must see Tree man 'who grew roots'


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
OMG That was so scary. Alhamdulilah we are Muslims and Alhamdulilah that I have no diseases or any of that sort. Ya Allah (SWT) I cannot thank you enough..



Turn To Islam
OMG That was so scary. Alhamdulilah we are Muslims and Alhamdulilah that I have no diseases or any of that sort. Ya Allah (SWT) I cannot thank you enough..


Alhamdulilah you have no disease sister, however Allah does as he wills and can even give such a disease to Muslims to if he so wishes.

This type of thing can happen to any one of us regardless if we’re Muslim or non Muslim.

May Allah protect us from all the diseases that he has created and the one's that we have no knowledge of Ameen.



Junior Member

subhanAllah , I've never seen something more scary like that, My body is hurting very must. Alhamdulilah , Allah have give us so many Nimca, (Gifts) fx, our normal bodies. Alhamdulilah . All praise due to Allah...


New Member
Allhamdillulah for all of Allah's blessings may he save and protect us from all such diseases.Ameen!


Turn To Islam

I'm not really surprised, Indonesians always have these bizarre incidents going on there. A few weeks ago, there was a baby with like 6 legs and arms or something, here is a news about an Indian guy marrying a's bananas.


I heard about the baby to but I think you will find she was born in India and not Indonesia. As for the man that married a dog he is also from India however I wouldn't call it a disease just plain madness.

Allah the Almighty creates what he wills.




New Member
Staff member
Assalaamu alaikum,

SubhanAllaah..that gave me lotsa and lotsa goosebumps. May Allaah swt cure him Ameen.


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ

I heard about the baby to but I think you will find she was born in India and not Indonesia. As for the man that married a dog he is also from India however I wouldn't call it a disease just plain madness.


Did you hear about the man that usually copulated with a goat and he had a "KID".. a male "KID".. but then Fortunately the goat died...



Strangers on earth
Asalam Aleikum
That is the wierdest thing i have ever heard
a man and a goat?
Ya Allah What is the world coming to
May Allah increase our Emaan and Make us stronger


Turn To Islam

Did you hear about the man that usually copulated with a goat and he had a "KID".. a male "KID".. but then Fortunately the goat died...



No I didn't hear about this, so if the goat died what happened to the kid?


Junior Member
OMG people do some crazy things, mks you think where on earth is ther logical, seriously..people do some crazy things, but i also think it has got to do with lack of education and understanding.


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
GOATS AND HUMANS DONT MIX.. ok they have beards.. but still...


No I didn't hear about this, so if the goat died what happened to the kid?

Well he was forced to marry the goat because members of society had seen him doing 'crazy' stuff with her in the first place.. I have no idea, I guess the father re married another goat.. after teh death of his first partner, wife, spouse whatever you want to call provide for the family.. more like to provide for the kid..

I have no idea..and i didnt bother researching either.. check it out its on teh same site as the tree man.. its just another link...



Always Alhamdulilah
subhanallah thank you for sharing..
i has never seen anything like this, alhamdullilah for allahs blessing..

wa salam


AHHHHHHHH!!!!.............:astag:....are these people even considered "human?".......EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!........Allah guide us all. :tti_sister:


Junior Member

If you read the article, it says that the warts are caused by the Human Papalova (spelling?) Virus (HPV). My brother suffers with HPV with warts in his throat. The reason why we see so many of these strange diseases/conditions is because of lack of adequate health care and basic treatments, not anything else. It is only by the grace of God that the majority of us on this website have access to medical care (expensive or not) and that our doctors have access to new and updated education.

Personally, I feel very proud that this man has continued to raise his children despite his affliction, even at the expense of his own pride. Perhaps we can learn that from him - looks should never be as important as your actions in this world, and caring for family is of the utmost importance.

I hope that the American doctor who diagnosed him will be able to remove the warts and give him treatment for the disease to make him not have a relapse.



Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
im just feeling sick after reading all this ,the man married to a dog :eek: to a goat
I have no words for this ....

waaleikum salam