Isa(as) in Islam


Junior Member
When we, as Muslims, stop going to the New Testament and just reflect over the verses in the Quran that pertain to Jesus Christ(as), we start getting a much better picture and we can get a good idea of what the historical Jesus was like. We won't be able to know every single word he spoke throughout his entire mission but we can get a very good, yet different picture. In the New Testament, Jesus is portrayed as more of a Hellenized Jew, and that makes him on the side of the Romans and the compromising Jews. The Jews Had divided themselves into sects. A party of them were on the right path, they were struggling to uphold the Torah, they were against the Roman occupation and wanted to establish the Law of God as the rule of the Land. This is partially what "La ilaha ila Allah" indicates; That only God is to be worshiped and this means He is the law giver, ruler and the one that is to be obeyed. This could not be accepted by the Romans, this was not accepted by the Greeks before them and this type of view led to much violence and conflicts.

The Quran tells us that every prophet was sent with the message of "la ilaha ila Allah" and everyone of the prophets were met with resistence by many of their people. Some obeyed while others rejected and even fought against the message. This was the case during the time of RasulAllah (saaws) and how the Mushrikeen did not welcome the message he was preaching. If the the shahadah were just mere words, no one would reject this but we know that there is more to it than just saying there is only one God and Muhammad is his messenger. This implies that the pagan Arabs had to give up their previous ways and start worshiping the one and only God. This meant obeying Him, and accepting Him as the absolute law giver and ruler. This would be a huge problem for those who want to be unjust, corrupt and follow their own desires. So, we know that the Musriks made war on the Prophet (saaws) and his followers. They persecuted them, expelled them, seized their properties, tortured them and killed them. They made war on the Muslims.

If we rewind back about 600 years, what should we expect in the time of Isa Masih (as) and Palestine? We have to first know what was going on there. The holy land was under a brutal Roman occupation. The Jews who were against it were supressed, crucified by the thousands, over taxed and they had to suffer all kinds of harsh treatment. This is not found in the New Testament but this is testified by eye witnesses, and historians such as Josephus. Although Josephus was biased and was a compromising Jew, he did not fail to mention the suffering and brutality that the oppressed, yet devoted Children of Israel were enduring. It is said of them that they "loved death if it came with honor more than life without end". This is the group that Yahya(as) belonged to, the group that James the Just( who was the successor after Jesus in Jerusalem) and it is obvious that Jesus (as) would have belonged to this group as well. For some strange reason, the New Testament is silent on the atrocities and violence that is going on at the time of Jesus. Many Christians have a theory that crucifixion was a one time event that was exclusively reserved for Jesus, but this is not the case at all.

History testifies that the Romans cricified the rebelious Jews by the thousands and thousands. They had put a stop to circumcision and those who disobeyed this order were killed, and including the child. This is a horrible time and the pious from among the Jews were waiting for the Messiah. This is where Jesus (as) comes in and it is a very violent time period. His home land is under a foreign occupation, some of his people have thrown away the book of of Allah (torah) and have sided with the Romans. The Jewish high priests and pharisees were employed by the Romans and they were put in charge in order to handle the rebelious Jews who were anti-occupation. They were paid by Rome, they were getting rich off of doing haram things, and they had totally blasphemed against the law giver (Allah). Now, I wonder what the reaction of Jesus would be seeing all of this. How would he feel being in a time and place were the most pious, who want to uphold the Torah and Tawhid, are being oppressed, tortured and crucified? Could he really be walking around giving hour long lectures about "peace" "love your persecutors" "pay your taxes" "faith is in the heart" and all the other jokes that the New Testament attributes to him?

This would not have been possible for a few reasons. First of all, the oppressed Jews them selves would have stoned him if he spoke such things in a time when they are being over taxed and are unable to worship their Lord. There were men and women who use to go around assasinating the Jews whom they viewed as sell outs. They would have reacted no different with a Messiah. (That explains why the Christians do not understand the meaning of the term Messiah or why they give it another meaning). However, if Jesus was really talking like that and did not speak out against the occupation, the Romans and the Jewish compromisers would have loved him and given him a palace to live in. This is not the reality of it and we know this from the Quran already. For example, God tells us in the Quran that Jesus told his people

"...When Jesus came with Clear Signs, he said: 'Now I have come to you with Wisdom, and in order to make clear to you some of the (points) on which you dispute. Therefore, fear God and obey me. God, He is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him -- this is a Straight Way.' But sects from among themselves fell into disagreement. So woe to the wrongdoers, from the penalty of a Grievous Day!" (43:63-65).

