I need advice!


New Member
Salam alaikom everyone,

I have been suffering from depression for over a year now and I've finally decided to do something about it. Its not an easy thing to go through, especially when you don't know what to do about it or who to turn to. I have been offered anti-depressants from several doctors but taking medication would be my last resort.

Basically,my question is: I have heard a bit about a practice called 'RUKYA'- can anyone please tell me what it involves and if it would be beneficial to me? Or can anyone offer any information on Islamic cures for depression?

Thank you in advance

Salam alaikom


Junior Member
Salam alaikom everyone,

I have been suffering from depression for over a year now and I've finally decided to do something about it. Its not an easy thing to go through, especially when you don't know what to do about it or who to turn to. I have been offered anti-depressants from several doctors but taking medication would be my last resort.

Basically,my question is: I have heard a bit about a practice called 'RUKYA'- can anyone please tell me what it involves and if it would be beneficial to me? Or can anyone offer any information on Islamic cures for depression?

Thank you in advance

Salam alaikom


Although, I myself don't like to promote or even suggest medication of this sort; there are cases when it is needed. Sheiks have varying schools of thought on this subject. It is best you talk to an Imam and refrain from formulating an opinion from online.

may Allah cure you.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

"Al-Ruqya Al-Share'eyya" is a number of verses from The Qura'an and a number of dua'as from The Prophet (pbuh)...they are to be recited by an Imam (who performs Ruqya)...or a person (can be family member or the ill person him/herself)...

You just perform wudu'u or take a shower (you have to be tahira!)...and you may recite..read..or even listen to the Ruqya...you may do it as often as you wish..and for as long as you wish...or until you feel you've been healed...

It is used to treat the evil-eye (hasad)...nafas (a stronger form of evil-eye)...sihir (black magic)...and mas (possession in minor and major forms..because there are types of it!)

Ruqya is available in mp3 format around the net...and it is available written as well...

For you sister...I suggest that you visit a doctor and seek medical assistance...let the doctor know that you don't want medication but accept other forms of treatment (if any are available)...and along with that you may perform Ruqya...so you can be treating yourself in two ways!

If you feel you need more details on Ruqya..or have any questions...you can send me a PM...and I will be more than happy to help you...

I just have a quick question...do you speak/read/write Arabic by any chance?..or at least understand it?...because it would be easier for me to find you the Ruqya in Arabic than in English :)




Well-Known Member
Salam alaikom everyone,

I have been suffering from depression for over a year now and I've finally decided to do something about it. Its not an easy thing to go through, especially when you don't know what to do about it or who to turn to. I have been offered anti-depressants from several doctors but taking medication would be my last resort.

Basically,my question is: I have heard a bit about a practice called 'RUKYA'- can anyone please tell me what it involves and if it would be beneficial to me? Or can anyone offer any information on Islamic cures for depression?

Thank you in advance

Salam alaikom


General principles:

Muslim with depression should try it at all possible to find a Muslim doctor practicing in the field of psychology to obtain treatment. This is important so that Islamic remedies can also be stressed and the importance of following the Qur'an and the sunnah wil not be overlooked. If a doctor cannot be found, then it may be helpful to get counseling from a Muslim sister or brother with counseling experience

Most persons with depression are treated as outpatients. Pharmacotherapy, delivered in the context of supportive therapy and psychoeducation, is the treatment of choice for moderate to severe depression; milder depression can be treated with psychotherapy. All patients with depression must be asked gently but directly about suicidal ideation, plans, or activity. All communication of self-destruction should be taken seriously.

Initially, the physician sees patients with depression weekly or biweekly to provide support and education about the disorder and to monitor progress. During the early phase of treatment, keeping in touch with the patient and family via a few telephone calls may help. Because many are embarrassed and demoralized by having a mental disorder, the patient, his family, and his employer (when appropriate and after obtaining informed consent from the patient) should be told that most often, depression is a self-limiting medical disorder with a good prognosis. Some patients may find the diagnosis of depression unacceptable, and the physician should reassure them that depression does not reflect a character flaw, giving some explanation of the biologic disturbances of depression.

Specific advice to patients often helps. It includes telling them to be as active as possible, but to not take on insurmountable tasks; to try to be with other people; not to blame themselves for being depressed; and to remember that dark thoughts are part of the illness and will go away. Significant others should be told that depression is a serious illness requiring specific treatment; patients with depression are not lazy; loss of love or job is often the result, not the cause of depression; religion may comfort but does not cure; exercise is not a treatment specifically geared for depression; and vacations may make depression worse. (Compiled from information in Merck Manual 17th edition.)

Please Note: As with all depressive illnesses, it is important that Muslims attempt to get advice from a Muslim psychologist, psychiatrist, physician, or counselor. For patients that are unable to find a Muslim physician in their area specializing in psychology, it would still be helpful if they were able to consult with a Muslim clinician and receive advice or assistant with ensuring that the treatment program outlined is in accordance with Islamic principles.

Depression and Natural Healing

Depression is real and it is experienced by everyone to some degree in their life. Some people do not admit sadness or guilt and instead they withdraw and hide from society. They may lose interest in things around them and become incapable of any pleasure. Things appear bleak and time passes slowly for them. They are typically angry and irritable and often try sleeping off their depression or doing little but sitting or lying around. Most people with depression can still function but do so at a lower capacity or slower pace.

Allah has sent help through the Qur’an as reading the Qur’an and remembering Allah can alleviate depression with the help of Allah. Also calling on Allah and reciting the duas of the distressed that the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sent to help alleviate depression should not be neglected.

Symptoms of depression include chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, sleeping frequently and for excessive periods of time, loss of appetite or a ravenous appetite, headaches, backaches, colon disorders, and feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy.

Depression may be caused by tension, upset stomach, stress, headache, nutritional deficiencies, poor diet, sugar, mononucleosis, thyroid disorders, endometriosis, any serious physical disorder, or allergies.

Some people become more depressed in the winter months when days are shorter and darker. The sun and bright light seem to trigger a response to a brain hormone known as melatonin which in part is responsible for preventing depression. Because of this it is recommended to stay in brightly lit rooms on dark days. For those living in London, this is especially key as most days are gray and overcast which can contribute to depression. Research reveals that two hours of morning sun is very effective in lifting depression. The evening light had comparatively little results.

