I think my Mother may be Commiting Zina!!! Help!

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Well-Known Member

Sister Aapa is objecting to what is clearly wrong. She is objecting to something which incurs the wrath of Allah.

She is speaking against an evil.

It's kind of hard to do all that..... and be nice about it, wouldn't you say?

I'm done with this thread and do not want to be a part of it any more. But I had to get a few things straightened out before I left.

My opinions matter not one bit. Only the opinion of Allah and His Messengers counts. And that is what I have given you.

To be sure, each and every single person who has participated in this discussion will be asked about the things they said on the Day of Judgment.

Whoever this mother is, I feel sorry for her. She has become the talk of the town.

Think about it. Do you really think Allah will be pleased with all this?

Okay. I'm outta here. Jazakallah khair for listening.

La ilaha il Allah! Muhammaddar Rasul Allah!

I think it is best that in future you do not take part in any thread or topic that will cause you to become emotional and defensive as you have done throughout this thread. You have not helped the brother at all but throughout this thread you have been emotional and defensive.

People come here out of desperation for honest advice from their brothers and sisters, not to get attacked and judged and to have "out of context" fatwa cut n pastes thrown at them.

You need to learn how to control your emotions and not become so defensive before ever attempting to give anyone advice ever again. Let us check our intentions before each and every post and if we feel we are not going to be of any help but just get emotional and defensive then let us refrain from posting in such threads. That is my nasiha to you, take it or leave it. Wa salaam.


Staff member

Enough already I think.

I hope the brother can take something from this thread, many different opinions have been voiced; some Islaamically valid whilst others are not. Some have simply spoken from their desires and emotions without even considering what the Islaamic requirements would be in such a sensitive and complex situation, others are taking certain evidences and applying them, but obviously with no authority to do so. I would say to the thread starter: seek some proper guidance on the issue, away from any forum, real life advice, speak to a person of knowledge.

As usual, the state of the responses are indicative of our status as an Ummah, it is so clear we have a long way to go in terms calibrating our hearts and minds to the default/authentic Islaamic position on things. If we don't know what that is for a certain situation then we should begin to get into the habit of keeping quiet.

Finally, threads are closed for specific reasons, efforts are made to indicate as to why they're being closed by final posts (such as this one), it may still not be clear to you as to why, but I request people to not resent this and trust that they're closed for the greater good, in the interests of the thread starters themselves and/or the forum community as a whole.

@ Thread Starter, I hope the members remember you in their du'aas just as promptly as some of them responded to your thread, may Allaah help you through your trial, Aameen.

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