If anyone pays attention to the verse, it says that he tokd them to "worship God" and to "fear Him". Why would Jesus be saying that if the Jews were already worshiping and fearing God if not because they weren't doing it? It is obvious from the above that there would be trouble. We know how the Pagans reacted to "la ilaha ila Allah" during the time of RasulAllah and we should expect no different from Mushriks of Rome and the Jews who are not on the right path. This explains their anger and why they would want to kill Jesus or crucify him. They wouldn't crucify him for preaching "peace", "turn the other cheeck" and "pay your taxes". This is what the occupiers would want to hear and they would love a Messiah like that. Furthermore, the poor and oppressed Jews would not be in position to have Jesus crucified. If the Romans didn't listen to them before, why would they go out of their way, crucify someone who is helpful to Rome and try to hurry up and kill him before the Sabbath and all this just to satisfy the very people they are oppressing?

It doesn't make sense and the more one thinks about it it gets more absurd, especially if we rely on Christian theology. When we say the New Testament is not the Injeel, we really mean that. The gospels and the letters of Paul are not the Injeel that God gave Isa. The Quran tells us even more about this great prophet and Messiah. God tells us Jesus was sent to confirm the Torah and to uphold it.

"And when Jesus son of Mary said, 'Children of Israel, I am indeed the Messenger to you, confirming the Torah that is before me, and giving good tiding of a Messenger who shall be the Ahmad."(As-Saff 61:6).

Again, why would he "confirm" something that the people were already doing and it is in tact? Or maybe they weren't doing it? Well we know that a party of Jews were on the right path but we also know others were not. It is logic that Jesus would uphold and confirm the Torah and Tawhid. He told them to "worship Allah" because they weren't doing it, and this would explain why the Jewish priests were angry and trying to kill him. Jesus (as) was a "word of God" as the Quran states, and Allah tells us that He had taught Jesus the Torah and the Injeel. This would cause the bad from among the Jews, and the high priests to get angry at him. He is exposing them, he is causing trouble with his words alone and he is of the same religion of Moses(as) Yahya(as) and others like them. The Quran gives further details in the following verse:

"And when Jesus perceived their unbelief, he said 'Who will be my helpers in the cause of God? The apostles said, 'we are Gods helpers. We believe in God; so bear witness of our submission God, we believe in that you have sent down, and we follow the Messenger. Inscribe us therefore with those who bear witness. 'And they devised, and God devised, and God devised, and God is the best of divisors. When God said, 'Jesus, I will take you to Me and will raise you to Me, and I will purify you (of the falsehoods) of those who do not believe. I will make your followers above the unbelievers till the Resurrection Day."(Al-Imran 3:52-55).

This explains why they would want to kill him. He was a threat to the Romans and the compromising Jews. Only a minority believed in him and supported him. They plotted to kill him and Allah was also plotting, and He is the best of plotters. They wanted to crucify him and obviously even thought they did so, but the Quran refutes this clearly and Allah is the most wise:

"And for their unbelief, and their uttering against Mary a grave false charge, and for their saying, 'We killed the messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messiah of God"…yet they did not slay him, neither crucified him, only a likeness of that was shown to them. Those who are at variance concerning him are surely in doubt the following of conjecture; and they did not kill him of certainty…no indeed; God raised him up to Him; God is Almighty, Allwise. There is not one of the people of the book but will assuredly believe him before his death, and on the Resurrection Day he will be a witness against them." (An-Nissa 4:156-159).

It is interesting to note that in two seperate documents in the Nag Hamadi findings, there are mentions of Jesus not beinf crucified and that it was another who was humilated. These writings are older than any of the current gospels in the New Testament and the church persecuted anyone who had different views and they selcted which books would become "scripture" and what not. When we start examining our own sources(Quran and sunnah) only then we get the real picture of what went on. We know from eye witnesses and historians of that time period that the Jesus movement was against the occupation, they were unwilling to bow a knee to Rome and they wanted to establish the Law of God and Tawhid as the supreme law of the land. If Jesus's followers were this way in Jerusalem, why would Jesus be different? There reason this stuff is not known to Christians nor available in their scriptures is because it is Paul who founded Christianity. He came about 5 years after Jesus was already gone, he was a persecutior of the pious Jews who followed Jesus and the Torah, and he was a Pharisee.

He was a Roman citizen and a good friend of the Roman emperor. If he were really preaching the "true gospel" of Jesus, why his followers in Jerusalem want to kill him? They were about to stone him for teaching lies and Paul was rescued by Roman soldiers. How was he being helped by the Roman soldiers when they were persecuting the followers of the Jesus movement? It is because he was not a follower of Jesus. Paul was trying to destroy this movement and the law of God. He is the one who taught it's ok to eat pork, blood, and break every law because to him faith was sufficient and it was faith in Christ that was the way for salvation. But this was not the belief of the followers of Jesus in Jerusalem. He was teaching a lie about Jesus in the Roman Greco world to a mostly Pagan audience. Since the followers of Jesus and these die hard Jews were not Roman citizens, they could not pursue him and see what all he was doing.