Depression begins with a disturbance in the part of the brain that governs moods. The average person may be able to handle every day stresses and their bodies readjust to these pressures. When the stress becomes too great for a person and his adjustment mechanism is unresponsive a depression may be triggered.

Food greatly influence the brains behavior and diet is one of the leading causes of depression. This comes about from poor eating habits and constant snacking on junk foods. The brain’s neurotransmitters which help to control our behavor are controlled by what we eat. The neurotransmitters are dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. When the brain produces serotonin, tension is alleviated. When the brain produces dopamine or norepinephrine we tend to act and think more quickly and are more alert.

Eating carbohydrates alone seems to have a calming effect, while proteins increase alertness. Protein meals containing essential fatty acids and or carbohydrates are recommended for increased alertness. Salmon and white fish are good choices. Avoid foods high in saturated fats, consumption of fried foods such as hamburgers and French fries as they will lead to sluggishness, slow thinking, and fatigue.

Complex carbohydrates have a calming effect as they raise the level of tryptophan in the brain, while protein promotes the production of dopamine and norepinephrine which promote alertness. A balance is achieved when the diet contains a combination of these two nutrients. A turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread is a good combination as the turkey is high in protein and the whole wheat bread supplies complex carbohydrates. You should eat more carbohydrates than protein if you are nervous and are trying to relax. If you are tired and trying to become more alert, you should eat more proteins than carbohydrates.

A depressed person who is looking for an immediate lift would benefit from eating foods like turkey, salmon, or mackeral, which are high in tryptophan and protein.

Once should be awae of the fact that the body will react more quickly to the presence of sugar than it does to the presence of complex carbohydrates; therefore the increase in energy supplied by the simple carbohydrates is quickly accompanied by fatigue and depression.

Heredity is also a key factor in depression as up to 50 percent of people that suffer from recurrent episodes of depression had one or both parents who were depressive.

Nutritional recommendations include the following:

a raw fruit and vegetable diet, with soybeans and their by-products is important.

Diets too low in complex carbohydrates can cause serotonin depletion and depression.

Vitamin B Complex is good for normal brain functioning

Calcium and magnesium have a calming effect and is needed for the nervous system.

L-Tyrosine alleviates stress by boosting productionof adrenaline and raises dopamine levels which influence moods. Lack of tyrosine results in a norepinephrine deficiency at a specific brain location, resulting in mood disorders such as depression.

Lithium arginate or lithium orotate is for manic depressives.
Multivitamin and mineral complex may be helpful as vitamin and mineral deficiencies are associated with depression.

Vitamin B6 is good for normal brain function

Vitamin C is needed for immune function and aids in preventing depression.
If you are taking MAO inhibitor drugs you should avoid tyrosine as it can raise blood pressure. Also consume the following foods in moderation: avocados, cheese, chocolate, herring, meat tenderizer, raisins, sour cream, soy sauce yeast extracts, and yogurt.

Diet is very important to alleviate stress. Try to stay away from foods that create stress on the system such as colas, fried foods, junk foods, sugar, white flour products, and potato chips. Eat a 50 to 75 percent raw foods diet. Eliminate dairy products for three weeks and then reintroduce slowly and observe the return of symptoms of your ‘nervous’ condition. A quality diet, exercise and proper rest are very important. You will be amazed at the results.

Avoid caffeine as it aggravate stress.

Authentic Supplications for Stress and Anxiety

In al-Saheehayn it was reported from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say, when he felt distressed:

“La ilaaha ill-Allaah al-‘Azeem ul-Haleem, Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah Rabb il-‘arsh il-‘azeem, Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah Rabb is-samawaati wa Rabb il-ard wa Rabb il-‘arsh il-kareem (there is no god except Allaah, the All-Mighty, the Forbearing; there is no god except Allaah, the Lord of the Mighty Throne; there is no god except Allaah, Lord of the heavens, Lord of the earth and Lord of the noble Throne).” (Bukhari 7/154 and Muslim 4/2092.)

And it was reported from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say, when something upset him:

“Yaa Hayyu yaa Qayyoom, bi Rahmatika astagheeth (O Ever-Living One, O Everlasting One, by Your mercy I seek help).” (Reported by At-Tirmidthe and Al-Albani said it was a comely hadeeth.)

And it was reported that Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to me: “Shall I not teach you some words to say when you feel distressed? ‘Allaah, Allaah, Rabbee laa ushriku bihi shay’an (Allaah, Allaah, my Lord, I do not associate anything with Him).’”(Abu Dawud 2/87 and see: Sahih Ibn Majah 2/335.)

It was reported from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No person suffers any anxiety or grief, and says:

‘Allaahumma innee ‘abduka wa ibn ‘abdika wa ibn amatika, naasiyati bi yadika, maadin fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadaa’uka, as’aluka bi kulli ismin huwa laka sammayta bihi nafsaka aw anzaltahu fi kitaabika aw ‘allamtahu ahadan min khalqika aw ista’tharta bihi fi ‘ilm il-ghaybi ‘andak an taj’ala al-Qur’aana rabee’ qalbi wa noor sadri wa jalaa’a huzni wa dhahaaba hammi (O Allaah, I am Your slave, son of Your slave, son of Your female slave, my forelock is in Your hand, Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just. I ask You by every Name belonging to You which You named Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You taught to any of Your creation, or You have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur’aan the life of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety)’ - but Allaah will take away his sorrow and grief, and give him in their stead joy.”(Ahmad 1/391 and Al-Albaanee declared it sahih.)

O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts, and from being overpowered by men. (Al-Bukhari 7/157.)

Alllahumma rahmataka 'arjoo, fala takilnee 'ila nafsee tarfata 'eynin, wa 'aslihlee sha'nee kullahu, la ilaha 'illa anta. (O Allah, it is Your mercy that I hope for, so do not leave me in charge of my affairs even for a blink of an eye and rectify for me all of my affairs. None has the right to be worshipped except You.) (Abu Dawud 4/324 and Ahmad 5/42. Declared hasan by Al-Albaanee and Al-Arna'uut.)

La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka innee kuntu minath-thalimeen. (None has the right to be worshipped except You. How perfect You are, verily I was among the wrong-doers.) (At-Tirmidhee 5/529 and Al-Haakim and he declared it authentic.)

Relieving Stress

Ibn Abbas narrated that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: "Allah will dispel his worries of one who regularly prays for forgiveness, He will lead him out of trying situations, and grant him earnings from sources he does not anticipate." (Reported in Sunan Abu Dawud. /Medicine of the Prophet pg. 159.)

