islam in arab countries is weakening and its stronger in the western countries


Junior Member
i live in kuwait and what i have seen and experienced in my country is that islam is weakning and islam became more as a culture and human status thing,and you can see that from how arab girls and women disgracing the hijaab by wearing it with tight clothes and tons of makeup and people here want to be more like the western and on the other hand the western converters to islam are more loyal to the religion and im not saying all arab people are like that but you see a BIG portion of people moving away from the teachings of islam and it growing by the day.


Junior Member

salam alaykum brother

well what i can say and inspite of what u ve said, i also see people re getting more interested about islam more than b4. here in morocco there re alot of strickt muslims, who take their islam so seriously, and sisters started wearing nikab, and there wasnt things like that years ago.elhamdolilah even though ther always weak muslims but there s always a light in the other side.




i can't really say much about what's happening in the middle east as far as islam is concerned; since i have never been there before. i have seen things happening in the muslim community in my area which consists of many from the middle east. there are a lot of them that have fallen a bit in regards to their faith. i think it's more or less the younger generation though. very often their parents come from their respective countries and they tell their children not to do this or not to do that, but they aren't telling thier children why they shouldn't do these things. or very often too, the parents are telling their kids; go to the masjid, read the quran, make salat; but they never see their parents doing those things.

if you come from a muslim country, you are kind of protected from unislamic influences in the sense that everyone else there is also a muslim. people can keep each other in check. but here in america, where everyone isn't muslim it's hard to keep to the halal when you are surrounded by so much of the haraam. in reality many of these people were only muslim in name, they weren't living life as a muslim but were living the life of a Moroccan, Egyptian etc. culture was more dear to them than islam.

as far as western reverts. we are very serious about our deen. maybe it's because all of this is new to us. we see islam as something that has saved our lives. some born muslims see islam as something that they have always had, never really appreciating the religion. and of course there are born muslims that are serious with their deen that are trying to get the fallen muslims back up, which is great because they're living examples for their children.

island muslim

Junior Member
Salaam Alaiykum,

Like brother abdellah007 said the new generation not following islam is only in some countries of the middleeast. For example Egypt is having a islamic revival cause now more sisters wear hijab alhamdulilah and this year EID the niqabi doll outsold the barbie at eid! :)


Junior Member
Salaam Alaiykum,

Like brother abdellah007 said the new generation not following islam is only in some countries of the middleeast. For example Egypt is having a islamic revival cause now more sisters wear hijab alhamdulilah and this year EID the niqabi doll outsold the barbie at eid! :)
i agree with you brother too much foreign influence and ikhtilat in some countries of the middle east islam is indeed being given to other people who will concider it and take it to heart and cherish it the way it is supposed to people who acctualy deserve it wassalam
a son of a doctor not born also like a doctor.
to be a doctor he must to spend more then 20 years of his life to study it then may be he will become a doctor.

now a days we think that we get iman from our mother belly.

but its also not like that.

we have forget that iman is also a thing which we should learn and than we become a muslim.

we will become only muslim if we have spent time to get knowledge and to build our iman like the sahabas (ra)did.

about hijab and other things?

if a goverment give presser to wear our hijab but sisters are not ready will it be accepted by allah wa´taala?

may be now a days most of sister are wearing hijab just not to get problem from parents or because of other social threats.

but according to hadith allah will accept only that deeds which is only did for allah.