Maybe its a bit too much for me


Junior Member

Just this morning I forgot my HW at home , then I said ..ok kadr allah . so I got a zero on the assignment .Maybe i thougth that was a small punishment for me bec just a few days back I did do something bad . I dont know what i did is considered as a sin but it was a bad thing to do . BUT now I have a very important HW assignment to do for tomorrow and this time I forgot my instruction sheet in skool so I cant do it now . And Now im really feeling down . I cant afford to get a zero on this one . Because see Im recommended to go for the physics honors class next year and not doing 2 HWs in a row can make my teaher change her mind about me entering the honors class . Is this punishment ? if it is why like this ? After I did that bad thing I asked allah for forgivness so why does Allah have to punish me like this . Especially on something I really need to get into a good college . If allah is testing me then why like this ? . I made a dua to allah to help me do well in skool but I dont think that not doing 2 hws in a row will help me do good in skool .

Can anyone help a brother out ?pls im really hurt


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum

Hadith: One day Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (Tirmidhi).

Brother are u sure u prepared enough for your exam ?Did you put all your efforts to pass it .I hope you understand what I mean from the above hadith ..

waaleikum salam


Junior Member

Sorry bro life is a test, but try to remember yr home work, and if you forgot just let it go and explain to yr teacher insha allah she will understand. Its good to trust allah and make a lot of duaa fr every thing, but at the same time you have to make the effort and study hard enough to do well the HM and the exam. If you dont study or do yr HM its not going to be easy, and you have no one to blame but yr self. insha allah let it go this one and do well next one insha allah. Be patient and always be positive. Its just 2 Hm dont worry to much, insha allah you will be fine.



Junior Member
السلام عليكم

Dear brother,

If it is a punishment then you should thank Allah, Because some punishments in this life were meant to prevent you from punishment at the hereafter, and beleave me, this is nothing compared to any kind of punishment at the hereafter.

If its a test then you should also thank Allah, because hardship is supposed to get you closer to Allah, by enduring and making Dua for Allah to give you patience, which brings you great rewards at the hereafter.

So you see, both ways you are winning..

As for your HW, Maybe you need to work harder, If you know someone to lend you the instruction sheet or make you a copy of it.
don't just sit around and feel sorry for yourself and say its over, don't give up and say maybe next year.

and i wish you best of luck, and ask Allah to help you get through it..:)


Servant of Allah
subhanallah. man what are you saying- this is wrong brother. you're talking of homework where people loose loved ones, where orphans are sleeping in the streets, and where women are raped for believing in allah. come on now- two homeworks does not determine your home in akhira. i failed every test in math class for the first and second trimester. every test except the last one. and yet i'm still living. it's not good to delay work but do not talk the way you did. wallahi i saw a girl crying over one paper which she recieved a c or b on it. and i was at an F and i wasn't complaining. i just kept asking allah for help. and still today i do. so don't give up. just be careful inshallah. and remember this world is not our home, akhira is. and akhira is more important then two assignments u forgot.


Junior Member
Don't be like the person that says "Allah (SWT) will help me" and then sits down.
You have to say that and get up.
Maybe the next tme you wont forget your homework...


Junior Member

I have no problem in test grades doing fine in tests thats why im recommended to enter physics honors .


Junior Member
Hadith: One day Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (Tirmidhi).


I just had to say, this is one of my favorite Hadith - especially when my students love to blame everyone else (or say it was God's will that they didn't do their homework - I am a teacher, so I don't take "God's will" as an excuse for missing homework). Personally, I believe God tests you in many ways, and maybe your test isn't specifically your homework, but your organization/personal management.

We may never know, but yes, you must do everything possible to help yourself, and then pray.



Here to help
phone your class-mates?
or as u said b4 u had myspace or sumin,ask them thri?
you can ask yr friend their or msn??



Subhana Allah!
salam aleikum

Hadith: One day Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (Tirmidhi).

Brother are u sure u prepared enough for your exam ?Did you put all your efforts to pass it .I hope you understand what I mean from the above hadith ..

waaleikum salam


in the name of Allah the most merciful the most copmassionate
masha Allah it is a great hadith. i agree with sister Aisha. nice hadith sister it really worked for me. i hope it works for the brother.



My guess is, maybe Allah swt is punishing you for your "mistake" in this dunya so that you can be saved in the hereafter. That's what i think. Don't take it as fact though. :hearts:


Staff member
Its not a punishment, you just have a memory of a goldfish :p

See, say me for example, used to find latin easy - like my best subject when i was 12/13, in my test though, which determined what group we went into for the following year, I was second, and I was thinking 'heck! noWAY :(' when really it was just my own arrogance and self satisfaction at that age in thinking that it would be okay I had actually studied less than the girl who got higher than me without recognising it then.

Not a punishment, a learning process inshaAllah.

You cannot blame Allah (s) for your shortcomings, you have to swallow the fact that you have them and do something about it, its the only way forward.


Staff member
o.. but I thought everything that happens in life is Allahs will ?

Yeh it is ...ofcourse but then think about it, theres ultimately a good coming out of this, you're recognising the fact that you have a memory issue and now you can do something about it (hopefully)

And the world doesn't wait for you to dry your tears and stop being ''hurt'' especially since you brought it on yourself, so just pick up and carry on, alternatively, you can continue to think about the whys and the wherefores on this thread and, just fall further behind.

In the long run, you're gaining. What would you prefer, making these mistakes now, or making them once you had entered your physics honours class, and probably being thrown out as a result? Learn from it, don't let it happen again, just get organised.


Junior Member
Yeh it is ...ofcourse but then think about it, theres ultimately a good coming out of this, you're recognising the fact that you have a memory issue and now you can do something about it (hopefully)

And the world doesn't wait for you to dry your tears and stop being ''hurt'' especially since you brought it on yourself, so just pick up and carry on, alternatively, you can continue to think about the whys and the wherefores on this thread and, just fall further behind.

In the long run, you're gaining. What would you prefer, making these mistakes now, or making them once you had entered your physics honours class, and probably being thrown out as a result? Learn from it, don't let it happen again, just get organised.

yea ...i see ... you have a point there ....

I should get more organised .