It is also narrated in the masnad that whenever Allah's Messenger experienced difficulties, he hastened to prayers, remarking that Allah Almighty said: Find strength in exercising patience, and in prayers. (Qur'an 2:45)

Ibn Abbas narrated that Allah's Messenger said: "When overwhelmed with worries and dispiritedness, one should oft-recite: "La Hawla wa la quwatta illah billa" (There is no Might or power except that of Allah.) This prayer is also authenticated in Bukhari and Muslim to be one of the hidden treasures of jannah. If these prayers do not cause a cure for one's worries, grief, and dispiritedness, it means that one's condition is serious, and requires thorough cleansing of his system through complete purgation or detoxification, followed by sincere repentance and assiduous devotion. The supplication represents 14kinds of spiritual remedies including:

Recognizing the Oneness of the divine sustaining remedies (Rububiyya); Recognizing the Oneness of the divine controlling attributes (Uluhiyya); Recognizing the 'fait accompli' and the manifest fact of God's supremacy through logical signs, with absolute faith regarding their source;

Acknowledging that Allah Almighty is free from injustice, and that He will never cause His servant any hardships without necessity or reason; Confessing that imperfection and failure are the servant's own;

Imploring Allah Almighty by His divine Names and Attributes, which are revelations His creation must recognize, and among them is the most embracing and comprehensive of attributes: Al-Hayy (The Living) and Al-Quyyum (The Controller) Soliciting only His help;

Confession of the servant that Allah is the only provider that can fulfill one's needs, and that He is the only One to be sought. Confirming one's dependence on Him, relying on Him, and acknowledging that one's destiny is moving according to the divine plan; that He alone has the power to change it ; that what He has decreed is pursuing its course, and that His ordinance is just;

Soliciting the blessing of understanding the divine revelation, living by it, and to recognizing it as the light of one's heart and soul. Through it, one will eschew dubiety, defeat craving, overcome passion and lust, and dispel darkness. Soliciting the blessings of regularly reciting the divine revelation also comforts one's heart, and helps focus one's intention beyond material losses, and attunes one's attachment to what is lasting versus what is ephemeral; Asking forgiveness for one's sins'.

Repenting for one's wrongdoing. Taking the course of prayers to receive guidance; and finally, disclaiming any will or power to effect things, and rightly attributing all will and power to Allah Almighty alone. (Taken from Medicine of the Prophet pages 160-161.)

Allah created human beings and provided each limb of his body with its own balance and perfection. Should the limb sense any imbalance in the standard of its innate excellence, or failure in its natural functions, it will feel pain. Allah also provided the heart, which is king of the boy, with its own balance and perfection. Should the heart become divested, and lose such equilibrium, it will feel pain, suffering, distress, depression, anxiety, and sorrow. Like that, if the eye loses its power of seeing, and the ear loses its power of hearing, and the tongue loses its power of speech, they lose their purpose and become bereft of their perfection.

The heart was created innately to recognize its Creator, love Him, celebrate His praises, glorify His Oneness, feel satisfaction in His presence, rejoice at knowing Him, and to be satisfied with His control and management of everything. The heart was created to be content with its Lord and with His decisions, to trust in Him, to rely of Him, to love what He loves, to hate what He hates, to defend His Name, to love those who defend His Name, and to constantly be mindful of Him, to be filled with Him, and to keep His remembrance. The heart was created to have no greater love than that for its Lord, to find no satisfaction in other than Him, to revere nothing more than Him, and the heart was created to know no joy, comfort, peace, pleasure, or even to feel alive, in other than that. Such knowledge is the needed nourishment the heart requires to exist. Should the heart lack any of such natural nutrients, it will definitely feel sick, and consequently be overwhelmed with worries, sorrow, anxiety, dissatisfaction, burdens, and concerns. It will feel that every calamity is descending upon it, and it becomes a victim and a hostage of their pounding.

The greatest enemies of the heart are: polytheism; sins; and heedlessness; to treat indifferently what Allah Almighty regards as cordial; judging carelessly what He considers important; discounting the knowledge and revelations of one's Creator; loving other than Him; soliciting gratification in other than Him; feeling satisfaction in other than His presence; associating partners to His control and management of the universe; objecting to His decisions; lacking trust in Him; relying on other than Him; loving other than what He loves; desiring what He hates; hating His decree; speaking His Name in vain; associating with those who use His Name blasphemously; being heedless of Him; thinking little of Him; refusing to be reminded of Him; doubting His promise; taking lightly His warnings; seeking joy, comfort, peace, and pleasure in other than His company; and lastly feeling alive in other than Him.

On the authority of Jaabir Ibn ‘Abdullah he said: The Prophet (S) would instruct us to pray for guidance in all of our concerns, just as he would teach us a chapter from the Qur’an. He (S) would say ‘if any of you intends to undertake a matter then let him pray two supererogatory units (two rak’ah naafilah) of prayer and after which he should supplicate:

‘O Allaah, I seek Your counsel by Your knowledge and by Your power I seek strength and I ask You from Your immense favour, for verily You are able while I am not and verily You know while I do not and You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allaah, if You know this affair -and here he mentions his need- to be good for me in relation to my religion, my life, and end, then decree and facilitate it for me, and bless me with it, and if You know this affair to be ill for me towards my religion, my life, and end, then remove it from me and remove me from it, and decree for me what is good wherever it be and make me satisfied with such.’

One who seeks guidance from his Creator and consults his fellow believers and then remains firm in his resolve does not regret for Allaah has said:

‘…and consult them in the affair. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allaah…”

here is a good article from by Velma Cook

Life is full of pressure. I have to make money to be successful, whatever that means. So often people assess me superficially, not really knowing who I am and how I may have been terribly successful in some areas of my life, but they only see me according to their context; what they want to see. People ask 'How are you?' but don't usually care about the answer. They say 'Have a nice day,' but inwardly couldn't care less.

I have to be tolerant and flexible until I don't have any opinions left. Children must be trained to behave in a certain way so they will be 'acceptable' to society. I am also supposed to discover myself and my potential plus fulfill it or people will say I am oppressed, even though I may be perfectly happy as I am. At the same time I must be on my guard against advertising, brain-washing, political facades or I'll be guilty of being naive. One's spouse is supposed to be completely fulfilled with me or my marriage will break down.

