Important Questions


Kashmiri Brother
Assalamualaikum all I have two important questions.One is that we say that first ten days of ramzan are of mercy next ten of forgiveness and last ten of freedom from hell fire.Can someone quote a hadith regarding this.Secondly whats the ruling on the person who deliberately misses the sunnah prayer.


to Allah we belong

1. hadith: It is month of patience and the reward of patience is Paradise. It is a month in which resources believer increase. A month whose beginning is mercy, whose middle is forgiveness and the end is redemption fire of Hell. "

Source: Baihaqi

i read tht scholars say that its weak.

2. which sunnah? sunnah muakkadah or sunnah non-muakkadah?

sunnah muakkadah are more important than other sunnah.


Kashmiri Brother
Jazakallah for your replies however i wanna ask one more question that whats ruling on witr prayer if someone leaves it deliberately.