Just curious

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New Member
peace be on to you ,

I was just curious , Is there any salafis in this forum?

Allah ya barak feek

Bint adam Assalafiyah


New Member

I dont think you have to call yourself "Salafi". Your Aqeedah just has to be the same as the Salaf :SMILY346:

Here's some deel on calling oneself salafi ,

This doubt was very beatifully answered by Imaam al-Albaani in his discussion with someone on this subject, recorded on the cassette entitled, "I am Salafi", and here is a presentation of the vital parts of it:

Shaikh al-Albaani: "When it is said to you, ‘What is your madhhab’, what is your reply?"

Questioner: "A Muslim".

Shaikh al-Albaani: "This is not sufficient!".

Questioner: "Allaah has named us Muslims" and he recited the saying of Allaah Most High, "He is the one who has called you Muslims beforehand." (al-Hajj 22:78)

Shaikh al-Albaani: "This would be a correct answer if we were in the very first times (of Islaam) before the sects had appeared and spread. But if we were to ask, now, any Muslim from any of these sects with which we differ on account of aqeedah, his answer would not be any different to this word. All of them – the Shi’ite Rafidi, the Khaariji, the Nusayri Alawi – would say, "I am a Muslim". Hence, this is not sufficient in these days."

Questioner: "In that case I say, I am a Muslim upon the Book and the Sunnah."

Shaikh al-Albaani: "This is not sufficient either".

Questioner: "Why?"

Shaikh al-Albaani: "Do you find any of those whom we have just mentioned by way of example saying, ‘I am a Muslim who is not upon the Book and the Sunnah’?" Who is the one who says, ‘I am not upon the Book and the Sunnah’?"

At this point the Shaikh then began to explain in detail the importance of being upon the Book and the Sunnah in light of the understanding of the Salaf us-Saalih…

Questioner: "In that case I am a Muslim upon the Book and the Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us-Saalih".

Shaikh al-Albaani: "When a person asks you about your madhhab, is this what you will say to him?"

Questioner: "Yes".

Shaikh al-Albaani: "What is your view that we shorten this phrase in the language, since the best words are those that are few but indicated the desired intent, so we say, ‘Salafi’?" End of quotation.

Hence, the point is that naming with "Muslim" or "Sunni" is not enough, since everyone will claim that. And Imaam al-Albaani emphasised the importance of the truth being distinguished from the falsehood – from the point of view of the basis of manhaj and aqidah, and that is taking from the Salaf us-Saalih, as opposed to the various sects and groups whose understandings are based upon those of their mentors and leaders and not that of the Salaf, fundamentally.

Shaikh Yahya An Najmee Mufti of Jaizan (south of Saudi Arabia) was
asked :" Some youths run away from saying "I am Salafi" what is your
advice on this matter?"

The Shaikh answered "Why do they run away from that? Do they think
Salafeeyah is incorrect in any way? It is only an ascription to what
the companions of the Prophet were upon and those who followed them
from the scholars, jurists, scholars of hadeeth, and scholars of
tafseer; those who are known for their correct belief in every time
and place. Those who follow the truth i.e the book of Allah and the
authentic sunnah of the Prophet upon the understanding of the
companions! So is this ascription to these people incorrect in any way
to the point that one runs away from it? To Allah we come from and to
Allah we return.
As for the one who follows the way of the salaf and says I am Salafi
inshallah Allah we hope for him good. As for the one who runs away
from this ascription maybe he/she may be punished for it.

You can found the refs/links from http://www.salafipublications.com/sps/sp.cfm?subsecID=SLF01&articleID=SLF010007&articlePages=1And allah knows best May allah make us those whom follow the way of the quran and the sunnah .


New Member
Ukti It means some one whom follow the quran and sunnah and the way of the salaf . Its the same as sunni but it more perfered to say Salafi from what albani said and other scholars and allah knows best .


New Member
but lets not get into that, my question what i meant by the thread was how many Muslims are on this from that follow the quran and school in accordance to the way of the salaf .


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum brother/sister Addawha......as far as I am concerned the brothers and sisters here are ALL followers of the Quran and the Sunnah, and this whole website is here to promote the TRUE teachings of ISLAM.:D
and SORRY if I offended you in anyway.........BUT there aint no reason to know what others follow, we're all here to learn and educate ourselves. AGAIN, I am very sorrry if I have said ANYTHING that might have hurted you, that was NOT my intention and Allah forgive me for wronging you!!:(
but I hope you understand where I am coming from inshaAllah:)


to Allah we belong
Allah told us to be muslims.

if i follow sunnah....i am sunni

if i follow hanafi school...i am hanafi

if i follow salah's way...i am salafi.

but it does mean dividing into sects...we all are muslims!


Junior Member
Ukti It means some one whom follow the quran and sunnah and the way of the salaf . Its the same as sunni but it more perfered to say Salafi from what albani said and other scholars and allah knows best .[/QUOTE

I think that all muslems should follow the quran and sunnah and the way of the salaf who were the Sahaba of the prophet :saw2: ,( the people who followed the prophet :saw2:). We have to learn their way and follow it.


Junior Member
Assalamoealaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Salafi = the path of the Prophet, the Companions, and the people who are on their path.

This forum is a Salafi Forum. The One who created this Forum is a Salafi. And many of the members are supporters of the manhadj of the Salaf.

We are muslims, we are sunnies on the way of the Salaf insha Allah.