No wonder I feel unsure of myself and often lonely. People say we all need counselors these days. Some therapy to help us through. But how can I spill the beans; tell all my secret insecurities and fears to a complete stranger, who has been trained to have no opinion, no bias, acting like a mirror to all my faults and weaknesses. A face with nothing behind it. It is like you sit and talk to yourself, pay the money and go home. You still feel lonely.

I need someone who thinks and feels like me. Dreams the same kinds of dreams, understands my fears and loves me anyway. Someone who will love me enough to tell me the truth, even if I don't really like it. I need a friend.

It's trendy to have a counselor or therapy nowadays. Why? Have we become obsessed with material possessions to the point that we leave behind the valuable things in life, like family and friends?

Families used to help each other financially. Now we have Social Security. Families used to protect and represent each other, now there are court cases for every trivial matter. A good way of making money out of people's problems, ignorance and misery. Families used to support each other, now we have counseling and therapy from strangers. Nearly everything has become controlled by the government and centralized yet people call the society 'free'.

Families are disintegrating and friends come and go, as we seek the world and all it contains, with a greed that is never satiated. Maybe if we focus on 'real' things, important things, like developing our Iman, deepening our submission to Allah, gaining knowledge and nurturing our families and those around us then, most of our overwhelming problems will simply disappear.


"Verily my prayers, my sacrifices, my life, and my death are for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds." (Holy Qur'an 6:162)

The tides of life sweep many people onto new horizons of hopelessness. Life without Islam leaves the weak in this world vulnerable to misuse and oppression. One of the worst forms of abuse is that which is perpetrated by a trusted person in one's life. And this is the sad scenario of many people throughout the world who have had this sacred trust breached by either family members or close friends of the family. The laws of Allah (swt), the Almighty protect the individual and society. But sadly these laws are too often not known or implemented. Satan, the enemy of man, calls for all that destroys the human being. Why do we find so many victims in the world of today - lost, isolated, whose minds feel constant pain and frustration - an inability to change what has occurred. An inability to wipe away the memories of terror and fear and replace it with peace.

Some issues not only affect the body of the human being but reach far down into the spirit and threaten to touch the delicate balance that coordinates the harmony between the body and the soul. Loss of confidence, feelings of guilt and inability to trust - fear of broken trust, fear of loss, fear of fear...

The state of the heart is the key to the balance of the essence of man and so it is no wonder that the traps of Satan are those which urge the physical desires on to acts that will tamper with and destroy the spirit.

However, Allah (swt), the Almighty tells us that the plans of Satan are weak! What joyous news this is for those who have been held in its dark clutches. For Satan works with illusion, while Allah (swt) is reality. Whatever we fear, cannot harm us for we know that only Allah (swt) is to be feared - for nothing occurs without His guiding hand and He guides to all that is good. He is the One who can turn evil into good.

The evil touch, the memory of betrayal can so easily be replaced with the remembrance that Allah (swt), His light and guidance can lift us far and away - beyond time and space - to a place of peace, where the dismal memories that cloud the mind are dispelled in a puff. The heart finds lightness, grace and wispy breezes of comfort in the words of Allah (swt) - the final message to man, that contains all the knowledge essential for our growth and overcoming of the evil within ourselves and in the world around us.

The victims of the world, have a greater potential for growth than any others. The spirit once touched, is open to light and guidance, softer and more compassionate to the pain of others and inner troubles of the mind stir the individual to walk the steep paths of life and thereby, through their sincerity and efforts find the vast richness of the Mercy of Allah (swt), which extends to the oppressed who with sincerity seek His ever present help.

May Allah (swt) bind the hearts of the victims to Him, that they will never give up in this journey of life. For every single person in this world carries some form of burden, some fear, some care, some disappointment, some loss - but nothing can harm the spirit, which is the essence of man which belongs to Allah (swt) and will return to Him, in the form in which it was molded in this world.

The decision belongs to us. We sink or swim. We strive or give up. But before we choose we must remember that Allah (swt) promises not to give us more than we can bear if we sincerely strive to follow His way, trusting in Him. Alone we will surely destroy ourselves, but with His ever Merciful help, nothing - absolutely nothing is impossible!

Allah (swt) burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. Above all, prayer and remembrance of Allah (swt) brings peace to the troubled mind and contains the only sure cure for the heart that cannot find peace. "Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have mercy on us."

Please watch this very beneficial video clip on Islam - Way out of Depression



Well-Known Member
25 Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

by Abdul Malik Mujahid

Stress is life. Stress is anything that causes mental, physical, or spiritual tension. There is no running away from it. All that matters is how you deal with it. This article does not deal with the factors of stress, anxiety, and depression, nor is it a clinical advice. If you feel depressed, you are not alone. It has been estimated that 75 to 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians in America are for stress-related problems. This is why it is wise to consult a doctor if you are having physical symptoms of stress. However, here are some tips that can help from a spiritual perspective. Please send us your feedback so that we can improve this article Insha Allah.

Torture. Beatings. Loss of property. The death of loved ones. These were just some of the enormous challenges the Muslims of Makkah faced in the seventh century following their acceptance of Islam in fiercely tribal and polytheistic Makkah.

Detention. Harassment. Beatings. Discrimination. Loss of Job. Profiling. Hate Crimes. Constant media attention. Surveillance. These are just some of the challenges Muslims in America today face, post-9/11. Like our predecessors in Makkah, we have begun to face great stress, anxiety, and pressure, more than ever in our recent history on this continent, although Muslims who were brought here as slaves faced worse than what we can even imagine.

Ask Him. He Listens: Dua

Turn each anxiety, each fear and each concern into a Dua (supplication). Look at it as another reason to submit to God and be in Sajdah (prostration), during which you are closest to Allah. God listens and already knows what is in your heart, but He wants you to ask Him for what you want. The Prophet said: Allah is angry with those who do not ask Him for anything (Tirmidhi).

The Prophet once said that in prayer, he would find rest and relief (Nasai). He would also regularly ask for God’s forgiveness and remain in prostration during prayer praising God (Tasbeeh) and asking for His forgiveness (Bukhari).

Allah wants you to be specific. The Prophet advised us to ask Allah for exactly what we want instead of making vague Duas. Dua is the essence of worship (the Prophet as quoted in Tirmidhi).

"Call on your Lord with humility and in private: for Allah loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds. Do not make mischief on the earth, after it hath been set in order, but call on Him with fear. And longing (in your hearts): for the mercy of Allah is (always) near to those who do good" (Quran 7:55-56).