So what survives today as "Christianity" is the religion taught by Paul who was an enemy and not the religion of Jesus(as). As we know, the religion of all the prophets was Islam (total sbmission to the will of God). The scholar Ibn Abbas(ra) states about this matter also. He had stated that there were three types of people in this time period. There was a party who were on the right path who obeyed God and the deen. There was a group who did not and they rejected, but there was another group which lied and exaggerated about Jesus(as) and they began killing those who were on the right path. This is also true because we know what the Christian church has done in its history to other groups it viewed heretics. The interesting thing is that the followers of Jesus were headed by a man named James (Yacoub the Just). This man was not only the successor to Jesus but he was even a relative of his and all the sources agree that he was the authority. If he knew and learned from Jesus directly and he was anti-occupation and a pious upholder of the Torah and "la ilaha ila Allah", what should we expect from Jesus?

He would have been pretty much the same. The reason a lot of us haven't ever done this is because we been getting our info from what Christians want to give us but what they have is not truth. God is truth and He revealed the Quran to his final messenger(saaws) and He has told us what really went on. When we say Jesus was a Muslim, we are not being funny but we really mean that because historians of the time tell us about these Torah upholding Jews. They prayed several times a day with prostrations, they washed up, they felt unclean after using the bathroom, they obeyed the law of God and it is said that they loved death if it came with "honor more than life without end". Does this sound like Christians to anyone? I don't think so and we are talking about two different things.

Throughout history, Christians have been fighting, killing and rejecting one another as "heretics" but they are all based on falsehood from the start because Paul was not a follower of Jesus nor did he ever meet him or know him. He came into the scene about 5 years after Jesus, picked up the rumor that Jesus(as) was crucified and used this to start a new religion in which both Pagans and Jews can live together and not care about Sharia, Tawhid or anything else because they are "saved by faith in the crucified and risen Christ". His letters are the earliest writings of the New Testament and the 4 gospels were written after that. This also explains why the 4 Gospels differ and contradict each other when comes to the crucifixion and the entire events leading to the so called crucifixion, and resurrection. Because they were not eye witnesses, nor did they know what really happened, that is why the confusion is there, and Allah tells us they follow nothing but "conjecture" they are "full of doubt" and have no "knowledge".

This has helped me get a better picture of the truth. It has made me reflect more on the Quran and see what a beatiful scripture we have that Allah(swt) has given us. Although it doesn't take up whole pages with boring info, the Quran rarely gives a whole lot of detail but it gives us important information which we can use, put together and get a better picture of the reality. We can also use that information to see what eye witnesses and historians of that time period have to say. Christians do not have any evidence for any of their beliefs and concepts but it based on faith. They want us (Muslims) to use their "evidence" to investigate Jesus but there is more and far more reliable information that predate the gospels in the Bible. The New Testament is not the Injeel of Jesus(as) but it is a collection of corrupt writings and letters whom Christians think are divine. There is nothing divine about letters written by Paul in dispute of the followers of Jesus to his audience in the Roman empire. They are letters and nothing more. We believe in the Injeel of Isa and that is not the New Testament or the letters of Paul and not even the 4 gospels of the "inspired" authors.

The Christians like us to believe that their scripture is the Injeel and that Muslims are obliged to believe in that but they are missing the point here again. Just as Jesus was sent to confirm the Torah, the Quran is also to confirm the previous scriptures that God had revealed. There would be nothing to confirm if everything is ok and people are already doing what is right, and I think the orientalists why try to support their scriptures by using the Quran are missing the whole point. The Quran confirms what the truth and refutes the falsehoods, and Allah is the best source, best of historians, the most high and wise. Why should we rely on Christians who themselves were killing one another over their confusion over Christ when the Quran solves the matter and God tells us how they erred? We are told everything we need to know about Jesus, who he was and what his mission was. He came to not only uphold the Torah but he was of the message of La ilaha ila Allah, and he told his people about the messenger who will come after him "whose name is Ahmad". Ahmad is short for Muhammad and both mean "one who is praise worthy.

Anything true is from Allah (swt) and any mistakes are mine. I hope I did not insult anyone nor offend Christians. As a Muslim,it is a duty to tell the truth and that includes Jesus Christ too. We love Jesus Christ and we believe he will return before the day of judgement. I hope and pray that those who are sincere and searching for the truth will take a look at Islam with an open mind. If they love God and Jesus, they will not have a real choice but to come to Islam because it is the same religion, way of life and confirmation of all the previous prophets.

May Allah guide us all to the straight path and increase our iman, understanding and have mercy on us all, InshaAllah, Amin.

Waleykom salaam


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Aleicomu dear brother.

