Is israel all bad??


New Member
Israel is quite understandably quite a hot topic for muslims in general......and I've see a knew thread about it on here quite often when I log on.

I think that sometimes muslims only think about the things which directly affect them......not the bigger picture.......and not muslims only but all people.

Firstly....... many Israeli people may support the blood thirsty antics of their government...........but that does not mean ALL israelis do.

And what about england and america??? I hear muslims condem the 'english' as a general population.

I hear a lot of stories about the english and American's who are responsible for so much cruelty and death of so many iraq's.

As an british (and muslim) person I would invite any of you to quiz the general public and they would find the vast majority of English people are deeply ashamed of our government and its 'foreign policy'.

but how many people protested outside parliament against the war in iraq?

And what about the msulim 7/7 bombers-i hear a lot of muslims (including some of my closest relatives, saying 'oh yes well they weren't real muslims')

Of course they are........

As muslim brothers and sisters trying to spread our faith we can't steriotype a country or a religion or just try to ignore those of our own religion who commit wrong!

How can we spread peace if we are making judgements about others before we even know them??:SMILY252:

Any people from any races and any religion..........wrong is wrong.....

And furthermore as a religion of peace we can't spread faith through hostility.......
salaam sister,

when we talk about england or america, we are talking about their governments and not about the citizens. About israel. Well they created a global zionist movement against muslims. The palastiniens welcomed them with open arms, and they backstabbed us.

Thats why my opinion (as a peace loving human) is:


We need to take them out.


Muslim Guy
Jenifer's visit to Israel - interviewd by Daryl Bradford Smith - Radio Show

Non-Muslims describe the situation in Palestine, worse than what the blacks had to endure in "white" South Africa.

Below is a video of former United States President, Jimmy Carter:


There was another very good radio show on what Israel alone by Daryl Smith, but I can't remember which one.

In the mean time, for all your Zionist news, and updates on current events, and which governments have the similar agendas as the US foreign policy, etc, there are plenty of other radio shows you can listen to:
(note, some of the people interviewed are Muslims - most of the names are obvious - such as "Mohammad Rafique". David Pidcock is a revert to Islam however; some of this interviews are interesting too).



First, u have to not that israeli and jews are not always the same thing..

Some jews are even against zionism

And i will advice u to read about jews from way back and what they are doing in Israel and Palestine

Some more readings

And some muslims do condemn what terrorist do

islam denounces terrorism

Fight in the Way of God against those who fight you, but do not go beyond the limits. God does not love those who go beyond the limits. (Surat al-Baqara: 190)

...God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you over religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just. God merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you over religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion... (Surat al-Mumtahana: 8-9)


Junior Member
My opinions, as to the dislike of the Israeli government and dislike for Zionism (which is, in my opinion, racism), were formed long before I ever reverted to Islam.

But you're right - not all Israeli's agree with the governments policies. Just look at what happened with the protests in Tel Aviv a few weeks ago. Many Israeli's do want some of the same things the Palestinians do and want to work towards peace. My problem has never been with Israelis (since there are some Israeli Muslims - I know one) or Jews in general, but with Zionists and those who supported the governments Zionist policies.


My opinions, as to the dislike of the Israeli government and dislike for Zionism (which is, in my opinion, racism), were formed long before I ever reverted to Islam.

But you're right - not all Israeli's agree with the governments policies. Just look at what happened with the protests in Tel Aviv a few weeks ago. Many Israeli's do want some of the same things the Palestinians do and want to work towards peace. My problem has never been with Israelis (since there are some Israeli Muslims - I know one) or Jews in general, but with Zionists and those who supported the governments Zionist policies.

Well said...very much same as my opinion



In response to Laura. I read your post several times. You "hear stories", you write Muslims are not intersted in the bigger picture, you tell Muslims not to stereotype....
We Muslims can not afford to worry about stories. By using the word story it is implied that there is dubious factual backup. This leads to labeling and discrimination.
There are no stories. 1911 was an important year later If FDR had told Truman about his plans with the Arabs, Truman would not have allowed the way for Israel.
The Muslims do not hate the Jews. Israel is a theocracy, built on money taken from the American taxpayer, using raw materials from South Africa, killing Muslim women and children. There is no international agreement that Israel has not broken. There is an endless supply of money coming to Israel.
There is complicity.
Please forgive me but we have to be careful with words. If we Muslims start calling each other good and bad, we are in trouble.
Finally, as a Muslim, my interest is with Muslims first and foremost, they lead me to the larger picture...Allah.


Junior Member
alslamo alikom

my sister from general to see in tha same nation there are good people and bad people, there are good jewsh and bad... and good christian and bad...
the same in muslim nation there are bad muslims and Extremist and very good muslims.
this is my opinion :SMILY149:


Junior Member

Is the occupation of someonelse's homeland bad?
Is the expulsion from your family home bad?
Is being made slave in your own country bad?
Is being humiliated on a daily basis bad?

We, the muslim Umma, are one body: if a part hurts then the entire body is in pain. All muslims must help the Palestinians get their land back, be it physically, morally, politically, finiancially...It is our duty.

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yes huge part of israel thinking is deplorable.They are haiving true bad intensions towards muslims.India,USA and Uk and now a big chunk of Europe is in Israels pocket.They are now Illegitimate children of Israel....