Tie your Camel: Do your Part

One day Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (Tirmidhi).

Muslims must never become fatalistic. Although we know only Allah is in control and that He has decreed all things, we are each responsible for making the right choices and doing the right thing in all situations of our lives. We must take action (link to planning articles on SV). We must work to alleviate the hardships we, our families and our communities face.

Ask yourself the following questions if you are worried about the state of the world: are you part of the peace movement? Is your Masjid part of the peace movement? Are you part of an interfaith group with an agenda of peace and justice? Are you working with a group fighting discrimination? If your answer is no, it is time that you sat down to plan your share of time and money in finding solutions to the problems you face. "Verily Allah does not change men’s condition unless they change their inner selves" (Quran 13: 11).

Turn each worry into a Dua and each Dua into an action plan. That will show your commitment to your request and will focus your energy in the right direction.

Remember that human responsibility is limited

While we need to carry out our duty to the best of our abilities, always remember that you don't control the outcome of events. Even the Prophets did not control the outcome of their efforts. Some were successful, others were not. Once you have done your duty, leave the results to Allah. Regardless of the results of your efforts, you will be rewarded for the part you have played.

However, never underestimate your abilities. Understand the concept of Barakah (blessings from Allah) and remember that Allah can and Insha Allah will expand them if you are sincerely exerting your energies for the right path.

Leave the world behind you five times a day

Use the five daily prayers as a means to become more Hereafter-oriented and less attached to this temporary world. Start distancing yourself as soon as you hear Adhan, the call to prayer. When you perform Wudu, keep repeating Shahada, the declaration of faith, as water drops slip down your face, hands, arms, and hair. When you stand ready to pray, mentally prepare yourself to leave this world and all of its worries and stresses behind you.

Of course, Shaytan will try to distract you during prayer. But whenever this happens, go back and remember Allah. The more you return, the more Allah will reward you for it. Also, make sure your Sajdas (prostrations) are talking Sajdas, in which you are really connecting to God and seeking His Mercy, praising Him, and asking His forgiveness. (link to Sajda article…ramadan page)

Seek help through Sabr

Seek help through Sabr and Salat (Quran 2:45). This instruction from Allah provides us with two critical tools that can ease our worries and pain. Patience and prayer are two oft-neglected stressbusters. Sabr is often translated as patience but it is not just that. It includes self-control, perseverance, endurance, and a focussed struggle to achieve one’s goal. Unlike patience, which implies resignation, the concept of Sabr includes a duty to remain steadfast to achieve your goals despite all odds.

Being patient gives us control in situations where we feel we have little or no control. ‘We cannot control what happens to us but we can control our reaction to our circumstances’ is the mantra of many modern-day self-help books. Patience helps us keep our mind and attitude towards our difficulties in check.

Excuse Me! You are Not Running the World, He is.

It is important to remind ourselves that we don’t control all the variables in the world. God does. He is the Wise, the All-Knowing. Sometimes our limited human faculties are not able to comprehend His wisdom behind what happens to us and to others, but knowing that He is in control and that as human beings we submit to His Will, enriches our humanity and enhances our obedience (Uboodiah in Arabic) towards him. Read the story of the encounter of Moses with the mysteries behind God’s decision (Quran: 18:60-82). Familiarize yourself with God's 99 Names, which are also known as His Attributes. It is a powerful way of knowing Him.

"God-there is no deity save Him, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent Fount of All being. Neither slumber overtakes Him, nor sleep. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. Who is there that could intercede with Him, unless it be by His leave? He knows all that lies open before men and all that is hidden from them, whereas they cannot attain to aught of His knowledge save that which He wills them to attain. His eternal power overspreads the heavens and the earth, and their upholding wearies Him not. And He alone is truly exalted, tremendous." (Quran 2:255).

The Prophet recommended reading this verse, known as Ayat al kursi, after each prayer, Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. Once Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, approached the Prophet during a difficult time and he found the Prophet in Sajda, where he kept repeating "Ya Hayy Ya Qayyum", words which are part of this verse.

Birds Don’t Carry their Food

Allah is al Razzaq (the Provider). "How many are the creatures that carry not their own sustenance? It is Allah Who feeds them and you, for He hears and knows all things (Quran 29:60)." By reminding yourself that He is the Provider, you will remember that getting a job or providing for your family in these economically and politically challenging times, when Muslims are often the last to be hired and the first to be fired, is in God’s Hands, not yours. As Allah says in the Quran: "And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if anyone puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion (Quran 65:3).

God controls Life and Death

If you fear for your physical safety and security, remember that only Allah gives life and takes it back and, that He has appointed the time for it. No one can harm you except if Allah wills. As He says in the Quran: "Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are in towers built up strong and high!" (Quran 4:78).

9. Remember that life is short

It's easy to get caught up in our own stress and anxiety. However, if we remember that our life is short and temporary, and that the everlasting life is in the Hereafter, this will put our worries in perspective.

This belief in the transitory nature of the life of this world reminds us that whatever difficulties, trials, anxieties, and grief we suffer in this world are, Insha Allah, something we will only experience for a short period of time. And more importantly, if we handle these tests with patience, Allah will reward us for it.

Do Zikr, Allah, Allah!

"… without doubt in the remembrance (Zikr) of Allah do hearts find tranquility" (Quran 13:28).

If you commute, use your time in Zikr. Pick any Tasbeeh and do that instead of listening to the radio or reading the newspaper. Maybe you can divide it up between Zikr and planning. Personally, I recite the Tasbeeh of "Subhana Allahe wa be hamdihi, subhan Allahil Azeem" 100 times as I drive. The Prophet taught us these two short phrases which are easy to say but will weigh heavy on our scale of good deeds in the Hereafter.

When your heart feels heavy with stress or grief, remember Allah and surround yourself with His Zikr. Zikr refers to all forms of the remembrance of Allah, including Salat, Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, Tahleel, making supplication (Dua), and reading Quran.

"And your Lord says: ‘Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer)…" (Quran 40:60)

By remembering Allah in the way He has taught us to, we are more likely to gain acceptance of our prayers and His Mercy in times of difficulty. We are communicating with the only One Who not only Hears and Knows all, but Who can change our situation and give us the patience to deal with our difficulties.

"Remember Me, and I shall remember you; be grateful to Me, and deny Me not" (Quran 2:152).

