Is there any Muslim that would call a Christian or Jew his friend?


New Member
I am bothered by some things that I have read hear that would be considered hatefull towards all who would not belong to Islam. Please confirm that I am wrong in this belief and that there are those who would welcome another man from another faith who respected your own faith and your devotion to it. Furthermore, would you repect another man's faith in the same manner?


Slave of Allah (swt)
I am bothered by some things that I have read hear that would be considered hatefull towards all who would not belong to Islam. Please confirm that I am wrong in this belief and that there are those who would welcome another man from another faith who respected your own faith and your devotion to it. Furthermore, would you repect another man's faith in the same manner?

ok woah ... where you getting all these ideas from, please i want some ref and i see in ur post your saying alot of things about IRAN clear your mind IRAN is not true followers of Islam they r a cult a sect they dont represent us muslims ... just like Russians are different sects and according to alot of christians far from christianity

In Islam, we treat everyone equally, a non-muslim is even allowed to pray in the mosque to their own religion. Everyone is free to do what they want, your ideas are westernized cuz you haven't been to a muslim country urself if you go there you will see everyone is treated normally.


New Member
My Ideas are not westernized! I am going from what I have read in some of these threads. I want to believe that TRUE MUSLIMS would welcome another man of a different faith as his brother. I know Christians who would accept all men as equals no matter who they prayed to. If you would be the man who would welcome all men as a brothe dispite their faith then blessings upon you and your house. I never spoke of Iran but that is very interesting.


New Member
I have been to many Muslim countries. I have been all over the world. I have prayed among many religions and I respect them all.


Junior Member

I have many non-muslim friends buddhists christians jews you name it. And we all have no problem with each others faith.



Although I have associates from all walks and planes of life..I am at ease with my Muslim brothers and sisters. I do not reject others..I gain more with my Muslim community. As I have little time for friends..I spend time with my Muslim sisters. Forgive me for being selfish.


Slave of Allah (swt)
I have been to many Muslim countries. I have been all over the world. I have prayed among many religions and I respect them all.

ok then you should know thats not true there are many non-muslims living in muslim countries i have never heard of anyone going like dont talk to him its a non-muslims same here

i have tons of non-muslim friends infact most are non-muslims i dont like mistreat them i dont know how can you say muslims dont treat non-muslims properly or we dont want to talk to them.


Travelling towards my grave.
I am bothered by some things that I have read hear that would be considered hatefull towards all who would not belong to Islam. Please confirm that I am wrong in this belief and that there are those who would welcome another man from another faith who respected your own faith and your devotion to it. Furthermore, would you repect another man's faith in the same manner?

Yes we do respect everyone who has politeness and willing to keep friendship, economic or social ties with us, in the limit Islam has given us. We have so many brothers and sisters in Islam and also we do have brothers and sisters in humanity. Many of them are here in TTI also. Read the following informative post which I have posted in another thread.

The word Kaafir most probably should be one of the most misunderstood terms in the history of world languages. The term has been abused & projected by media in such a fashion that it induces spontaneous hatred among people to whom this term is being referred. Any language at it's best, conveys what it's made out to convey.

Factually speaking there is nothing derogatory or insulting about the term Kaafir. The term (derived from Kufr in Arabic language) means 'One who rejects (denies) the truth' or 'One who does not believe' or a 'Non-believer'. A person who is not a Christian is called a Non-Christian; a person who is not a Hindu is known as a non-Hindu; similarly, a person who is not a Muslim is called a non-Muslim, which when translated in to Arabic language is called a Kaafir.

It's as simple as that. In fact, the term Kaafir relates more to the status of a person's belief system and reflects less about the physical entity that he is. A more apt, politically and socially significant term Zimmi used in Arabic literature to denote non-Muslims has been ignored and has gone unnoticed by Muslim bashers.

A non-Muslim subject in an Islamic state is called Zimmi (derived from Zimma meaning responsibility) meaning a subject whose life, honour and property will be protected by the Islamic State. He will have freedom to follow his own belief system. He will have his own set of laws, administered by his own tribunals and own judges, without any interference on the part of the Muslim authorities. He will also be exempted from participation in the wars,

otherwise compulsory to the Muslim subjects of the state. He will not be required to pay the compulsory annual Zakaat (a type of compulsory tax collected annually from all Muslims by Islamic Governments and disbursed to poor Muslims). Against all these privileges the non-Muslim subject Zimmi have to pay a nominal tax called Jizya.

