Mumbai Attack - False allegations on Muslims


New Member
You are right in a way ..... The mumbai attack was conducted by Pakistani terrorist group (with the help of ISI) who happened to be muslims...... The hadith is that if you kill an innocent person, its equal to killing all of humaity so I agree that these people were not 'true' muslims.

As far as the link that you have attached, I just can't believe the consipiracy theories they have around this event. Sad.....


You are right in a way ..... The mumbai attack was conducted by Pakistani terrorist group (with the help of ISI) who happened to be muslims...

Oh please.

The Indians blame Pakistan if someone so much as SNEEZES in their precious Motherland. Pakistan is always the default terrorist in any case when it comes to India.

Yes, murdering someone is prohibited. But I don't trust this source and in actuality, there are very few credible sources out there that could tell you what actually happened. Understand that many are trying to create build upon the dissention between the two countries and there is definitely alot of unnecessary instigation as well as false accusations.

I wouldn't believe India even if they said the sky was blue.


Muslim Guy
I'm not completely sure about this blog, but I was happy with how the Muslims of Mumbai reacted to the event --> they refused to bury the attackers in their graveyards.

Who attacks so many innocent civilians indiscriminately? Perhaps the right-wing IDF members or those Lebanese Maronites (right-wing Christian group) that killed civilians in Shatila and Sabra, but not Muslims. We are not allowed to poison the water supply or set trees on fire.

Assalam alaikum.


New Member
I'm not completely sure about this blog, but I was happy with how the Muslims of Mumbai reacted to the event --> they refused to bury the attackers in their graveyards.

Who attacks so many innocent civilians indiscriminately? Perhaps the right-wing IDF members or those Lebanese Maronites (right-wing Christian group) that killed civilians in Shatila and Sabra, but not Muslims. We are not allowed to poison the water supply or set trees on fire.

Assalam alaikum.

Allahmdulillah.. I agree with you 100%.



New Member
Oh please.

The Indians blame Pakistan if someone so much as SNEEZES in their precious Motherland. Pakistan is always the default terrorist in any case when it comes to India.

Yes, murdering someone is prohibited. But I don't trust this source and in actuality, there are very few credible sources out there that could tell you what actually happened. Understand that many are trying to create build upon the dissention between the two countries and there is definitely alot of unnecessary instigation as well as false accusations.

I wouldn't believe India even if they said the sky was blue.

I do not know a lot about the Indian subcontinent but I do sure know that Pakistan has had a history of creating conflicts in India (started with Punjab and then Kashmir, ULFA, Naga etc). I do not blame Pakistan for doing so as they are just trying to get 'even' with India for creating Bangladesh (which was South Pakistan earlier). What I despise is the ways they adopt to do it which results in scores of civilian deaths.


Junior Member
Who attacks so many innocent civilians indiscriminately? Perhaps the right-wing IDF members or those Lebanese Maronites (right-wing Christian group) that killed civilians in Shatila and Sabra, but not Muslims. We are not allowed to poison the water supply or set trees on fire.

I don't know about this situation, but I had to respond to this.. Just because someone is not allowed to do something, doesn't mean that they will not do it. Christians have "Thou shalt not kill." Pretty straight forward. Doesn't mean that no Christians have killed anyone.

Nothing against Muslims (or Christians.. or anyone else), but it would be wonderful if everyone did exactly what they were supposed to, but we're talking about humans here. There isn't a perfect human on the face of the planet. Unfortunately.


May Allah Forgive us
Why argue in the name of India and Pakistan, while every Muslim should know that there is no place of these man-mad geographical territories in Islam other than that of the between Land of Islam and Land of Disbelievers. Pakistan committed its atrocities in Bangladesh, where it earned its people's hatred and disgrace. And India on the other side played smart and eventually got even with Pakistan, by pretending to be a friend to Bangladesh. It is an open secret now that the Bangladesh para-military forces "Border Guards Bangladesh" previously called the "Bangladesh Rifles" mutiny was actually supported by RAW of India. Almost every kid in the block knows that. Democratic Governments rise from the deepest pits of corruption and a bunch of these country leaders in real have any little emotion towards humans. They don't do what serve's their countries or people's best interest, but they serve their own vain desires. They exploit their authority and power. It is not about which country is better than which and which one is the best. As Muslims we should always remember the famous hadith of the Prophet (SW), which says that no previous nation other than except which has been on pure monotheism and the Muslim Ummah will go to Paradise. So it is useless to argue if India creates more trouble or Pakistan or Bangladesh. We should know all other nation except the Muslim Ummah is troublesome.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