We are inviting on this forum people to Worship Allah alone, He is the Only One who has the right to be Worshipped. La Ilaha Ila Allah ..Muhammadan Rasullulah

We are inviting people to stick to the sunnah of Our Prophet Mohammad Sallalahu 3aleihi Wassalem.

We are inviting People not to indulge in Innovations ( bida3) in our Religion.

We are inviting the people to go to the wonderfull live of the companions of our prophet Peace and blessings of Allah be with them all. We invite people not to slander the companions of Our prophet.

I hope we can say we are salafis. It's a honnor to be a follower of the companions who gave their live for Allah, for Islam.

I am a follower of Imam Malik, of Imam Abu hanifa, of Imam ahmad ibn Hanbal and Imam Achafi3ie. They great Imams of the madahib of Fiqh. They are also the followers of the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be with him, they are also the followers of the companions Radillahu 3anhum.

We are from ahlu sunnah wal jama3a...We are ahlu al hadieth...We are the Jama3a.

Like i have said many times...we are not dividing people into sect. The sects have divided themselfs into sects and we are calling for unity. Worshipping Allah alone creates the real unity, Not indulging in innovations in religion creates unity. Following the companions creates unity.

No they are the one who divided themselfs from the path of Our prophet by indulding in Shirk and Innovations. They have to turn back to follow the Salaf.

I hope i am clear in this. I don't want to hear from people that saying you are a sunnie/salafie your are dividing people into sects. This means you are the one who follows the sunnah. How can someone who follows the sunnah to be the one who creates sects? It's the opposite

Salamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



New Member
Assalamu Alaikum brother/sister Addawha......as far as I am concerned the brothers and sisters here are ALL followers of the Quran and the Sunnah, and this whole website is here to promote the TRUE teachings of ISLAM.:D
and SORRY if I offended you in anyway.........BUT there aint no reason to know what others follow, we're all here to learn and educate ourselves. AGAIN, I am very sorrry if I have said ANYTHING that might have hurted you, that was NOT my intention and Allah forgive me for wronging you!!:(
but I hope you understand where I am coming from inshaAllah:)

Allah ya barak feek ukti , may the mercy of allah be upon you ! In no way was i offend , My intention and allah knows the hearts of the people, the reason why i was asking was because since i am new to this forum i was wondering , since there seems MASH"ALLAH alot of dawah going on here , Are the majority of the users upon the correct understanding of islam , Because we wouldnt want that people our guide to a path of misguidance shias , sufi , Ahmadiyyas etc

May allah keep us steadest fast on the deen

Assalamoealaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Salafi = the path of the Prophet, the Companions, and the people who are on their path.

This forum is a Salafi Forum. The One who created this Forum is a Salafi. And many of the members are supporters of the manhadj of the Salaf.

We are muslims, we are sunnies on the way of the Salaf insha Allah.

We are inviting on this forum people to Worship Allah alone, He is the Only One who has the right to be Worshipped. La Ilaha Ila Allah ..Muhammadan Rasullulah

We are inviting people to stick to the sunnah of Our Prophet Mohammad Sallalahu 3aleihi Wassalem.

We are inviting People not to indulge in Innovations ( bida3) in our Religion.

We are inviting the people to go to the wonderfull live of the companions of our prophet Peace and blessings of Allah be with them all. We invite people not to slander the companions of Our prophet.

I hope we can say we are salafis. It's a honnor to be a follower of the companions who gave their live for Allah, for Islam.

I am a follower of Imam Malik, of Imam Abu hanifa, of Imam ahmad ibn Hanbal and Imam Achafi3ie. They great Imams of the madahib of Fiqh. They are also the followers of the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be with him, they are also the followers of the companions Radillahu 3anhum.

We are from ahlu sunnah wal jama3a...We are ahlu al hadieth...We are the Jama3a.

Like i have said many times...we are not dividing people into sect. The sects have divided themselfs into sects and we are calling for unity. Worshipping Allah alone creates the real unity, Not indulging in innovations in religion creates unity. Following the companions creates unity.

No they are the one who divided themselfs from the path of Our prophet by indulding in Shirk and Innovations. They have to turn back to follow the Salaf.

I hope i am clear in this. I don't want to hear from people that saying you are a sunnie/salafie your are dividing people into sects. This means you are the one who follows the sunnah. How can someone who follows the sunnah to be the one who creates sects? It's the opposite

Salamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,


Alhamdlilah Allah ya barak feek, may allah make it that you catch the night of power , Its seems as though you just said what was on my mind . May allah make us all steadfast

I think that all muslems should follow the quran and sunnah and the way of the salaf who were the Sahaba of the prophet :saw2: ,( the people who followed the prophet :saw2:). We have to learn their way and follow it.

May allah keep you under his protection always .
Mash'Allah, Ukti i think that to but subhn'allah
Some of our brothers and sisters have decided to take guidance from other than the sunnah . To allah we belong and to him we return.

Ur sister in Faith
Bint Adam As salafiyah


An Akhu
Ukti It means some one whom follow the quran and sunnah and the way of the salaf . Its the same as sunni but it more perfered to say Salafi from what albani said and other scholars and allah knows best .

but lets not get into that, my question what i meant by the thread was how many Muslims are on this from that follow the quran and school in accordance to the way of the salaf .
Oh, OK. I think I understand what you mean.
I try to follow Quran and the Practices (Sunnahs) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), but I'd rather be called just a Muslim.
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