we keep this in mind , so we can finally be " a quran walking on earth " as Sayyida Aisha RAA described the Prophet ( PBUH ). Gazak Allah khairan sister.


New Member
As Sallam!
Allah knows better!
This is what i had learned in my life, Allahs rehmah is in working for Allah, becoz you work for Allah, Allah works for you. Work to spread the mercy of Allah sends mercy on you.

Jazak Allah Khair!