Relying on Allah: Tawakkul

When you awaken in the morning, thank Allah for giving you life after that short death called sleep. When you step out of your home, say 'in Your Name Allah, I put my trust in Allah, and there is no power or force except with Allah' (Bismillahi Tawakal to al Allah wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah). At night, remember Allah, with His praises on your lips.

Once you have established a plan you intend to follow through on to deal with a specific issue or problem in your life, put your trust in the most Wise and the All-Knowing. "When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah" (Quran 3: 159).

Rely on Allah by constantly remembering Him throughout your day. When you lay down to sleep, remember that sleep is death. That is why one of the recommended supplications before going to sleep is "with Your (Allah's) Name I die and become alive".

Connect with other human beings

You are not alone. Muslims are not alone. We are not suffering in silence. There are millions of good people who are not Muslim with beautiful hearts and minds. These are people who have supported us, individually and collectively, post-9/11, by checking up on us and making sure we are safe. These are individuals and organizations who have spoken up in defense of Muslims as we endured harassment and discrimination.

We must think of them, talk to them, connect with them, and pray for them. Through our connections, we will break the chain of isolation that leads to depression and anxiety.

Compare your dining table with that of those who don't have as much as you do

The Prophet said: Whenever you see someone better than you in wealth, face or figure, you should look at someone who is inferior to you in these respects (so that you may thank Allah for His blessings) (Bukhari, Muslim).

Next time you sit down to eat, eye the table carefully. Check out the selection of food, the quality, the taste, the quantity, and then think of the millions of others who don't have even half as much. The Prophet's Hadith reminds us of this so that we can appreciate and thank God for all that we have.

Also remember that the Prophet only encouraged us to compare ourselves to others in two respects: in our Islamic knowledge and level of belief in God (Deen). In these two areas, we should compare ourselves with those who have more than what we do.

Say it Loud: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar: Takbirat & Adhan

Find a corner of a lake, go out in the wilderness, or even stand on your lawn at your home and call the Adhan with your heart. While driving, instead of listening to the same news over and over again, say Allahu Akbar as loudly as you can or as softly as you want, based on your mood. Year ago, I remember calling Adhan on a Lake Michigan shore in Chicago after sunset as the water gushed against my knees. I was calling it for myself. There was no one else accept the waves after waves of water with their symphony. It was relaxing and meaningful. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

Pray in congregation (Jamat)

Pray with other people instead of alone. If you can't pray all five prayers in congregation, at least find one or two prayers you can pray with others. If you are away, establish Jamat in your own family. During the Prophet's time, even though the Muslims endured great persecution, including physical beatings, they would sometimes meet on the side of a mountain or valley and tried to pray together. This is a great morale booster.

16. How is your Imam's Dua?

Does the Imam at your local mosque make Dua silently or out loud? Ask him to supplicate with the whole congregation. Suggest Duas for him to make. Ask him to make Dua for other people.

Work for the Unity of Muslims

Bringing Muslims together will not only help the Muslims, but it will also encourage you to focus your energies on something constructive versus zeroing in on and consistently fretting about difficulties you are going through.

Invite Muslims from other ethnic groups to your functions. Visit Masjids other than yours in your city. When you meet a Muslim leader, after thanking him for his efforts, ask him what he is doing for Muslim unity. Ask Imams to make Dua for this. These are just small ways you can help yourself and the Muslim community.

Sleep the way the Prophet slept

End your day on a positive note. Make Wudu, then think of your day. Thank Allah for all the good things you accomplished, like Zikr and Salat. Ask yourself what you did today to bring humanity together and what you did to help Muslims become servants of humanity. For everything positive, say Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah). For everything negative say Astaghfirullah wa atoobo ilayk (I seek Allah's forgiveness and I turn to You [Allah]). Recite the last two chapters of the Quran, thinking and praying as you turn on your right side with your hand below your right cheek, the way the Prophet used to sleep. Then close your day with the name of Allah on your tongue. Insha Allah, you will have a good, restful night.

Begin the Day on a Positive Note

Get up early. Get up thanking God that He has given you another day. Alhamdu lillahil lazi ahyana bada ma amatana, wa ilaihin Nushoor (Praise be to Allah Who gave us life after death and unto Him will be the return). Invest in an audio tape driven alarm clock so you can get up to the melody of the Quran. Or Let Dawud Wharnsby's joyful notes put you in a good mood. Sing along if you like. Develop your to do list for the day if you didn't do it the night before. Begin with the name of Allah, with Whose name nothing in the heavens or the earth can hurt you. He is the Highest and the Greatest. (Bismillahillazi la yazurru maa ismihi shaiun fil arze wa la fis samae, wahuwal Alee ul Azeem). The Prophet used to say this after every Fajr and Maghrib prayers.

Avoid Media Overexposure: Switch from News to Books

Don't spend too much time checking out the news on the radio, television or internet. Spend more time reading good books and journals. When you listen to the persistent barrage of bad news, especially relating to Muslims nowadays, you feel not only depressed, but powerless. Cut down media time to reduce your stress and anxiety. It's important to know what's going on but not to an extent that it ruins your day or your mood.

Pray for Others to Heal Yourself.

The Prophet was always concerned about other people, Muslims and non-Muslims, and would regularly pray for them. Praying for others connects you with them and helps you understand their suffering. This in itself has a healing component to it. The Prophet has said that praying for someone who is not present increases love.

Make the Quran your Partner

Reading and listening to the Quran will help refresh our hearts and our minds. Recite it out loud or in a low voice. Listen to it in the car. When you are praying Nafl or extra prayers, pick it up and use it to recite portions of the Quran you are not as familiar with. Connecting to the Quran means connecting to God. Let it be a means to heal your heart of stress and worries. Invest in different recordings of the Quran and their translations.

"O humanity! There has come to you a direction from your Lord and a cure for all [the ills] in men’s hearts - and for those who believe, a Guidance and a Mercy" (Quran 10:57).

Be thankful to Allah

"If you are grateful, I will give you more" (Quran 14:7).

Counting our blessings helps us not only be grateful for what we have, but it also reminds us that we are so much better off than millions of others, whether that is in terms of our health, family, financial situation, or other aspects of our life. And being grateful for all we have helps us maintain a positive attitude in the face of worries and challenges we are facing almost daily.

Ideals: One step at a time

Ideals are wonderful things to pursue. But do that gradually. Think, prioritize, plan, and move forward. One step at a time.