i can't agree any less about what india does to Pakistan,but can we please stop saying India and Pakistan.we got some Indian Brothers and sister who may feel bad.How about hindus and muslims????

jazakallah khairan....

P.S.Calvin,i'm amazed you have such ideas.might as well say isreal is not at's the palestinians.


May Allah Forgive us
Why argue in the name of India and Pakistan, while every Muslim should know that there is no place of these man-mad geographical territories in Islam other than that of the between Land of Islam and Land of Disbelievers. Pakistan committed its atrocities in Bangladesh, where it earned its people's hatred and disgrace. And India on the other side played smart and eventually got even with Pakistan, by pretending to be a friend to Bangladesh. It is an open secret now that the Bangladesh para-military forces "Border Guards Bangladesh" previously called the "Bangladesh Rifles" mutiny was actually supported by RAW of India. Almost every kid in the block knows that. Democratic Governments rise from the deepest pits of corruption and a bunch of these country leaders in real have any little emotion towards humans. They don't do what serve's their countries or people's best interest, but they serve their own vain desires. They exploit their authority and power. It is not about which country is better than which and which one is the best. As Muslims we should always remember the famous hadith of the Prophet (SW), which says that no previous nation other than except which has been on pure monotheism and the Muslim Ummah will go to Paradise. So it is useless to argue if India creates more trouble or Pakistan or Bangladesh. We should know all other nation except the Muslim Ummah is troublesome.

In case I hurt my Indian and Pakistani brothers' and sisters' feelings, I apologize. Even Bangladesh is at false, where people are day by day going away from Islam and spreading corruption in the land and being a slave to the disbelievers. All I am trying to say is that the only nation that should matter to us is the Muslim Ummah and not anything else. It will be wrong of me to say I am a Bangladeshi first and Muslim next. May Allah save me from that. I am a Muslim first and anything next that does not contradict of me being a Muslim.

I apologize again, May Allah guide us all.


Junior Member
In case I hurt my Indian and Pakistani brothers' and sisters' feelings, I apologize. Even Bangladesh is at false, where people are day by day going away from Islam and spreading corruption in the land and being a slave to the disbelievers. All I am trying to say is that the only nation that should matter to us is the Muslim Ummah and not anything else. It will be wrong of me to say I am a Bangladeshi first and Muslim next. May Allah save me from that. I am a Muslim first and anything next that does not contradict of me being a Muslim.

I apologize again, May Allah guide us all.

yes i completely accept your opinion because that is the Sunnah of Our prophet Sallalahu Alaihiwasalam.

Staff member

As Muslims we need to fair and just.

As for Mumbai attacks, there we actually 4 different attacks that took place on the day.

1. 2 attacks took place in 5 Star Hotels Oberoi Trident and Taj Palace, and it is known that the attackers didnot harm the Muslim guests staying there and targeted only non-Muslims.

2. One attack was at an Orthodox Jewish Centre.

3. One attack was at Railway Station. Muslims were also killed by attackers here, despite they wearing Kurta, Skull Cap Burqa etc (clearly the dress of Muslims here in India)

Hemant Karkare, an investigator was busy exposing extremist Hindu organizations for their role in many Terrorist attacks in India which were originally blamed on Muslims.

He was also killed near railway Station.

The people have raised questions about attack on Hemant Karkare and on the attack that took place at Railway Station.

The #1. and #2 attacks are still being attributed to Pakistan. No one has come up with strong proof against it.

Please read the book "Who Killed Karkare" by a Muslim Police officer S.M. Mushrif for more info.

Lets be fair and just and condemn all 4 attacks, irrespective of who has done it.
