Is it Fair


Junior Member
hello brothers and siisters............just read an article about the situation in Iraq , and the views from the Democrats in the senate etc.......

they are now wanting to urge the Iraqi goverment to start paying for their own reconstruction of the country , from the money in their oil reserve surpluses.......

how does a nation invade another..destroy its infra structure , not forgetting all the lives lost during that period ....have the cheeck to turn around and say......we not goin to pay no more.........your turn now to pay..

plse im keen to hear what your views are on this suggestions put forward by high ranking generals and senetors in the USA........

me personally...............i think its a disgrace that the thought even passed through there minds , common you big strong American boys.........lets see if you can fix what you have broken........when the going gets tough / the Tough get Going...........???


Assalamu alaikum sister!

If it was the intention of the US to build Iraq, they would not destroy it.

They went there for a reason. To steal the oil of that country and deprive them of their freedom and pride.

Iraq was a prosperous and happy country and didn't need reconstruction untill B52 bombers brought armagadon to it.

Sister, everybody knows the truth, but no one wants to say anything as it is not popular and also the fear and terror rules.

Don't forget Abu Gharib and Guantanamo Bay.


There is a misconception when you say "high ranking generals and senators." Certainly titles don't honor men, but it is men who honor titles.

It's really strange how these people think. They go and destroy countries then try to give millions in aide for the infrastructure they destroy. This is absurd ideologies. Now they have realized their most fundamental obscurity and how it is impossible to achieve. They have dug themselves inside a black hole.

I believe one of the reasons they want Iraq to build itself is because the U.S. economy is in recession right now. By far, the U.S. has been suffering long term debts from other nations and is in a deficit. Many jobs are being outsourced to other countries where manufacturing and labor costs are cheaper. The economy is on a downhill roller coaster and now they are trying to lower their costs by not providing aide to Iraq - which they are totally responsible for.


Info Warrior
I want to start with my post with US policy towards Iraq. First off Saddam was a CIA asset, who modeled him self after Stalin. The US armed Saddam, then in 1989 The Bush Administration convinces Kuwait to drill into Iraqi oil fields which prompted Iraq to invade Kuwait, However Iraq only invaded with the ok from the US. So what we have here is betrayal and the start of the first Gulf war. The dirty little secret of this war was that Iraq was essentially destroyed in the Allied bombing campaign, which was a bomb now die later philosophy. Throughout the 90's more than half a million Iraqi's died from starvation and disease due to UN sanctions and the Allied bombing campaign. Iraq was a broken country due a ten year war with Iran, Gulf War I, The UN sanctions on Iraq did more to destroy Iraq than the occupation has thus far. The goal of the occupation is to break Iraq into 3 parts and foment endless civil war. Now I want to address the aspect that someone suggested that Iraqi's were actually happy living under Saddam Hussein someone who styles his leadership qualities after Hitler and Stalin. Now I certainly don't like the Bush administration but if you are looking for administrations to praise keep looking. If you can honestly say with a straight face that Iraqi's liked living under Saddam Hussein were happy, you my friend may be a victim of brain washing and if that is the case I know the names of some people who can help you with that.

Tarpley, Webster G. George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

Engdahl, William A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and The New World Order

warda A

hello brothers and siisters............just read an article about the situation in Iraq , and the views from the Democrats in the senate etc.......

they are now wanting to urge the Iraqi goverment to start paying for their own reconstruction of the country , from the money in their oil reserve surpluses.......

how does a nation invade another..destroy its infra structure , not forgetting all the lives lost during that period ....have the cheeck to turn around and say......we not goin to pay no more.........your turn now to pay..

plse im keen to hear what your views are on this suggestions put forward by high ranking generals and senetors in the USA........

me personally...............i think its a disgrace that the thought even passed through there minds , common you big strong American boys.........lets see if you can fix what you have broken........when the going gets tough / the Tough get Going...........???


What else can they do?
They destroy and then ask taxpayers money to rebuild
Do do people in America not see this? it is a cycle.
After that they make a turn around, yet they still come and talk about liberties.
America's foreign policy is divide and rule. and they can not clean up after the mess
the US is a hypocrite ...its not with anybody...they r arrogant and selfish...they will b ur best friends but when u turn ur back they stab u with a 10 inch knife...and the jz dont leave it there,they pull it inch by inch making u feel the pain...this is how u can describe any country occupied by US....jz like veitnam.....i mean spraying chemicals in some orange mission in vietnam jz b4 leaving the country....wth...n then they say we r civilised n this n that...bullocks!...but i do believe in this...wats goes round always comes back around...n i surely wont b surprised to c the US turn into iraq or darfur within a few years cause times r changing n other countries such as china r getting its jz a matter of time when all the dogs of the US will abandon it and team up with china....then ill love to c CNN n FOX news saying stuff like poverty n no justice for US .....and ill laugh like >>:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Staff member
Please see Noam Chomsky and Arundhati Roys videos on Iraq.

USA(United States of Aggression, formerly United States of Adultery) supported Saddam Husaain while he killed peopl and infact supplied him with weapons.

But, when he decided to nationaize the oil resources Son-of-A-Bush cnviniently saw a dream in which Shaytaan asked him to invade Iraq in the name of God.

I read it in Quran somewhere that whenever Allah intends to destroy a Nation (because of their opression, corruption and injustice)

He lets them continue in their sinning, but when he grabs them in his Azaab they are COMPLETELY destroyed...

InshaAllah same will happen to USA.

Although, It would be better if they mend their ways and stop opression in the World so that Allah can put barakah in their Country.
If you can honestly say with a straight face that Iraqi's liked living under Saddam Hussein were happy, you my friend may be a victim of brain washing and if that is the case I know the names of some people who can help you with that.

Salaam brother Taxhonesty,

Many Iraqi's were not happy under Saddam Hussein, but they would be much happier under his rule right now then living under the chaos and hostility of the U.S. We can not deny the simple fact that Iraq was a better country than it was before the illegal invasion. More than 100,000 Iraqi's have died, the infrastructure of the country is destroyed, and the economy has sloped downhill. The current Iraqi genocide is nothing compared to whatever Saddam did.

P.S. Another reason the U.S. won't support in rebuilding the country is because the simple fact that there are many Islamophobics with political interests out there (i.e. Free Masons).


Junior Member
I agree Sister. It is a terrible unimaginable situation in Iraq. The USA and the Brits have a tremendous amount of blood on their hands. I know at this point that most Americans are against the war in Iraq albeit many for selfish reasons. What I will never understand is how they elected Bush for a second term in 2004 after he had led them into this war built on utter LIES. You should look at videos on youtube by George Galloway or Tariq Ali, both eloquent speakers located in the UK. Haven't spotted such eloquent anti-war speeches on this side of the Atlantic. Also, "Winter Soldier" that aired on a left wing radio station in USA recently was most informative. How soldiers are trained and the civilians in the occupied country dehumanized. The impact as they go into buildings just shooting at anything that moves. Many Iraqi taxi drivers shot to death as they were deemed to be driving too fast for the military's liking. The aftermath for the young American soldiers when they come home away from that atmosphere and start thinking about what they were involved in.... the guilt, alienation from society and family, violence, suicide, etc. The whole thing is brutal and very evil. And it was all knowingly about BIG OIL and CORPORATIONS... the rich getting richer at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives. Really disgusting.....