Efforts not Results Count in the Eyes of Allah

Our success depends on our sincere efforts to the best of our abilities. It is the mercy of Allah that He does not demand results, Alhamdu lillah. He is happy if He finds us making our best sincere effort. Thank you Allah!


I do suggest that you offer all of your salat, and, as well, recite athkar morning and evening. You can access athkar collections at the sites below.

Hisn Almuslim min Athkar Alkitab Wassunah by Saeed Alqahtani

A collection of dua

Athkar (daily dua) Audio Download


Another thing that helps with depression is regular exercise. Take a walk or a bike ride, do yoga, or play a sport. Exercise has a biochemical effect on the mood, so it's really worth trying, insha'Allah.

However, a person who is severely depressed might need to see a doctor. Sometimes there is an underlying biological cause, and even if there isn't, sometimes a prescribed antidepressant is an important part of recovery from depression.

May Allah cure you quickly!

May Allah bless, forgive, and guide us all.

Hayat Anne Collins Osman

Please visit my little website.


My mailing list. All are welcome.


May Allah bless, forgive, and guide us all.

Natural Cures for Depression

By Karima Burns, MH, ND


Natural cures for depression succeed largely because they "dig deep" for the actual source of the problem and then try to "uproot it." As outlined in the article, "Natural Causes of Depression," some of the most common causes of depression are lack of sleep, lack of B vitamins in the diet, poor dietary habits, lack of exercise and poor spiritual health. Natural methods can be used to address these problems. In general, one can say that there are eight steps to curing depression naturally.

I. Sleep more and drink more water. In my personal experiences with clients, I am amazed how often this simple therapy will cure almost anything. Most of the time I find people do not even need to go further than this step. In "Your Body's Many Cries for Water," Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, MD, describes how chronic dehydration can cause numerous diseases by crippling the "transportation system" of important enzymes and hormones. When these enzymes and hormones cannot reach the organs they need to reach, many diseases result. When these nutrients cannot reach the brain, depression and other mental disorders result. In one of his studies, there was a 30% improvement in Alzheimer's patients after adding just three extra glasses of water a day to their diet. Many people find that, by sleeping eight hours and drinking eight glasses of water a day, their depression is alleviated.

II. Break the cycle. Sometimes taking a medication or an herb or even using aromatherapy can provide a catalyst to a lasting solution. Essential Oils commonly used in depression are: clary sage, lavender, bergamot, sandalwood, rose, neroli, geranium, and lemon. In The Fragrant Mind, Valerie Ann Worwood offers a list of formulas for mixing combinations of oils for everything from weepy to hysterical depression. Some of these oils are even internationally famous for their effects - Bergamot essential oil is in real Earl Grey Tea and Sandalwood is used in Sudanese marriage ceremonies to assure a happy bride!

The herb, myrrh, can be burned, or a half-teaspoon of powdered myrrh can be added to a glass of boiled water and drank (once cooled) twice a day to chase away depression. Borage is the herb used by Native Americans to treat depression caused by a loss "when the heart is weeping with sorrow." Lemon balm, linden (lime blossom), basil, skullcap, St. John's Wort, and aloe vera are also effective herbs for depression.

Bach Flower Remedies can also be used for depression. The most common ones are gorse (for hopelessness), willow (for bitter resentment), and sweet chestnut (for deep despair).

III. Do a health fast or detoxification program. Bernard Jensen, in his book The Guide to Better Colon Care, states that clogged and toxic laden intestines can store toxic feelings and that the liver can also store many negative emotions. The Chinese use the herb buplerum to release emotional toxins as well as physical ones from the liver. Bernard Jensen finds that a physical detoxification often goes hand-in-hand with an emotional detoxification as a person undergoing a cleansing program will often emerge better able to deal with their relationships and life. There are many cleanses available in books or from natural therapists. A cleanse can last anywhere from one to twenty-one days.

IV. Exercise is one of the most popular anti-depressants on the market.

V. Evaluate your environment. If your depression is effected by allergies, lack of sunlight, or other environmental factors, you need to work on eliminating these problems. It is recommended to work and live in spaces that provide adequate sunlight and exposure to nature (through indoor plants) as well as to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Activities such as nature hiking and gardening are very anti-depressant. We should seek out more sun in the winter months as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can afflict us in the dark months of the year and cause or mimic depression. Please see this week's article by Hwaa Irfan on Light.

VI. Explore how your "type" deals with depression to give you an idea about how to proceed (See this week's "Temperamental Depression" article by Karima Burns).

VII. Evaluate your diet: B6 (found in leafy greens, fish, poultry, and whole grains) helps elevate serotonin levels. Beans and greens are highest in B6, and a half-cup of chickpeas provides one third of its USRDA. Selenium is provided amply in fish like tuna. Sources of B-vitamins and folic acid include egg yolks, legumes, whole grains, yogurt, clams, kidney, liver, seafood, vegetables, Brewer's yeast (non-alcoholic beer has this), mackerel, clams, and green leafy vegetables. Herbs like alfalfa, catnip, chamomile, ginseng, fennel seeds, nettles, oat straw and peppermint are high in B vitamins. White flour depletes B vitamins.

Whatever sources you use for your cure, be sure to take any herbs or supplements for at least six weeks before deciding that they are not "working." Many times, with chronic conditions, an herb will work so slowly you will not notice its effects. Do a "check in" now and then; in four to six weeks, you should see a difference.

VIII. Work on the spiritual aspect of your depression. Just as with vitamins and herbs, spiritual cures may take time to heal. Many Muslim scholars have given us tips on how to deal with depression and guidelines on how we can renew our spiritual life.

The Medicine of the Prophet recommends (and explains) these steps for those needing a spiritual cure for depression:

1.Acknowledge that God is free from injustice and that He would not cause any hardships without a reason.

2. Confess that any imperfection and failure are one's own. Putting the blame on others is worthless. "Everything good that happens to you (O Man) is from God; everything bad that happens to you is from your own actions" (Qur'an 4:79).

3. Solicit God's help through prayer and supplication. Rather than asking, "Remove me from this despair (as if you are a victim), instead ask, "Help me find the source of this despair so it can be removed and I may be a better person." Ibn Abass narrated that God's messenger said, "When one is overwhelmed with worries or dispiritedness, one should oft-recite: There is no will or power except Allah."

4. Confirm your dependence on Allah and that you move according to divine plan. "And if God touches thee with affliction, none can remove it but He: if He touches thee with happiness, He has power over all things" (Qur'an 6:17).