Thank you for your very usefull post Mashallah,and Inshallah it will be usefull for all of us.

But I would only like to say that when we are mentiong Allahs Messangers and each time when we mention them we need to say sallallahu aleihi wa salam (peace be upon him).
I apologise dear brother if I have wronged you on some way but Alhamdulillah it is not my intention.

May Allah bless you too dear brother and may Allah reword our Prophet Isa s.a.v.s. with Jannah,Prophets before him and Prophets after him,and all belivers.Ameen.


Your sister Asja


Junior Member

Assalamu Aleicomu dear brother.

Thank you for your very usefull post Mashallah,and Inshallah it will be usefull for all of us.

But I would only like to say that when we are mentiong Allahs Messangers and each time when we mention them we need to say sallallahu aleihi wa salam (peace be upon him).
I apologise dear brother if I have wronged you on some way but Alhamdulillah it is not my intention.

May Allah bless you too dear brother and may Allah reword our Prophet Isa s.a.v.s. with Jannah,Prophets before him and Prophets after him,and all belivers.Ameen.


Your sister Asja

Thank you sister for pointing that out about Peace be upon him, I forgot in some places to mention it.

Wa Salaam.


New Member
It is logic that Jesus would uphold and confirm the Torah and Tawhid. He told them to "worship Allah" because they weren't doing it, and this would explain why the Jewish priests were angry and trying to kill him. Jesus (as) was a "word of God" as the Quran states, and Allah tells us that He had taught Jesus the Torah and the Injeel. This would cause the bad from among the Jews, and the high priests to get angry at him. He is exposing them, he is causing trouble with his words alone and he is of the same religion of Moses(as) Yahya(as) and others like them. The Quran gives further details in the following verse:

"And when Jesus perceived their unbelief, he said 'Who will be my helpers in the cause of God? The apostles said, 'we are Gods helpers. We believe in God; so bear witness of our submission God, we believe in that you have sent down, and we follow the Messenger. Inscribe us therefore with those who bear witness. 'And they devised, and God devised, and God devised, and God is the best of divisors. When God said, 'Jesus, I will take you to Me and will raise you to Me, and I will purify you (of the falsehoods) of those who do not believe. I will make your followers above the unbelievers till the Resurrection Day."(Al-Imran 3:52-55).

This explains why they would want to kill him. He was a threat to the Romans and the compromising Jews. Only a minority believed in him and supported him. They plotted to kill him and Allah was also plotting, and He is the best of plotters. They wanted to crucify him and obviously even thought they did so, but the Quran refutes this clearly and Allah is the most wise:

"And for their unbelief, and their uttering against Mary a grave false charge, and for their saying, 'We killed the messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messiah of God"…yet they did not slay him, neither crucified him, only a likeness of that was shown to them. Those who are at variance concerning him are surely in doubt the following of conjecture; and they did not kill him of certainty…no indeed; God raised him up to Him; God is Almighty, Allwise. There is not one of the people of the book but will assuredly believe him before his death, and on the Resurrection Day he will be a witness against them." (An-Nissa 4:156-159).

Great post. Jazalallah khair. Our prophet SAAW has warned the muslims will follow in the footsteps of those before us.

The Qur'an verse below tells us what it is that brought those munafiq jews & Romans to a boiling rage. And if we look around us today we'll see we are the 'new jews'.

Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment. 9.111


Junior Member
God send the prophets with one message that "La ilaha Illallaho", but they were different for different people. the Last is prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and there would no any more prophets after Muhammd(PBUH). Islam is the religion of peace, and Islam always Guide us to follow always the right way..being a Muslim it is our basic Duty to follow, and go with it.


New Member
mashallah! i did a paper pertaining to this subject in my comparative religions course. i've written a five page paper comparing prophet Isa (alayhi salam) in islam and christianity. i was shocked in my own findings. It occured to me than that we muslims have more respect for our beloved prophet Isa (alayhi salam) than the christians do. i've also figured out that there are numerous verses in the bible where jesus says that he is not god! It shocked me to see that and made me try to understand how christians claim that he is god. i want to relate one incident to you brothers and sisters during my comparative religions class. i remember asking my instructor (since he was christian) which 'god' in the trinity was more superior (i cant believe what im saying subhannallah)? I further added, is it the Father god, Jesus God or the holy ghost god? he stuttered and replied that they were all equal. i reminded him how he taught us that if there was an incident in which there was more than one god than one must always be superior over the other. He than stumbled on his words and said that it was a dogma (something they just must accept). He literally made himself look like a hypocrite in front of everyone in class! I never understood how they accept something that they themselves know makes no sense. i also never understood how they claim they are a monotheistic religion when christianity is centered around the belief in the three persons/gods in the trinity. for the last time, three cannot equal one!