The quantum of Jizya will be reasonable enough as not to be a financial burden on him. In case of any uncertainty with respect to the safety of non-Muslim subjects, an Islamic state will forfeit its right to collect such tax. History tells us that the second Caliph Umer (RA) returned a huge sum of money collected through Jizya to the non-Muslim subjects in one such compelling circumstance.

The Zimmis also will not be allowed to participate in legislation process. For that matter, not even the Muslim subjects. Because the law making (Legislation) authority rests with Allah and hence will be solely based on Qur'an & Sunnah.

The Islamic State will only be a law-enforcing agency. At the time of the revelation of the Holy Qur'an, when most of the non-believers in Mecca and Madina had waged a pitched battle with believers; Allah (SWT) sensing the question upper most in the minds of most Muslims with respect to their dealings with other non- believers who were not hostile to them issued the following instruction: "Allah does not forbid you to be kind and deal justly with non-Muslims, who do not wage war against you on account of your religion and do not drive you out of your homes. Verily Allah loves those who are just". (60-8)

The above-mentioned verse in fact is a policy statement in this matter. This is further exemplified by Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) who said: "One who kills a Zimmi, will not get even the scent of the paradise. In another statement he said: " I shall stand witness against the believer, who will be guilty of persecuting a Zimmi." It should be noted that while discussing the rights of neighbours and the wayfarers, Islam does not make any distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims.

A non-Muslim neighbour has as much rights over his Muslim neighbour as the other Muslim neighbour next door. There can not be a better example to illustrate Islam's stand vis-à-vis the treatment to the non -Muslims, than the story narrated by Abu Uzair (RA), one of the companion of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), before embracing Islam. "I was one of the prisoners-of-war and was handed over as captive to one of the Ansars (residents of Madina).

Ever since Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) instructed his companions to look well after the captives, the situation used to be that my Ansar host used to eat only dates while providing me a stomach full meal." No wonder, the entire Christian population of a border town, preferred to live as Zimmis under the rule of Hazrat Umar (RA) ,the second Caliph of Islam instead of becoming sovereign subjects of a Christian king in 640 CE.

Hope it helped.


-brother IbnAdam-


Junior Member
My Ideas are not westernized! I am going from what I have read in some of these threads. I want to believe that TRUE MUSLIMS would welcome another man of a different faith as his brother. I know Christians who would accept all men as equals no matter who they prayed to. If you would be the man who would welcome all men as a brothe dispite their faith then blessings upon you and your house. I never spoke of Iran but that is very interesting.

Greetings and welcome to the site. Muslims are welcoming and I learned that since my child hood when I was not a Muslim but a Christian. As far as welcoming as brothers, and friends, I have many non-Muslim friends and I treat them justly and do not hurt them because the Quran does not allow me to treat other unjustly. We are all brothers in humanity but that is not always the case. You say you know of Christians who welcome all as equal, well and I know of Christians who do not so there are such in all communities. Anyhow, you are welcomed here and I don't have a problem with you, I don't even know you, but if one starts lying, slandering, insulting, etc, then one does not have to be friends with such and I do not associate with such people.


Junior Member
(Quran:2) Say (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ): "Whoever is an enemy to Jibrael (Gabriel) (let him die in his fury), for indeed he has brought it (this Qur'ân) down to your heart by Allâh's Permission, confirming what came before it [i.e. the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] and guidance and glad tidings for the believers. (97) "Whoever is an enemy to Allâh, His Angels, His Messengers, Jibrael (Gabriel) and Mikael (Michael), then verily, Allâh is an enemy to the disbelievers." (98) And indeed We have sent down to you manifest Ayât (these Verses of the Qur'ân which inform in detail about the news of the Jews and their secret intentions, etc.), and none disbelieve in them but Fâsiqûn (those who rebel against Allâh's Command). (99) Is it not (the case) that every time they make a covenant, some party among them throw it aside? Nay! (the truth) is most of them believe not. (100) And when there came to them a Messenger from Allâh (i.e. Muhammad Peace be upon him ) confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture threw away the Book of Allâh behind their backs as if they did not know! (101)