5. Strive to live according to the Qur'an and Hadith every moment of every day - not just during in prayers or while in the mosque.

6. Ask forgiveness for your sins and repent your wrongdoing. A Hadith says to recite, "Lord, I seek refuge in You from distress and cowardice. I seek refuge from weakness and procrastination, from stinginess and cowardice. I seek refuge in You from indebtedness and from subjugation to people's inequity."


Servant of Allah
Salam alaikom everyone,

I have been suffering from depression for over a year now and I've finally decided to do something about it. Its not an easy thing to go through, especially when you don't know what to do about it or who to turn to. I have been offered anti-depressants from several doctors but taking medication would be my last resort.

Basically,my question is: I have heard a bit about a practice called 'RUKYA'- can anyone please tell me what it involves and if it would be beneficial to me? Or can anyone offer any information on Islamic cures for depression?

Thank you in advance

Salam alaikom

asalamu alaykum wrwb. i know that it's not an easy thing but please make dua often. here's a dua for depression.

اللَّهُمَّ أَحْيِنِي مَا كَانَتِ الْحَيَاةُ خَيْرٌ لِي وَتَوَفَّنِي إِذَا كَانَتِ الْوَفَاةُ خَيْرَاً لِي

"O Allah keep me alive as long as is good for me and when death is better for me lift me".



For the cure of any illness

Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when anyone among them had an illness, Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) used to rub the area of the pain reciting the following dua:

أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ وَاشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِي لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ شِفَاءٌ لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمَاً

"O Lord of the people, remove this pain and cure it, You are the one who cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure that no illness remains".

"Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) was ill, he used to recite the four Quls, blow on his hands and pass them over on the back and front. He also recited these surahs, blew on his hands and passed them over his body during his fatal illness".

(Bukhari, Muslim)

Upon the thought of a bad omen

If for no reason the thought of a bad omen comes to mind, then recite:
اللَّهُمَّ لَا يَأْتِي بِالْحَسَنَاتِ إِلَّا أَنْتَ وَلَا يَذْهَبُ بِالسَّيِّئَاتِإِلَّا أَنْتَ وَلَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِكَ

"O Allah, you bring into existence the good and only you can remove any bad condition, as the power to do good and prevent from evil is in Your control".


Junior Member
help and ouae

salam alikoum,
first we start by asking allah to heal you from this depression, we can see how big the trouble is..
ROUKYA is a sort of treatement using the quran, and i some people who used it when they had some magic (sihr), touch of jeen or hit of eyes...whether it will serve for depression or not, i do not really know..
keep asking allah and insist in your douae, and be sure that he will heal you inchae allah. he is indeed the most merciful.
for medication, try to be a way from it, because you may become adicted to it, and this is another serious problem.
wa salam alikoum


Well-Known Member
salam alikoum,
first we start by asking allah to heal you from this depression, we can see how big the trouble is..
ROUKYA is a sort of treatement using the quran, and i some people who used it when they had some magic (sihr), touch of jeen or hit of eyes...whether it will serve for depression or not, i do not really know..
keep asking allah and insist in your douae, and be sure that he will heal you inchae allah. he is indeed the most merciful.
for medication, try to be a way from it, because you may become adicted to it, and this is another serious problem.
wa salam alikoum

Asalaam wr wb please everyone don't assume that just because a person may have a problem of some sort that there is magic or a jinn involved! It is really best of this brother goes to a reliable scholar and Muslim physician or psychologist to discuss this problem properly with them and to get the best treatment possible!
It is best if we try not to keep assuming that he's got this or that wrong with him and confuse further! Especially suggesting to him that he needs rukya! Should'nt that be the decision of a reliable scholar? and you can't say that he should'nt get medical treatment because in some cases it may help and assist in recovery from this illness! Who are we to diagnose this problem?Leave it to the experts and inshallah he will be cured by the help of Allah!Jazakallah


New Member
Salam alaikom,

May Allah (SWT) reward you all for your efforts, thank you for the messages, they are all very useful.

I ask you all to remember me in your duas please

Thank you

Salam alaikom


Junior Member
Assalamu alikum dear brother or sister

I pray you are in the very best of health, eemaan and inshaan. Aameen. I know how you feel, because with my eating disorders i too suffered from depression. I tried so many things, but nothing worked. I wanted something that could have helped me long term, and alhamduillah i found the missing element in my life - Islam!! Masha'Allah Islam helped me so much, i found the inner peace i was looking for. There are many reasons as to why people suffer from depression, but all of them are lacking something very important - happiness. Islam will guarantee you happiness, without a doubt. I know this because Islam has helped me become happier, and helped me to refrain from my suicidal thoughts. Alhamduillah.

If there is a solution you are looking for - then find it in Islam. There is no better cure!

Take Care. In my du'as always.
Wa'alaikum asalaam.


Well-Known Member
Assalamu alikum dear brother or sister

I pray you are in the very best of health, eemaan and inshaan. Aameen. I know how you feel, because with my eating disorders i too suffered from depression. I tried so many things, but nothing worked. I wanted something that could have helped me long term, and alhamduillah i found the missing element in my life - Islam!! Masha'Allah Islam helped me so much, i found the inner peace i was looking for. There are many reasons as to why people suffer from depression, but all of them are lacking something very important - happiness. Islam will guarantee you happiness, without a doubt. I know this because Islam has helped me become happier, and helped me to refrain from my suicidal thoughts. Alhamduillah.

If there is a solution you are looking for - then find it in Islam. There is no better cure!

Take Care. In my du'as always.
Wa'alaikum asalaam.

Subhanallah! jazakallah for the lovely and encouraging words! Sometimes its a bit deeper than that because Allah does inflict depression on some people and it is a test from Allah! Because no illness that a muslim experiences and his sins are not expiated! The best people experience the biggest tests! So i urge you and anyone else who has these illnesses to go to a reliable Scholar of Islam, i'm not talking about peers who will give u taaveez and stuff i'm talking about proper scholars and also Muslim psychologists and physicians!Inshallah may Allah give you and anyone with ilnesses shifa(cure) and justice to all the Muslims that have experienced injustice! Allahumma ameen!


Heros of Islam
May Allah make things easier for you :inshallah:, i came out of depression in the past by s learning more about Islam and by hanging out with the brothers. check if socialising works :inshallah: