I am new here! Questions also.


Junior Member
Hi I am new to this site! I have a muslim boyfriend and I am currently undecided about my own religion, I am really looking into Islam for myself. I think it is very interesting and makes me really happy while reading the Qur'an.
I have a couple questions (if I can remember most of them!), if anyone could help answer that would be very helpful thank you.

My first question is:
is it wrong in islam, for both men and woman to have sex before marriage?

And I am having trouble remembering the other question(s) at the moment, but when I remember I will ask.
Thank you! :SMILY288:


Junior Member
Hi there

Welcome to the site
In answer to your question Yes it is wrong. It is also wrong in most religions
Maybe some more knowledgeable brother & sisters can answer this in more detail and offer you guidance.



Muslim Brother

welcome to Islam hope you find this site educatioanl.

the answer to your question is that yes it is wrong to have sex outside marriage - a marriage contract is needed.



Junior Member
You are most welcome , Islam teaches that Allah most Glorified created everything for a purpose ...the relation between man and woman is to make families and stable society were children can grow safely , that is why marriage is a must in islam.


Junior Member
Hello and thank you to all!

I am very excited to be joining this webside and to have some nice Welcomes and answers to my questions!
I am sure that I will fit in just great here!

Thanks again!